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Speculations and Physics

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph. D.

... http://samvak.tripod.com/guide.html Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S PH YSI CS I. Time Asymmetry Re... ...O N T E N T S PH YSI CS I. Time Asymmetry Re-Visited II. Negentropic Agents and the Increase of Entropy III. The Complexity of Simplicity IV. B... ...s notwithstanding. Yet, mathematics reigns supreme and unchallenged in the natural sciences. Why is that? What has catapulted mathematics (as disti... ...cosmic) realm. The wave function (which describes the co-existing, superpositioned, states of the system) "collapses" following an act of measureme... ...dly, is only one possible interpretation) then we are all (observer and observed) members of one and the same continuum and it is discreteness whi... ...their replacement with newer, asymptotically truer, ones. Other systems - religion, nationalism, paranoid ideation, or art - are based on personal e... ...overnments on macro-economic matters. Freelance journalist in various media in the United States. 1990 to 1995 President of the Israel chapter of ... ...tates. 1990 to 1995 President of the Israel chapter of the Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA) and (briefly) Israel representative of the "Washi...

Essays and articles about modern physics, speculations in science, pseudo-science and the alleged incompatibility between God and modern science.

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