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The space industrial sector has been of particular concern given its intimate connection with national security operations and plans, its broad importance for science and technology, and its competitive position toward foreign governments and producers. However, the industry has been struggling, and without US government actions it may not have the depth and vitality to provide affordable solutions to future national security requirements....
DISCLAIMER...............................................ii ABOUT THE AUTHOR..................................viii ACKNOWLEDGMENT.....................................ix INTRODUCTION..........................................x Chapter 1 GERMINATION OF OUTER SPACE AS A LEGAL CONCEPT.......................................1 Chapter 2 AIR FORCE OPPOSITION TO INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS ON SPACE.....17 Chapter 3 AIR FORCE AS A BACKSEAT “DRIVER” IN SPACE LAW DEBATES................41 Chapter 4 PROJECT WEST FORD..................58 Chapter 5 MAJ GEN ALBERT M. KUHFELD AND AIR FORCE LEADERSHIP OF SPACE LAW DEVELOPMENT...........................................64 Chapter 6 THE 1972 LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES CONVENTION............................................75 EPILOGUE.................................................86 Appendix A AIR STAFF REACTION TO PROJECT RAND REPORT DATED 28 OCTOBER 1957......90 Appendix B CONCLUSIONS OF THE AIR DOCTRINE BRANCH STUDY 8 OCTOBER 1958.......................................................92 Appendix C EXCERPTS FROM THE OPERATIONS COORDINATIN...