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Sacred Books

By: M. Winternitz

THE period covered by the inception, the publication, and the completion of the Sacred Books of the East exactly coincides with the thirty-four years that I have spent in Oxford. When I matriculated, Professor Max Muller, the editor of the series, was about to begin work on the first volume, which appeared while I was still an undergraduate. I lost no time in making his acquaintance, for it was the influence of one of his works that had stimulated me to begin under Professor Benfey the study of Sanskrit at the University of Gbttingen, when I left school nearly two years before. During my undergraduate days and later lowed much to Professor Max Muller's advice and encouragement in regard to my studies, which have ever since followed, as far as Sanskrit is concerned, much the same lines as his. I consequently always took a lively interest in the Sacred Books edited by him as they successively appeared during the course of a quarter of a century, no fewer than thirty-six volumes having a more or less direct bearing on my own work, and fourteen of the translators being personally known to me. Professor Max Mi.iller lived to see all...

Habeltt sua lata libelli-not only after they have been published, but sometimes even before they are printed. It was in the spring of 1894 that the late Professor Max Muller first suggested to me that I should compile a General Index of the names and subject-matter for the complete series of the Sacred Books of the East. Such an Index, he thought, would be a great help to all students of the Sacred Books of tile East, and of the greatest value for the study of the history of religions....

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I and Thou

By: Martin Bube

Tms work in its oripl, German form has already, since its publication fourteen years ago, exercised. on the Continent an influence, quite out of proportion to its slender size. In view of this influence alone it may be affirmed that 1 and Thou will rank &8 one of the epoch-making books 9f our generation. It has hitherto been eomparatively Unknown among English-speaking students of philosophy and theology....

The primal natm:e of the effort to establish relation is already to be seen in the earliest and most confined stage. Before anything isolated can be perceived, timid glances mOve out into indistinct space, towards something indefinite; and in times when there seems to be no desire for nourishment, hands sketch delicately and dimly in the empty air, apparently aimlessly seeking and reaching out to meet something indefinite. You may, if you wish, call this an animal action, but it is not thereby comprehended....

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Spiritual Heart : The Religion of Unity

By: Vladimir Antonov; Mikhail Nikolenko, translator

In this book the author presents the understanding of the primary philosophical truths and that form of religious activity of people that God wants to see on Earth. He also provides a detailed explanation of God, Evolution, man, the purpose of human life, and the Path of spiritual self realization. The book also contains an overview of the Russian history in comparison with the examples of degradation of major religious civilizations — up to the current condition of almost complete collapse of Russian religious culture. The author suggests ways out of this situation....

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The New Upanishad : Structure and Cognition of the Absolute

By: Vladimir Antonov; Mikhail Nikolenko, translator

In this book, in a precise, laconic, and easy to understand manner, he explains the purpose of life and the means of its realization, as well as — which makes this book unique — presents a complete scheme of the multidimensional structure of the Absolute. The latter has never been published before. This book is addressed to those who seek the purpose of life, who want to understand what God is and how we should live on Earth....

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Laws of Spiritual Development

By: Vladimir Antonov; T. Danilevich, translator

Now we are going to discuss the laws of yoga formulated in part by our predecessors and in part — in the process of work of our School.

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God Prophecy

By: Dr. Paraskev

For some of us, this is a spiritual book that tells the real Truth of God. And the true Path to God. A pragmatic Path we could walk easily, smoothly, within a normal human lifetime. For others of us, it is a book that reveals what the future holds. For each human and all humanity, for each soul and every society. The developments that would make us materially and morally satisfied and successful. And for still others, it's just a mundane book. It gives us a cure for the plagues of the present - hatred, blind revenge, savagery, ignorance, terrorism....

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Teaching of Juan Matus

By: Vladimir Antonov; T. Danilevich, translator

In continuation with reviewing schools of buddhi-yoga, the author discusses the school of buddhi-yoga founded by Mexican Indians, the most prominent of whom was Juan Matus....

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Three Aspects of Krishna's Teaching

By: Vladimir Antonov; T. Danilevich, translator

The Bhagavad Gita, one of the books of the ancient Indian eops "Mahabhrata" features a dialogue between the prince Arjuna and Divine Krishna through whose mouth Ishvara (God-Father) expounded His teaching. This Teaching can be divided into three components; 1. Ethical, 2. "Intellectual" (ontological), 3. Psychoenergetic (that is related to man's development within raja - and buddhi-yoga)...

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The Vital Message

By: Arthur Conan Doyle

After publication of his first book on the afterlife, The New Revelation, Doyle followed it up in 1919 with The Vital Message, where he shares his thoughts on skepticism, religion, psychic phenomena, and Jesus....

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Sun of God

By: Vladimir Antonov; Mikhail Nikolenko, translator

This book is a commentary to the methodological principles of human spiritual development that were given by Jesus Christ through B. Cullen in the book “The Book of Jesus”....


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Dragă Domnule Rotaru

By: Florentin Smarandache

This book is of Romanian culture books. Biblical Romanian literature is the most comprehensive, voluminous, and the most representative of the culture....

Prefaţa:Un mare cărturar şi om de suflet, ION ROTARU........4 (anti)Scrisori către Ion Rotaru 9 1. Craiova, 13 ianuarie 1987 ......................................... 10 2. Scrisoarea a III-a, Craiova, 27 ianuarie - 02 februarie 1988 18 3. Scrisoarea a IV-a, Craiova, 20 februarie 1988 .......... 33 4. Scrisoarea a V-a, Craiova, 27 martie 1988. ............... 36 5. Craiova, 02 iunie1988 ................................................ 41 6. Scrisoarea a XIII-a, Craiova,13 iunie 1988.. .............. 55 7. Scrisoarea a XX-a, Craiova, 22 iunie - 22 iulie1988 .. 62 8. Phoenix, 20 aprilie 1990 ............................................. 78 9. Phoenix, 07 august 1990 ............................................. 79 10. Phoenix, 31 mai 1990 ................................................ 84 11. Phoenix, 26 septembrie 1990 ..................................... 86 12. Phoenix, 07 octombrie 1990 ...................................... 87 13. Phoenix, 17 octombrie 1990 ...................................... 90 14. Phoenix, 10 decembrie 1990 ...................................... 91 15. Phoenix, 29 decembrie 1990 ...............

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What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking?

By: Dr. Immanuel Kant; Daniel Fidel Ferrer, Translator

What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking? / By Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). [Was heißt: sich im Denken orientieren? English]. Translation of text, notes, essays, chronology, etc by Copyright ©2014 Daniel Fidel Ferrer. All rights reserved. Free unlimited distribution. Creative Commons General Public License "Attribution, Non-Commercial", version 3.0 (CCPL BY-NC). ...

Kant wrote: "A pure reason faith is the guide or compass, which the speculative thinker based on his rational quarreling (Vernunftstreifereien) in the field of supersensible objects, man of common but (morally) sound reason but his way, and probably in theoretical as practical point of view, the whole purpose of his may prefigure determination entirely appropriate, and it is this rational faith, which must be placed at the foundation of every other faith, yes every revelation (Offenbarung)."...

Table of Contents Translator’s Short Preface for Historical Context (pages 3-4). Immanuel Kant’s Text translated into English (pages 5-22). Translator’s Remarks (pages 23-24). Notes and Background for Kant’s essay and translation (page 25). Earlier translations from German into English of Kant’s essay (page 26). Pantheism Controversy (Quarrel) (Pantheismusstreit) (pages 27-28). Chronology of the Pantheism Controversy (Quarrel) (pages 29-37). Main Philosophers and authors. Ranked by birth year. Lessing first quarrel. Fragments Controversy. Pantheism Controversy or Pantheism Quarrel starts. Atheism Controversy. What is the Purpose of Kant’s Orientation Essay? (pages 38-42). Selected Bibliography related to Pantheism Controversy (pages 42-43). Related Online Resources (pages 43-44). Kant’s Note on his Overall Philosophical Position (pages 45-47). Dedication and Acknowledgements (pages 48-49). Appendix A. Image of first page of Kant Essay (1786) (pages 49-51). Keyword index (pages 51-83). Starts with a green page. ...

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Bild och Tanke

By: Ph.D. Fredrik Lång

BILD OCH TANKE (Image and Thought)is moving in the border area between philosophy and art; follows their tracks through history from archaic Greece to the 20th century and Marcel Duchamp's art. It is this interaction between visual and intellectual reproduction as the image and understanding of our time and of history has been created....

Konsten är, som jag ser det, den spegel människan ställt upp framför sig för att bekräfta sanningen i den förståelse hon har av sin tillvaro. Konsten berättar hur det är eller hur det har varit att vara människa. I bekräftelsen ser hon inte bara att uppfattningen hon har om sig själv är sann (sådan är jag, sådan är min omgivning; sådan ser min mänsklighet ut), utan bekräftelsen styrker också den uppfattning hon har av riktigheten i sin aktuella livsform. Och det är det, för att föregripa framställningen en smula, det sist och slutligen handlar om i konsten: att i visuellt avläsbar form skapa symboliska gestalter som manifesterar livsvillkorens skön¬het och sanning. Det är det som är den solida undermeningen i de föränderliga uppfattningarna om vad som är skönt’ eller sant’. Men omvänt kan konsten också i vissa situationer fungera som narrspegel. Det kan den göra genom att visa upp skevheterna och bristerna i människans sätt att leva i akt och mening att vilja göra det bättre. Också det har konsten gemensamt med tänkandet och teorin. Konsten kan såväl understödja som underminera de värderingar som livskvaliteten just då är uppbyggd ...

BILD OCH TANKE, innehåll 1. Inledning Seende och vetande Makt och metafysik Teknisk instrumentalism Subjektivitet och objektivitet Bild - idé Religion och vetande Historien 2 Det allseende ögat Dekonstruktionen av den politiska rationaliteten Bilden av enväldet Kristus Allhärskaren Arvsynden Blicken Sartre om blicken Det postdespotiska samhället Om att möta Guds blick Madonnan Dioptiken Giotto Komedi och tragedi Antikens lämningar 3. Nominalism, individualism och kärlek Karakteristik av en stor och genomgripande förändring Nominalism och individualism Subjektivitet och kärlek Franciscus av Assisi och kärleken till naturen 4. Ett nytt naturförhållande Abbot Suger och gotiken Petrarca Lauramotivet Laura — madonnan Laura — människan Laura — naturen Idéperspektivet, centralperspektivet och horisonten Bilden av naturen Bilden av människan Guldgrunden Centralperspektivet och den oändligt avlägsna horisonten Nicolaus Cusanus 5. Det instrumentella perspektivet Alkemin Det förenhetligade rummet Giotto och det naturliga Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo och ...

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Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize with a Hammer

By: Friedrich Nietzsche, Dr.; Daniel Fidel Ferrer, Translator

The best summary of Nietzsche's philosophy by Nietzsche. Twilight of the Idols is Nietzsche’s polemic tract attacking: writers, philosophers, views, worldviews, schools, position, arguments, idols, truths, nations, rationalism, -ismologies, causality, improvers, morality, religions, artists, modern ideas, believers, etc. Nietzsche also puts forth his own ideas – read slowly. Translated from German to English by Daniel Fidel Ferrer (February 2013). Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize with a Hammer / By Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). [Götzen-Dämmerung. English]. Translation of text, afterward, notes, letters, and appendixes by ©Daniel Fidel Ferrer, 2013. 1. Philosophy. 2). Metaphysics. 3). Philosophy, German. 4). Philosophy, German -- 19th century. 5). Philosophy, German – Greek influences. I. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900. II. Ferrer, Daniel Fidel, 1952-. ...

"From the military school (Kriegsschule) of life. - What does not kill me makes me stronger. (Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens. — Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker). [Translator note. This maxim (#8) is one of the most famous quotes from Nietzsche. See the concept Kriegsschule’ in Nietzsche’s notebook of Spring 1888 18 [1]. A slightly different versions of this section is in one of the Nietzsche’s notebook and has this version of the maxim #8: “What does not kill us — that bring us to that makes us stronger. Il faut le tuer Wagnerisme.” English translation from French of the last sentence might be: “He must be killed, Wagnerism”. Spring 1888 15 [118]. Complete text in German and French for the other version: [“Was uns nicht umbringt — das bringen wir um, das macht uns stärker. Il faut tuer le Wagnerisme”]. Notebook: Spring 1888 15 [118]. From the Preface: "This essay - the title betrays it - is above all a recreation, a spot of sunshine, a leap sideways into the idleness of a psychologist. Perhaps a new war? And are new idols sounded out?... This little essay is a great declaration of war (grosse Kriegserklärun...

Table of Contents 1). Twilight of the Idols or How to Philosophize with a Hammer (pages 3 - 80). Main text. Starting with Nietzsche’s Preface. 2). Afterward Notes (pages 81 - 83). 3). Dedication and Acknowledgements (page 83). 4). Appendix A. Section on “Twilight of Idols” from “Ecce Homo” (pages 84 - 87). 5). Appendix B. Selections from Nietzsche’s Notebooks and Letters concerning “Twilight of Idols” (pages 88 - 93). 6). Appendix C. Select chronology of Nietzsche’s life (pages 94 - 95). 7). Word index (pages 96 - 156). ...

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The Urantia Book : Study Edition

By: Unknown

The Urantia Book (sometimes called the Urantia Papers or The Fifth Epochal Revelation) is a spiritual and philosophical book that originated in Chicago sometime between 1924 and 1955. The authorship remains a matter of speculation. The authors introduce the word "Urantia" as the name of the planet Earth and state that their intent is to "present enlarged concepts and advanced truth." The book aims to unite religion, science and philosophy, and its enormous amount of material about science is unique among literature claimed to be presented by higher intelligences. Among other topics, the book discusses the origin and meaning of life, humankind's place in the universe, the purpose of evil and suffering, the relationship between God and people, and the life of Jesus. The Urantia Foundation, a U.S.-based non-profit group, first published The Urantia Book in 1955. In 2001, a jury found that the English book's copyright was no longer valid after 1983. The English text became a public domain work in the United States, and in 2006 the international copyright expired....

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Allegorical Expositions of the Holy Laws

By: Philo of Alexandria

Philo used philisophical representations to fuse and harmonize Jewish traditions and Greek philosophy. It interprets both Jewish and historic Greek philosophies....

“It is a melancholy reflection upon the history of the Jews that they have failed to pay due honor to their two greatest philosophers. Spinoza was rejected by his contemporaries from the congregation of Israel; Philo Judaeus was neglected by the generations that followed him.”...

The Jewish Community At Alexandria. 13 – The Life And Times Of Philo. 44 – Philo’s Works And Method. 74 – Philo And The Torah. 104 – Philo’s Theology. 132 – Philo As A Philosopher. 167 – Philo And Jewish Tradition. 199 – The Influence Of Philo. 242 – Bibliography. 263 – Abbreviations Used For The References. 266 – Index. 269 --...

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Cyclopedia of Philosophy

By: Sam Vaknin

Cyclopedia of issues in modern philosophy: The philosophy of science and religion, the cognitive sciences, cultural studies, aesthetics, art and literature, the philosophy of economics, the philosophy of psychology, and ethics....

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Bhagavad Gita with Commentaries

By: Various; Commentary by Vladimir Antonov

The Bhagavad Gita — or, in translation from Sanskrit, the Song of God — is the most important part of the Indian epic poem “Mahabharata”. The latter describes events that are 5-7 thousands years old. The Bhagavad Gita is a great philosophical work that played the same role in the history of India as the New Testament did in the history of countries of the European culture. Both these books powerfully proclaim the principle of Love-Bhakti as the basis of spiritual selfperfection of man. The Bhagavad Gita also presents to us a complete notion about such fundamental problems of philosophy as what is man, God, about the meaning of human life and principles of his evolution....

Preface to the Russian edition of the Bhagavad Gita......2 Sanskrit terms left in the text without translation....3 BHAGAVAD GITA....5 Conversation 1....5 Conversation 2....7 Conversation 3.......12 Conversation 4.......14 Conversation 5.......17 Conversation 6.......19 Conversation 7.......22 Conversation 8.......24 Conversation 9.......26 Conversation 10......28 Conversation 11......30 Conversation 12......33 Conversation 13......35 Conversation 14......37 Conversation 15......38 Conversation 16......40 Conversation 17......41 Conversation 18......43 THREE ASPECTS OF KRISHNA’S TEACHING......49 Ethical Aspect of Krishna’s Teaching....49 Ontological Aspect of Krishna’s Teaching.....53 Psychoenergetic Aspect of Krishna’s Teaching......58 Bibliography.......64...

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Cyclopedia of Philosophy

By: Dr. Sam Vaknin; Mrs. Lidija Rangelovska, Editor

Cyclopedia of issues in modern philosophy: The philosophy of science and religion, the cognitive sciences, cultural studies, aesthetics, art and literature, the philosophy of economics, the philosophy of psychology, and ethics....

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Religion and Agriculture: Sustainability in Christianity and Buddhism

By: Lindsay Falvey

Religion is a powerful expression of culture that is most obviously expressed in our relationships with nature. As our major meeting point with nature is food, this provides a fertile field for cultivating the wisdom that Professor Falvey concludes is the essence of all sustainability. By bringing sustainability, agriculture, global issues, Buddhism, Christianity and a host of other factors into play, we see that our motivations belie our rhetoric – in environmental actions through to trade and aid. This open-spirited book contains a wealth of analysis and alternative logics that make it essential to serious readers about nature, the environment, spirituality and religion, Asia and ourselves. Beginning with science and spirituality, the discussion moves from immortality to theology to literal misinterpretations and unifies these themes around unacknowledged Western core values. Shifting to philosophy, ethics, and rights, an ecological argument about our selective ‘liberation’ of nature is proffered as an introduction to global issues, including traditional values of poor countries and lost traditions in the West. An engrossing h...

Contents Page Introduction 1 Chapter 1 10 Seeking Agricultural Sustainability: Science and Spirituality Chapter 2 20 Immortality: Sustaining Ourselves? Chapter 3 31 Agricultural Theology: Why we are Fascinated with Sustainability Chapter 4 47 Literal and Historical Christianity and Agriculture: Our Manipulations and Our Undoing Chapter 5 57 Some Influencers of the Church: Prophets and Sustainable Agriculture Chapter 6 71 From Luther to Jung: Broadening the Insights Chapter 7 82 West Meets East: The Salvation of Agriculture Falvey - Religion and Agriculture: Sustainability in Christianity and Buddhism vi Chapter 8 90 Pantheistic Agriculture: Investing the Gods in Agriculture Chapter 9 98 Agricultural Philosophy and Rights: From Natural Rights to Rights for Nature Chapter 10 105 Sustainable Agriculture and Secular Environmentalism: Emerging Ecological Understanding Chapter 11 112 The Religion of Sustainable Agriculture: Philosophy and Ethics Chapter 12 125 Liberating Nature: Our Rising Awareness Chapter 13 134 Sustainable Development: Having it All? Chapter 14 138 Sustaining Our Role: Global Sustainable ...

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