Search Results (169 titles)

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Literature (X) Fantasy (X)

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By: François Marie) Voltaire (Arouet

A sparkling 18th century satire by Voltaire


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Doctor Ox, Eine Idee des

By: Jules Verne

Jules Vernes Roman führt uns in das fiktive Städtchen Quiquendone. Hier ticken die Uhren besonders langsam und es bedarf schon mal Jahrzehnte, bevor der Stadtrat eine Entscheidung fällt. Als Doctor Ox auftaucht, eine stadtweite Beleutungsanlage installieren, und auch die Kosten hierzu größtenteils übernehmen will, billigt der Stadrat das Vorhaben erstaunlich schnell. Aber ist dieser Doctor Ox nun wirklich so ein uneigennütziger Mensch, oder führt er nicht doch irgendetwas im Schilde? . (Summary by Wassermann)...


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Golem, Der

By: Gustav Meyrink

Der Golem von Gustav Meyrink gilt als ein Klassiker der phantastischen Literatur. Es handelt sich dabei nicht um eine Adaption der jüdischen Golem - Sage, sondern um ein impressionistisches Traumbild vor dessen Hintergrund. Der Erzähler träumt Ereignisse, die sich 30 Jahre zuvor im Prager Ghetto zugetragen haben. Er träumt sich dabei in die Rolle des Athanasius Pernath, der um 1890/91 dort lebte. Pernath erhält von einem mysteriösen Auftraggeber ein Buch zur Reparatur. Bald hat er den Verdacht, es könnte sich bei diesem Unbekannten um den Golem handeln, der 1580 von Rabbi Löw erschaffen worden sein soll und nun alle 33 Jahre in Prag umgehe. Von nun an gerät Pernaths Leben durcheinander. Er wird von Halluzinationen geplagt, die er nicht versteht, und in Intrigen verwickelt, deren Mittelpunkt der Trödler Aaron Wassertrum ist und die Pernath für ein paar Monate ins Gefängnis bringen. Der Archivar Hillel wird ihm Freund und Mentor und Pernath verliebt sich in dessen Tochter Mirjam. Auf der Spur des Golem findet er durch eine Falltür den Weg in ein Zimmer ohne Zugang und erkennt es als die Behausung des Golems. Als er aus dem Gefängnis e...


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Gifthöhlen, Die

By: Ernst Constantin

Die Gifthöhlen ist ein ungewöhnliches Märchen und wohl eher für Erwachsene geeignet. Zwei Kaufleute, ein Christ und ein Jude, fahren wegen ihrer ewigen Zänkerei in die Unterwelt ein, wo sie nun Giftgetier füttern müssen. Flucht? Nur denkbar, wenn sie zusammenhalten würden. (Summary by Wassermann)...


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Morte d'Arthur, Le - Vol. 1

By: Sir Thomas Malory

Le Morte d'Arthur (spelled Le Morte Darthur in the first printing and also in some modern editions, Middle French for la mort d'Arthur, the death of Arthur) is Sir Thomas Malory's compilation of some French and English Arthurian romances. The book contains some of Malory's own original material (the Gareth story) and retells the older stories in light of Malory's own views and interpretations. First published in 1485 by William Caxton, Le Morte d'Arthur is perhaps the best-known work of English-language Arthurian literature today. Many modern Arthurian writers have used Malory as their source, including T. H. White for his popular The Once and Future King . (Summary from Wikipedia)...


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Morte d'Arthur, Le - Vol. 2

By: Sir Thomas Malory

Le Morte d’Arthur (spelled Le Morte Darthur in the first printing and also in some modern editions, Middle French for la mort d’Arthur, “the death of Arthur”) is Sir Thomas Malory’s compilation of some French and English Arthurian romances. The book contains some of Malory’s own original material (the Gareth story) and retells the older stories in light of Malory’s own views and interpretations. First published in 1485 by William Caxton, Le Morte d’Arthur is perhaps the best-known work of English-language Arthurian literature today. Many modern Arthurian writers have used Malory as their source, including T. H. White for his popular The Once and Future King. (Summary from Wikipedia)...


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Princess and the Goblin, The

By: George Macdonald

The Princess and the Goblin is an enthralling fantasy tale written by George MacDonald. Her nurse Lootie raises the princess Irene in a house on a mountain, it is here that she meets her mysterious great-great-grandmother, and her friend the minor boy Curdie. Things are peaceful for Irene until the hideous race of goblins that live beneath the mountain start planning something big… Through his writing George MacDonald has influenced such writers as J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. (Summary by Lizzie Driver)...


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Contes cruels

By: Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam

Les contes réunis par Villiers sont d'une grande diversité. Leur dénominateur commun est, selon l'auteur, la cruauté. En effet, Villiers y montre sans fard, avec cynisme parfois, les travers de ses contemporains qui semblent bien cupides (Virginie et Paul), sots et superficiels (La machine à gloire). Néanmoins, les Contes ne bornent pas, loin s'en faut, à une critique du temps : le fantastique (L'Intersigne), genre en vogue, est représenté. Surtout, au travers de la plupart des Contes transparaissent un sens du tragique et une poésie conformes à leur auteur, aristocrate ruiné, dramaturge sans succès et amoureux du Beau. (de Wikipedia)...


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20.000 Mijlen onder Zee

By: Jules Verne

Kapitein Nemo, de Nautilus en de mysterieuze diepten van de oceaan: Onvergetelijk. Kom mee op een avontuur langs de pracht van koraal en parels, de dreiging van haaien en reuze inktvissen, de wonderen van biologie en techniek, een reis van Antarctica naar Atlantis. Of we nu meegaan in een verhaal van het fantastische onbekende, een vertelling van het zwartste in de ziel van de mens, of een nieuwe interpretatie van de Odyssee van Homerus, we zullen allen genieten van een fantastische reis. Zeeziekte is optioneel. (samenvatting van Marlo Dianne) Dit boek werd in het Nederlands in twee delen uitgegeven. Deel 1 (Oostelijk halfrond) bevatte de hoofdstukken 1 t/m 24 en in deel 2 (Westelijk halfrond) werden de hoofdstukken doorgenummerd: 25 t/m 47. Deze opname bevat alle hoofdstukken van beide delen. De vertaler is onbekend....

Fiction, Fantasy, Adventure

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The Destiny Quest Chronicles

By: Varun Vashist

Two People, Two Worlds: One Common Thread Eliska was assigned the task of protecting the last hope of her race. A warrior Princess par excellence, she never expected the Dark Forces to be so strong. In the end, she had to do the unthinkable. The world does not come to know about it, but the destiny of Eric, a normal human gets intertwined with hers. Strange things start happening around him. He starts seeing things and meeting people he had never known to exist. He has no one to help, but he has to find the answers. Will he find the reason behind the happenings? What happened to Eliska? and What the dark forces want?...

Two People, Two Worlds: One Common Thread

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Eternal Grief

By: Marcelo Hipolito; Marcelo Machado

From the vastness of outer space to the streets of contemporary America, tales of fantasy, suspense, science fiction and horror, written for intelligent people who seek out strong emotions for both the mind and soul. With “Eternal Grief”, nominated for Best Short Story of 2003 by the Preditors & Editors Readers´ Poll....

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goldne Topf, Der

By: E.T.A. Hoffmann

Eines Tages erblickt der Student Anselmus in einem Holunderbusch die blauen Augen einer kleinen Schlange und verliebt sich auf der Stelle in sie. Die Tochter seines Freundes Konrektor Paulmann, Veronika, wiederum ist in ihn verliebt. Sie hofft, er werde Karriere machen und ihr ein Leben in Luxus bieten. Im Augenblick aber ist Anselmus mittellos und tritt deshalb eine Stelle als Kopierer alter Schriften bei dem Geheimen Archivarius Lindhorst, einem verschrobenen Alchemisten und Zauberer an. Er erfährt, dass die kleine Schlage niemand anders ist als des Archivarius Lindhost Tochter Serpentina. Während seiner Arbeit in Lindhorsts Haus begegnen ihm wunderbare Dinge. Doch auch Veronika hat ihn noch nicht aufgegeben. (Zusammenfassung von Hokuspokus)...


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Wood Beyond the World, The

By: William Morris

The Wood beyond the World is a fantasy novel by William Morris, perhaps the first modern fantasy writer to unite an imaginary world with the element of the supernatural, and thus the precursor of much of present-day fantasy literature. His use of archaic language has been seen by some modern readers as making his fiction difficult to read, but brings a wonderful atmosphere to the telling. Morris considered his fantasies a revival of the medieval tradition of chivalrous romances. In consequence, they tend to have sprawling plots of strung-together adventures. In this story, Walter leaves his father and his own unfaithful wife and sets sail in search of adventure. This he finds aplenty, encountering love, treachery and magic in the Wood of the title and in travelling through the Mountains of the Folk of the Bears. But can he find happiness and peace by means of his Quest? Read by Cori Samuel. Edited by Mandarine . Summary by Cori with reference to Wikipedia....


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Master Flea

By: E.T.A. Hoffmann

Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776 – 1822), better known by his pen name E.T.A. Hoffmann (Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann), was a German Romantic author of fantasy and horror, a jurist, composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist. Hoffmann's stories were very influential during the 19th century, and he is one of the major authors of the Romantic movement. He is the subject and hero of Jacques Offenbach's famous but fictional opera The Tales of Hoffmann, and the author of the novelette The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, on which the famous ballet The Nutcracker is based. The ballet Coppelia is based on two other stories that Hoffmann wrote. Also Schumann's Kreisleriana is based on one of Hoffmann's characters. Master Flea was published in 1822....


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Arthurian Miscellany, An

By: Various

A collection of works that explore the rich and evocative legend of King Arthur. The exploits of Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table have been a staple of British literature through the centuries, drawing together themes of pagan wizardry, the search for the Holy Grail, chivalry and of course romance....


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Rinkitinko en Oz

By: L. Frank Baum

Jen rakonto kies heroo estasknabo, knabo pri kiu vi neniamantaue audis. Ankau estas knabinojen la rakonto, inkluzive de niamalnova amiko Doroteo, kaj kelkajel la rolantoj vagas tre for de laLando Oz antau ol ili ciuj kunvenasen la Smeralda Urbo por partoprenien la bankedo de Ozma. Efektive,mi kredas ke vi trovos ci tiunrakonton tre diferenca de la aliajhistorioj pri Oz, sed mi esperas ke vine malpli guos gin....

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Dullahan : Os cavaleiros sem cabeça

By: Marcelo Hipolito

Dullahan – Os cavaleiros sem cabeça é uma saga de suspense, traição, batalhas... e um amor condenado. A lenda da princesa Almaith – de aparência inocente e coração tocado pelas trevas, destinada a selar a paz entre dois reinos – e do seu bravo guardião, Senach, um bastardo decidido a provar seu valor em batalha. Envolvidos numa jornada perigosa, Almaith e Senach avançam por terras inimigas, sob uma ameaça ainda mais terrível e insidiosa, oculta nas sombras. Espectros de morte e escuridão, eternos e amaldiçoados, criaturas de mito e pesadelo, cujos nomes não se devem sussurrar. Dullahan. O terror da noite. Os cavaleiros sem cabeça. Sempre à espreita por novas vítimas....

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Living Alone

By: Stella Benson

This is not a real book. It does not deal with real people, nor should it be read by real people. But there are in the world so many real books already written for the benefit of real people, and there are still so many to be written, that I cannot believe that a little alien book such as this, written for the magically-inclined minority, can be considered too assertive a trespasser. -- Stella Benson (author) Published in 1919, and set in London during the First World War, Living Alone tells of the meeting of a recluse and a witch, then rambles through magic, morality and aerial dogfights on broomsticks. There isn't too much in the way of a plot, but with its curious blend of fantasy and practical detail of a country in war-time, it's a charmingly weird novel that I hope will entertain witches, wizards and muggles alike. -- Cori Samuel (narrator)...


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Holy War, The

By: John Bunyan

The Holy War is perhaps John Bunyan's second most popular work, after The Pilgrim's Progress. It tells the story of afierce battle to take control of a city from its rightful ruler. (Summary by Thadine)...

Fantasy, Fiction, Religion

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Horla, Le

By: Guy de Maupassant

D'événements étranges en événements étranges, le narrateur raconte, dans son journal, comment il en vient à penser qu'une créature surnaturelle hante sa maison... (Résumé par Naf)...


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