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Everything's Gone Green (film) (X) Fictionwise (X)

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Desert Dreams

By: Gracie C. Mckeever

...grit. All she needs now is sand in her eyes and teeth. The veil would have gone quite nicely with the cumbersome Bedouin jewelry she has on. Large dra... ...ll decide Desert Dreams by Gracie C. McKeever 15 her. He pierces her with green eyes that turn almost predatory as he takes several steps in her dire... ...eary." She turned to leave. "I'll keep the muckety-mucks warm while you're gone." "You do that," she muttered, joining Amber near the basement entranc... ...what to look out for, not understanding why she expected to find the thing gone or destroyed or ... or what? Therese slowly approached the podium, sim... ...than a presence. Something alive with firm working limbs and manic searing green eyes and warm breath blowing in her face. She's not sure if it is hum... ...ever 42 "Preliminary tests and investigations confirm it." No way on God's green earth did that explain what had happened to her in that basement. No ... ...the handle as if for support. She saw them as clearly as if they were in a film running across her memory. Sahir smiling as she banishes Kane to the e...

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New Life Incognita

By: Gracie C. Mckeever

...k to his chest. "I know you don't want to believe it. It's hard. But he is gone, Mire. He is." Kelly waited for the "good riddance" but only heard it ... ...pportive savior, always available to lend an ear to Amire after things had gone wrong between her and Kelly. Trusted confidant and Good Samaritan. Pat... had sped by, spraying bullets from the back and front seats. Kelly had gone down under the first deluge. Ben had barreled down the stairs to drag ... ...ogeyman, witches, vampires, ghosts and werewolves. Don't believe in little green men and the UFO's rumored to be their preferred mode of transport. We... ...ntly, he'd begun to question his consumption with the idea of the almighty green instead of the idea of an Almighty. He had believed in money more tha... ... everything he wanted, it had been too late. And now there was nothing. No green. No fancy clothes and kicks. No beepers. No fly wheels. No foxy freak... ... his head, and he's not sure if it's her pain or his. Dagny, in his mental film, grabs her head between her hands and silently drops to her knees. "Oh...

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Records: 1 - 2 of 2 - Pages: 

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