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Body mass index (X) Authors Community (X) American Research Press (X)

Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 
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G-Dimensional Theory & the Smarandache Quantum Paradoxes : Comparative Logic and Modern Quantum Theory

By: L. Stephen Young

...ion (G), as determined by kinetic vector v: (v ≡ v/c) The matter-containing body is modeled as a closed circle in the non-vector 2d plane and so in ... ...[Fig. 1a.] In kinetic reference frame k', the translated parameters of the body, S’, are determined from the angle θ, between the 2d k and k’ plane... ...tor defining the moment sum of inertial and gravitational vectors acting on body S'. Note from (4) that (5) and (5.1) have equivalent values in the S... ...justification in setting ϒ o as the locus of zero potential energy for the mass of S'. Assuming a uniform mass density, the body's center of mass (c... ...ell from the c.o.m. in S' indicates a force of attraction (-ϒ), compels the mass to the site of the potential well, (ϒ o ). -ϒ is thus proportionall... ...hypothesis to be tested within these parameters. In isolated system S’, the mass m, has an internal attractive force acting upon it's c.o.m. locus at... ...itted through a transparent matter field is in accordance to its refractive index (n): | (c n = 1/n); (n ≥ 1) |. Refraction has proportionality to m...

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A Unifying Field in Logics : Neutrosophic Logic. Neutrosophy, Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Probability

By: Florentin Smarandache

...fficial one - propagated by the political system, and another one real. In mass-media it was promulgated that 'our life is wonderful', but in reality... ...nsciousness similarly. "Come, my soul said, let's write poems for my body, for we are One" (Walt Whitman). Finite is infinite [see the m... ...range (power of continuum) of "what is not <A>" (outer <A>) versions, let index them in the set {<Non-A> i } i . (All {<Anti-A> i } i versions are ... ...and material as quantity. Of course, they melt. I see truth like a body, an object with a form. I see material as a dense/condensed spirit, a... ...s reflects the structure of objects. And reciprocally. In the mind-body problem: The mental phenomenon is of physical nature, and the physica... ...Georg Cantor, does not exist. Let all sets be noted by {S a } a , where a indexes them. But the set of all sets is itself another set, say T 1 ; an... ... world is composed of a totality of invisible particles. Things with mass result from atoms with quasi-null mass. Infinity is formed of fi... ...parate the causes, n C 1 , C 2 , ..., C n , where 0 [ C i [ 1 for each index i, and j C i = 1, i=1 they act as a whole, and so the effects, m ... ... but people are turned into flesh robots. 45 How one explains the more mass cultural accent in underdeveloped countries than in rich industrializ...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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