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American People of Italian Descent (X) Religion (X)

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Kabbalah for Beginners

By: Rav Michael Laitman Rd, 2nd floor, Brooklyn, New York, 11223, USA Printed in Canada No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written perm... ... book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in cr... ...ic motivation for our actions. If it could, we would be able to “program” people to behave as we wish. But because we cannot perceive our most esse... ...his book, The Mighty Hand, Maimonides describes how there was a time when people knew that there was only one force governing the world. He explaine... ...ntradicted everything his contempo- - Perhaps one of the best known Native American traditions is the Council Circle. Here, the members sit in a cir... ...ah. One of these people was Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463r1494), an Italian scholar. His book, Conclusions, contains the following statement: ... ...couples, whose numbers have been declining for decades as a proportion of American households, have finally slipped into a minority, according to an... ...ntire reality below the Creator: the worlds, everything within them, the descent of the soul into this world, and its return up- - wards. In other w... ...neously translated into six languages: English, Russian, Spanish, german, Italian, and Turkish. In the near future, broadcasts will also be translat...

...The Kabbalist Rabbi Laitman, who was the student and personal assistant to Rabbi Baruch Ashlag from 1979-1991, follows in the footsteps of his rabbi in passing on the wisdom of Kabbalah to the world. This book is based on sources that were passed down by Rabbi Baruch's father, Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag, the author of the commentaries on The Book of Zohar, who conti...

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The Vatican Conspiracy

By: Jonathan Cross

...l chapel next to his private quarters. The dark chapel was dimly lit by a row of flickering votive candles that cast a soothing splay of shadows acr... ...fix as he closed his eyes and began to recite out-loud the Five Holy Mysteries of the Rosary. His nightly reverie, before bed, calmed him and conne... ... is on the warpath again. I heard him shouting up and down the halls that the American Bishops were trying to rewrite Church Doctrine again.” Ignor... ...edo momentarily, but then he quickly reminded himself that this was the first American Pope in history, and more importantly the first one of Jewish... ...American Cardinal, and the mood in the Vatican was to return the Papacy to an Italian. Cardinal Berini was the most obvious choice; he had lobbied, ... ...he election of a new Pope, the word spread like wild fire through the mass of people, who had been waiting patiently in the Square, that the newly e... ...are, that the newly elected Pope was an unknown American Cardinal; the mostly Italian crowd stared at each other in disbelief. Later, when the othe... ...r place. They have armies, Father. They have money and guns. They control the people through terror; they corrupt the politicians, even Presidents o... ...Artemis NEW YORK, THE MEETING As the chartered plane made it's final descent toward La Guardia Airport, Antonio looked out. The Statue of L...

...The Pope receives a vision that includes the names of four men: a U.S. Senator, a covert military intelligence agent, a priest from a small parish, and the head of the Italian mafia. These men form an alliance to eliminate the drug cartels of the world to save the children of...

...Pope Francis lithely entered into the small chapel next to his private quarters. The dark chapel was dimly lit by a row of flickering votive candles that cast a soothing splay of shadows across the ancient altar. The Pope knelt his thin, angular body before it; his white cassock cascaded across the red, soft cushion. He gently entwined the eb...

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Cyclopedia of Philosophy

By: Sam Vaknin

... Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S I. A II. B III. C IV. D V... ... XXI. The Author A Abortion I. The Right to Life It is a fundamental principle of most moral theories that all human beings have a right to lif... ... or duties of third parties towards the right-holder. One has a right AGAINST other people. The fact that one possesses a certain right - prescribes... ...rights and duties as two sides of the same ethical coin - creates great confusion. People often and easily confuse rights and their attendant dutie... and supersede one's moral obligations towards non- affiliated humans. Thus, an American's moral obligation to safeguard the lives of American f... ...igation to save the lives of innocent civilians, however numerous, if they are not Americans. The larger the number of positive self-definitions I ... ...ay? Harvard alumni, the British Commonwealth, the European Union, the Irish or the Italians in the United States, political parties the world over ... ...heir role in history, past and present. Endless lists of prominent people of Jewish descent are produced in support of the above contention. Yet, g... ...raction of these are likely to communicate with us. But, if this is true, to quote Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi: "where are they?". Ferm...

...Cyclopedia of issues in modern philosophy: The philosophy of science and religion, the cognitive sciences, cultural studies, aesthetics, art and literature, the philosophy of economics, the philosophy of psychology, and ethics....

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Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life

By: Rav Michael Laitman

... Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life LAITMAN KABBALAH PUBLISHERS Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Kabbal... ...ALAH PUBLISHERS Rav Michael Laitman, PhD Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life Translation: Chaim Ratz Proofreading: Kate Weibel Editor: Cla... ...the world is the way it is and exists objectively, independently. Afterwards, people began to understand that our picture of the world is shaped by ... ...tal to us, unexpected or incomprehen- sible will suddenly make sense. For such people, the spiritual world can become a system of forces that stands ... ...or’s nature is evident through millennia of sufferings, a complete process of descent and ascent designed to enable us to see how hateful we are to ... ... wisdom of Kabbalah comprises two parallel orders: 1. From Above downward—the descent of the will to receive from Ein Sof through all the Upper Worl... ...e Know?, offers a good exam- ple of that concept with a story about the Native Americans who PA RT I I I : P E RC E P T I O N O F R E A L I T Y 122 ... ... --Reuchlin, De Arte Cabbalistica Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) An Italian scholar and Platonist philosopher whose De Hominis Dignitate O... ... A R S W R I T E A B O U T K A B B A L A H 213 Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) This Italian philosopher, astronomer, mathematician, and occult- ist was ahe...

...Kabbalah, Science & the Meaning of Life traces the milestones of the evolution of science with which we are familiar, such as Newton’s and Einstein’s theories but goes further to present the science of Kabbalah as the basis for understanding the hidden part...

...Foreword: The essence of human nature is its perpetually evolving desire for pleasure. To realize this desire, we feel compelled to discover, invent, and improve our reality. The gradual intensification of the desire for pleasure has been the forc...

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