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People Educated at Bryanston School (X)

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Dynevor Terrace

By: Charlotte Mary Yonge

...y person using this document file, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim M... young Lord say, when Shakspeare was a butcher, he used to make speeches at the calves, as if they was for a sacrifice, or ever he could lift a knif... rendered her. 8 Dynevor Terrace Vol 1 Charlotte Arnold had been fairly educated at a village school, and tenderly brought up at home till left an ... ...nevor Terrace Vol 1 Charlotte Arnold had been fairly educated at a village school, and tenderly brought up at home till left an orphan, when she had b... her next strongest char- acteristic, family pride. She married a highly-educated and wealthy gentleman, of good family, but of mercantile connexion... ...not? She wished she had never teased him by going out so much, and letting people talk nonsense; he had been very kind, and she was not half good enou... ...n wonder and reproof, ‘Is that on purpose?’ ‘Adventures are thrust on some people,’ was the noncha- lant reply, with shoulders depressed, and a twinkl... ...had permission to choose whatever residence best suited her, and felt that Bryanston- square and Miss Ponsonby would be fatal to her harassed spirits.... ...invite as she and her mother might, they could not move Miss Ponsonby from Bryanstone Square. Railroads and country were both her dread; and she was n...

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Dynevor Terrace Vol. Ii

By: Charlotte Mary Yonge

...y person using this document file, for any purpose, and in any way does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Pennsylvania State University nor Jim M... ...their conquest available. Apart from Louis’s magnificent prognostications, at the lowest compu- tation, the head master’s income amounted to a sum whi... ...suppose?’ ‘I told the mere facts! My aunt was rather grand about a grammar-school; she said even a curacy would sound better, and she must talk it ove... ...t a drowsy repetition of the rhyme, in old days the war-cry of the Grammar-school against the present headmaster,— ‘The Welshman had liked to be ch... ... point abruptly. ‘In short, Isabel, my dear, what can you have done to set people saying that you have been corresponding with the young men at Ebbscr... ...y dear, you may mean, very rightly -I am sure you do, but you must not set people talking! It is not acting rightly by me, Isabel; but I would not car... ...ay; and, in gaslight and gloom, they deposited Mary at her aunt’s house in Bryanston Square. Gaslight was the staple of Hymen’s torch the next morn- i... ... should have thought of that when you left this heir of the Dynevors to be educated by the charity of this third-rate grammar-school.’ ‘Is this your g... ...y pur- pose of training him in steadfastness. A strong impulse drew him to Bryanston Square, where Miss Ponsonby was very kind and warm, the more so b...

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