Search Results (2 titles)

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Dickens, Charles (X) Astronomy (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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Our Mutual Friend

By: Charles Dickens

...OUR MUTUAL FRIEND Charles Dickens Volume Two BOOK THE SECOND BIRDS OF A FEATHER A Penn State Electron... ...te Electronic Classics Series Publication Our Mutual Friend Volume Two by Charles Dickens is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. Thi... ...ronic Classics Series Publication Our Mutual Friend Volume Two by Charles Dickens is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University. This Portab... an electronic transmission, in any way. Our Mutual Friend Volume Two by Charles Dickens, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec- tronic Classics S... ...ectronic transmission, in any way. Our Mutual Friend Volume Two by Charles Dickens, the Pennsylvania State University, Elec- tronic Classics Series, J... ...y The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Charles Dickens OUR MUTUAL FRIEND Charles Dickens Volume Two BOOK THE SECON... ...nnsylvania State University is an equal opportunity university. 3 Charles Dickens OUR MUTUAL FRIEND Charles Dickens Volume Two BOOK THE SECOND BIRDS ... ...ay, for ex- ample, about the beautiful coming to the Sepulchre; and re- 5 Charles Dickens peating the word Sepulchre (commonly used among infants) fi... ...ex- ample, about the beautiful coming to the Sepulchre; and re- 5 Charles Dickens peating the word Sepulchre (commonly used among infants) five hundr...

Excerpt: The school at which young Charley Hexam had first learned from a book--the streets being, for pupils of his degree, the great Preparatory Establishment in which very much that is never unlearned is learned without and before book--was a miserable loft in an unsavoury yard. Its atmosphere was oppressive and disagreeable; it was crowded, noisy, and confusing; half the pupils dropped asleep, or fell into a state of waking stupefaction; the other half kept them in either condition by maintaining a monotonous droning noise, as if they were performing, out of time and tune, on a ruder sort of bagpipe. The teachers, animated solely by good intentions, had no idea of execution, and a lamentable jumble was the upshot of their kind endeavours....

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Bleak House (version 3)

By: Charles Dickens

...had jurisdiction over all matters of equity, including administration of estates, the guardianship of orphans, and disputed property disbursement. In Dickens’ time, some cases could take years to be settled, changing the lives of those involved. Esther Summerson, a young woman raised in a tough and unloving atmosphere, is unexpectedly requested to be a companion to two tee...


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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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