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...dérant certains aspects fondamentaux mais importants de l'énergie tels que les formes, la conservation, la mesure et la distribution . Dans ce livre, Fritz Dufour examine minutieusement l'économie de l'énergie en analysant des concepts importants tels que l'efficacité énergétique et le fossé comportemental, la sécurité énergétique et sa quantification, ainsi que les coûts ...
...climate change and by considering some fundamental yet important aspects of energy such as its forms, conservation, measure, and distribution. In it, Fritz Dufour also dives deep into the economics of energy by analyzing important concepts such as energy efficiency and the behavioral gap, energy security and its quantification, and the costs and policies of energy programs...
....5 II- First poems……………………………………………………………………...…….........13 III- Philosophical poems………………………………………………………………...……..57 B- Philosophical essay (by Fritz Dufour) Prologue……………………………………………………………………………………………...153 Philosophical analysis of Louise-Victorine Ackermann’s work………………………………………..158 1. Love…………………………………………………………………………………….158 a. Eros……………………………………………………………………...
...miers poèmes …………………………...…………………………………...…….........13 III- Poèmes philosophiques …………………...………………………………………...……...57 B- Essai philosophique (par Fritz Dufour) Prologue……………………………………………………………………………………………...155 Analyse philosophique de l’œuvre de Louise-Victorine Ackermann ……………..…………160 1. L’amour………………...……………………………………………………………..…161 a. Éros……………………………………………………………...
...lingue est soutenue par de solides arguments, faits et théories. C'est une approche à la fois descriptive et prescriptive en ce sens non seulement M. Dufour dépeint le statu quo linguistique actuel, mais aussi, il prescrit un moyen de faire de notre planète une planète monolingue à travers un plan de campagne de sensibilisation détaillé et des points de vue pratiques susce...
...ual world is supported by strong arguments, facts, and theories. This is both a descriptive and a prescriptive approach in the sens that not only Mr. Dufour portrays the current linguistic status quo as it is, but also, he prescribes a way to go about making our planet monolingual through a detailed awareness campaign plan and practical views likely to help us achieve that...