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The Mystery of Edwin Drood

By: Charles Dickens

Excerpt: An ancient English cathedral tower? How can the ancient English Cathedral tower be here! The well-known massive gray square tower of its old Cathedral? How can that be here! There is no spike of rusty iron in the air, between the eye and it, from any point of the real prospect. What is the spike that intervenes, and who has set it up? Maybe it is set up by the Sultan?s orders for the impaling of a horde of Turkish robbers, one by one....

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The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

Excerpt: Story of the Door. Mr. Utterson the lawyer was a man of a rugged countenance that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary and yet somehow lovable. At friendly meetings, and when the wine was to his taste, something eminently human beaconed from his eye; something indeed which never found its way into his talk, but which spoke not only in these silent symbols of the after-dinner face, but more often and loudly in the acts of his life. He was austere with himself; drank gin when he was alone, to mortify a taste for vintages; and though he enjoyed the theater, had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years. But he had an approved tolerance for others; sometimes wondering, almost with envy, at the high pressure of spirits involved in their misdeeds; and in any extremity inclined to help rather than to reprove. ?I incline to Cain?s heresy,? he used to say quaintly: ?I let my brother go to the devil in his own way.? In this character, it was frequently his fortune to be the last reputable acquaintance and the last good influence in the lives of d...

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Multirelativitate Interviuri

By: Florentin Smarandache

Noi pledăm pentru un proces cogniscibil care să nu aibă îngrădiri de nici o formă. Din această cauză, hermeneutica se presupune a fi cât mai diversificată. Interviurile următoare împletesc cultura, ştiinţa, tehnica şi viaţa într-un multi-eu. De aceea volumul se numeşte multirelavititate: adică idei şi metodologii privite din unghiuri cât. We advocate for a process that does not have restrictions of any form. Therefore, hermeneutics is assumed to be more diversified. Next interviews intertwined culture, science, technology and life in a multi-I. Therefore the volume is called multirelavititate: that ideas and methodologies as viewed from angles....

Scriitorul şi omul de ştiinţă Florentin Smarandache, cunoştiinţă deosebită, specială, de aproape 20 de ani, este permanent pe drumuri, cu carneţelul de însemnări în buzunar. Este un ambasador autentic al inteligenţei şi talentului românilor, în aceeaşi măsură, acest Geo Bogza al zileleor noastre gata permanent să noteze tot ce trebuie să fie marcat în vreun fel în istoria locurilor pe care le parcurge cu: piciorul, maşina, vaporul, avionul şi nu rareori cu gândul şi ochii minţii. Creaţia sa literară va face istorie, amintesc aici despre „Cântece de mahala” care este numai o mică însemnare a zbaterilor interioare ale scriitorului. Writer and scientist Smarandache special familiar special, almost 20 years, is constantly on the road, the notebook of notes in his pocket. It is a genuine ambassador of intelligence and talent Romanians equally Bogza this Geo's days of our permanent ready to write down everything must be marked in some way in the history of the places they go through with: foot, car, boat, plane and rarely does the thought and mind's eye. Will make his literary history, remember this about "Songs slum" is just a little ...

- Prefaţă, Florentin Smarandache ................................ 5 - Paradoxismul - o reacţie contra totalitarismului *Interviu cu Florentin Smarandache, conducătorul „Mişcării literare paradoxiste”*Valeria Tănase - Informaţia zilei”(miercuri, 1 iunie 1994) ........7 - Interviul domnului FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE difuzat la Radio România Actualităţi, în cadrul emisiunii ROMÂNII ÎN LUME, 16.04.2011, ora 21:05, moderator dna Puşa Roth, [Cu mici editări ale textului]........................... 11 - Interviu Eugen Evu - Florentin Smarandache, mai 2011, Deva, Romania, Pseudo editorial - Întrebare şi răspuns....................................... 44 - În cadrul emisiunii CEASUL DE TAINĂ, 02.06.2011, ora 2030, moderator dna Liliana Hinoveanu .................. 47 - Interviu Mihaela Năftănăilă–FlorentinSmarandache pentru “Romȃnia liberă”, 22.11.2011 ......75 - „Ipoteza Smarandache”: Dialog Puiu Popescu-Florentin Smarandache (decembrie, 2011) .....79 - Interviul domnului FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE difuzat la Radio România Cultural, Bucureşti, în cadrul emisiunii NĂSCUT ÎN ROMÂNIA, 31.01.2011, moderator doa...

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