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...phy and civilization. 14. Postmodernism. 15. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. 16. Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. -- 17. Nagarjuna 2nd cent. I. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-....
Table of Contents 1). Heidegger and the Purpose of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (p. 5 to p. 29). ). Martin Heidegger’s Encounter Methodology: Kant (p. 31 to p. 44). 3). Metahistories of philosophy: Kant and Nietzsche (p. 45 to p. 63). 4). Martin Heidegger and Hegel’s Science of Logic (p. 64 to p. 79). 5). Heidegger and Purpose of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (p. 80 to p. 102). 6). Analysis of the "Preface" to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (p. 103 to p. 110). 7). Hegel's Dialogue with Lesser Known Philosophers (p. 111 to p. 121). 8). Heidegger's Encounter with F.W.J. Schelling: The Questions of Evil and Freedom, and the end of Metaphysics (p. 123 to p. 135). 9). Martin Heidegger contra Nietzsche on the Greeks (p. 136 to p. 148). 10). Martin Heidegger and Nietzsche on Amor Fati (p. 149 to p. 156). (11). Martin Heidegger’s ontotheological problems and Nagarjuna’s solutions: Heidegger’s Presuppositions and Entanglements in Metaphysics (p. 157 to p. 165). Index (p. 166 to p. 235). ...
Dialogue format between three great philosophers. Two German and one Buddhist monk from 200 AD India.
Nāgārjuna talks directly to Martin Heidegger. Martin, you had Parmenides and impossibility of thinking of non-Being. Supposedly, he wrote: “neither could you know what is not nor could you declare it”. Indeed, the rest of the western philosophical history is: Plato’s dialogue the Sophist and stranger’s position about non-Being and the simple discussion of the semantics of non-Being; or Hegel’s view of non-Being in the Science of Logic which is only thought in the general context of progress of the methodology of the “circles of circles”. No wonder your remarks that “nothing nothings” (Das Nichts nichtet) is often thought of as your confusions. You started off with a chair with only one leg and that was unbalanced – this is the western approach which you had to deal with metaphysically. You got stuck too....
Dramatis personas: Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) owner of the ‘Die Hütte’. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) Archaya Nagarjuna 2-3th century AD Buddhist author of Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way (Mulamadhyamakakarika). Mādhyamaka Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha (563-483 BC). Socrates (Greek philosopher, 469 BC to 399 BC). Plato (424BC - 348 BC), Greek philosopher who re-wrote the Republic seven time over. Narrator...
Experiment with the Philosophical Aphorism. Following Nietzsche's methodology and ambition, I want to say in this "book" more than anyone else said anywhere at any time. The key insight was in ascertaining Nietzsche's depth and understanding of the methodology of aphorisms. All of the great philosophers Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger uniquely and creatively altered the very nature of philosophy through the fundamental and radical transformation of the essential nature of the philosophical methodology. I am going to try to follow their pathway in my own small approach. Hardback book is 336 pages....
Table of Contents Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………… 3 Prelude Preface Introduction. …………………………………………………. 5 An Experiment with the Philosophical Aphorism ……………………………. 13 Aphorisms Martin Heidegger and the new other beginning (Anfang)……....... 93 Aphorisms: recent and new developments …………………………………… 126 Aphorisms: Heidegger on Zarathustra. ………………………………………. 193 Aphorisms on Martin Heidegger’s Nietzsche Encounter …………………….. 199 Martin Heidegger and Nietzsche’s Overman: Aphorisms on the Attack …….. 264 Martin Heidegger Contra Hegel – outlined …………………………………... 297 The relationship between Being and Time (1927) and Contributions to Philosophy (Vom Ereignis) (1936-1939) …………………… 302 Martin Heidegger as Interrogator ……………………………………………... 319 Conclusions …………………………………………………………………… 324 ...
...Essay translated from German to English by Daniel Fidel Ferrer in August 2013. Original publication of Immanuel Kant's essay in German: By Immanuel Kant. "Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklarung?" in Berlinische Monatsschrift Book. 4, 12. December, ...
Kant wrote in 1784 in the first part of his essay: "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one understanding without guidance from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when its cause lies not in lack of understanding, but rather of resolve and courage to use it without direction from another. Sapere Aude! [Latin translated: Dare to know, from Horace]. Have courage to use your own mind! Thus is the motto of Enlightenment." ...
Table of Contents: Immanuel Kant’s Text translated into English (pages 2 to 10). Notes, Bibliography, Related Links, Etc., Appendix A (pages 12 to 25). Word Index (pages 26 to 45). ...