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Ludwig Tieck (X)

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Vida del escudero Marcos de Obregón

By: Vicente Espinel

...e inspirará el Gil Blas de Santillana de Alain René Lesage. La versión inglesa fue realizada por Algernon Langton (Londres, 1816), la alemana la hizo Ludwig von Tieck (Breslau, 1827).Vicente Gómez Martínez Espinel fue un escritor y músico español del Siglo de Oro. A partir de sus rimas de 1591, transformó la estructura de la décima, estrofa conocida también como espinela e...

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Autobiography Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life

By: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

...ep, noble Novalis made the fairest amends; for not- withstanding all this, Tieck tells us, if we remember rightly, he continually returned to Meister,... ... December 11, Goethe was surprised by the visit of a stranger. It was Karl Ludwig von Knebel, who was traveling with the two princes of Saxe-Weimar, t... ...le and friendly man, with whom I became acquainted at the table of Hofrath Ludwig, and who received me very pleasantly when I begged the privilege of ... existence and my studies, it happened that I took my dinners at Hofrath Ludwig’s. He was a medical man, a bota- nist; and his company, with the exc... ...accepted, without hesitation, an office as private sec- retary to the Duke Ludwig of Wurtemberg, who resided in T reptow; for the prince was named amo... ... families, and the world, and to unite for higher aims. It was this Prince Ludwig who, to ask advice about the education of his children, had written ...

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