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This is a collection of short (15 minute or less readings) works in English suitable for a coffee break at work or a short commuter ride. The theme for this collection is Multi-Faith in various genres.(Summary by BellonaTimes)...
volunteers bring you 12 recordings of Music On Christmas Morning by Anne Bronte. Published in the 1846 collection Poems By Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell under Anne's nom de plume 'Acton Bell'. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for November 29th, 2009....
The purpose of the Apology is to prove to the emperors, renowned as upright and philosophical men, the injustice of the persecution of the Christians, who are the representatives of true philosophy … Christians are the true worshipers of God, the Creator of all things; they offer him the only sacrifices worthy of him, those of prayer and thanksgiving, and are taught by his Son, to whom they assign a place next in honor to him. This teaching leads them to perfect morality, as shown in their teacher's words and their own lives, and founded on their belief in the resurrection. (Summary from Wikipedia)...
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 7....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 3....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 6....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 5....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 4....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 1....
Where Men and Gods Fear to Tread lays out the intertwined nature of all major world religions and even shows the religion from which they are all descended (the Urreligion). It also incorporates discussion of every major world's religions basic practices, philosophies, and shortcomings. This is an audiobook of Book 2....
The Book of Revelation, also called Revelation to John or Apocalypse of John, (literally, apocalypse of John; Greek, Αποκαλυψις Ιωαννου, Apokalupsis Iōannou) (IPA: [əˈpɑkəlɪps]) is the last canonical book of the New Testament in the Bible. It is the only biblical book that is wholly composed of apocalyptic literature. The visions given in this book were future events for the understanding of the early church, primarily. (Summary from Wikipedia and Sam Stinson)...
Ecumenical creeds is an umbrella term used in the western church to refer to the Nicene Creed, the Apostles' Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. The ecumenical creeds are also known as the universal creeds. These creeds are accepted by almost all mainstream Christian denominations in the western church, including the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican churches and Lutheran churches. A creed by definition is a summary or statement of what one believes it originates from the Latin credo meaning I Believe....
The Gospel of John, (literally, According to John; Greek, Κατά Ιωαννην, Kata Iōannēn) is the fourth gospel in the canon of the New Testament, traditionally ascribed to John the Evangelist. Like the three synoptic gospels, it contains an account of some of the actions and sayings of Jesus, but differs from them in ethos and theological emphases. The purpose is expressed in the conclusion, 20:30-31: ...these [Miracles of Jesus] are written that you may (come to) believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name. The book hinges on the seven signs Jesus performed and ends with the Passion of the Lord. (Summary from Wikipedia adapted by Sam Stinson)....
The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope (1537) (Latin, Tractatus de Potestate et Primatu Papae), The Tractate for short, is the seventh Lutheran credal document of the Book of Concord. Philip Melanchthon, its author, completed it on February 17, 1537 during the assembly of princes and theologians in Smalcald....
Murray suggests that his devotional, The Lord's Table, is not meant to replace scripture, but rather to strengthen believers' appreciation of God's word. Murray's meditations provide a thoughtful guide for believers who desire to develop a deeper understanding of the Lord's Holy Supper. The devotional covers the week before, during, and after the Supper, and each entry is labeled with the day of the week so that readers can manage devotions with ease. Murray first explains how believers can prepare to receive God's blessing during the weeks before the Supper. Murray further encourages believers to be filled with God's love, repent of sinful deeds, and meditate on his grace. During the day of Holy Communion, we are called to pour out our hearts to Christ as he strengthens us through his body and blood, which quenches our thirst and feeds our souls. In the days after communion, Murray tenderly urges us to dwell on the redeeming power of sanctification. Murray's text is an excellent resource for those who desire to grow in their faith through Communion. (Summary by Emmalon Davis)...
The Imitation of Christ is widely considered one of the greatest manuals of devotion in Christianity. The life of Christ is presented as the highest study possible to a mortal, as Jesus’ teachings far excel all the teachings of the saints. The book gives counsel to read the scriptures, statements about the uses of adversity, advice for submission to authority, warnings against temptation and how to resist it, reflections about death and the judgment, meditations upon the oblation of Christ, and admonitions to flee the vanities of the world. (Summary drawn from Wikipedia)....
Mr. Brooks, in this compilation, has endeavored to select those incidents and practical remarks from Mr. Müller's Narratives, that show in an unmistakeable way, both to believers and unbelievers, the secret of believing prayer, the manifest hand of a living God, and His unfailing response, in His own time and way, to every petition which is according to His will. (From the Preface)...
William Bernard Ullathorne was a Benedictine monk and Roman Catholic priest who ministered in Australia from 1833 until 1840 and then returned to his native England, where he was ordained a bishop in 1847 and served as Bishop of Birmingham from 1850 until 1888. He is best known for his catechetical trilogy: The Endowments of Man, The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues, and Christian Patience, published in the 1880s. The Groundwork of the Christian Virtues is presented in sixteen lectures, wherein Bishop Ullathorne makes the case that the virtue of humility is the foundation of all virtues, especially of the three theological virtues and the four cardinal moral virtues. The theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity have God Himself as their object, and the four cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance show one how to cultivate the theological virtues in one's daily life. (Introduction by dave7)...
The First Epistle to Timothy is one of the three Pastoral Epistles, written by Saint Paul and part of the New Testament of the Bible. It consists mainly of counsels to Timothy regarding the forms of worship and organization of the Church, and the responsibilities resting on its several members, including episcopi (translated as bishops) and diaconi (deacons); and secondly of exhortation to faithfulness in maintaining the truth amid surrounding errors, presented as a prophecy of erring teachers to come. (Summary from Wikipedia)...
Andrew Murray's True Vine is a thirty-one day devotional focusing on Christ's Parable of the Vine and the Branches in John 15. The devotional for each day, though short, elaborates and expounds upon John 15, providing spiritual insight along the way. Murray repeats important themes--like abiding in Christ--throughout the different days. Noticing how they develop and grow with each successive read, countless small groups and individuals have found Murray's keen spiritual teachings fruitful. An excellent devotional, True Vine is recommended for daily spiritual nourishment. (Summary by Tim Perrine)...