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The Marketing of Ideas and Social Issues

By: Seymour Fine

...er Originally Published in 1981 by Praeger Publishers. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE MARKETING OF IDEAS AND SOCIAL ISSUES 1 TABLE OF ... ...riginally Published in 1981 by Praeger Publishers. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS THE MARKETING OF IDEAS AND SOCIAL ISSUES 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 F... ...SSUES 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 FOREWORD 6 PREFACE 7 GLOSSARY 9 INTRODUCTION 10 1 THE NATURE OF IDEAS AND SOCIAL ISSUES 12 ORIGINATION, MATURATION ... ...BLE OF CONTENTS 3 FOREWORD 6 PREFACE 7 GLOSSARY 9 INTRODUCTION 10 1 THE NATURE OF IDEAS AND SOCIAL ISSUES 12 ORIGINATION, MATURATION AND ADOPTIO... ...enjoys his pipe but is plagued by cinder damage to clothing, badgering from family members and so forth-a problem. Inductively, he infers that to sto... ... difficult to understand and use. Some innovations are readily understood by most members of a social system; others are not and will be adopted mo... ...gical linguistics to the problem and changed the name of condoms from "F.L.," or "French Letters," to "Nirodh," a Sanskrit word for "protection.” A... ...Typology of Exchange Transactions. " Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising. East Lansing, Mich.,107-11. -----. 1978. ... ...merican Marketing Association, the Association for Consumer Research, the American Academy of Advertising and the Board of Directors of the New Jerse...

...An idea is taken for granted in the scheme of things. Someone exclaims, "I've got an idea!" What is it that he has? From where did he get it? How was it transmitted? How might it spread to others? What will be the effect of the acceptance of the idea? These...

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