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...After several years working on a treatise putting forth his mechanistic philosophy and physics, Descartes shelved the project when his contemporary, Galileo, was charged with heresy. That work, The World, was only published after Descartes’ death. It seems that Descartes must have had this, in pa...
...John McTaggart (1866-1925) John McTaggart was a British metaphysician and philosophical idealist. In this famous article for the periodical Mind, he introduced the notion of the A, B and C series, which was to become a leading theory in explaining the nature of time....
...ered his magnum opus. In The Ethics, Spinoza attempts to demonstrate a fully cohesive philosophical system that strives to provide a coherent picture of reality and to comprehend the meaning of an ethical life. Following a logical step-by-step format, it defines in turn the nature of God, the mind, human bondage to the emotions, and the power of understanding -- moving fro...
...The Critique of Pure Reason, first published in 1781 with a second edition in 1787, has been called the most influential and important philosophical text of the modern age. Kant saw the Critique of Pure Reason as an attempt to bridge the ...
...VII THIS EDITION PUBLISHED BY J G TILLIN ENGLAND © MM THE COMING OF MESSIAH IN GLORY AND MAJESTY. PART II. (CONTINUED) PHENOME... ...s which we now proceed to examine, viz. the Christian church, and the captivity of Babylon, do not deserve so much the name of Phenomena, as of Anti... ...ena, as of Antiphenomena, or veils, clouds, and impediments, to the observation of the true Phenomena. They are those two great and ancient fortress... ...ile to their own misery; and if haply there should enter into you any elation of mind, any vain glory, or security, know, brethren, that you do not b... ... he did upon the natural branches thereof: “thou standest by faith, be not high minded but fear, for if God spared not the natural branches, take he... ...rchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor? Or who hath first... ...r portion not less in size reigneth idolatry, in another heresy, and in another philosophy, and in another barbarism, &c. And in this same sense, it...
... Copyright © 2010 by Wally Amos and Stu Glauberman All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or tra... ...chanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission of the authors. Permission is given for brief excerpts to be publish... ...s watermelon hats, shirts, and shoes designed by Christine Harris-Amos Library of Congress Control Number: 2010902321 ISBN 978-0-615-34947-3 First... like The Ritz-Carlton uses a credo to motivate employees to embody its philosophy of service excellence. How did I, Wally Amos, who became ... ...w much the tiniest of tots can absorb when a story is read aloud. Their little minds leap ahead, storing images, words, and ideas for future use. ... ...ularly addresses corporate and educational groups worldwide with his inspiring philosophy, "Be positive regardless!" For more information on Wally,...
...Due to the success of my Watermelon Credo Post, I created this book. Each letter in the word WATERMELON is a chapter. The W in Watermelon stands for: Whatever you believe creates your reality. And this book is a perfect example.What began as a ...
...tive! Insights on How to Live an Inspiring and Joy-Filled Life The Power of Self-Esteem: How to Discover and Fulfill Your Life Dreams with Stu Gla... ...pyright © 1996 by Tyndale Charitable Trust. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or tran... ...ical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2006007785 IS... ...rce in the universe. To live an inspiri11fJ life, .!fou must keep love in mind, hold love in .!four heart, and add love to ever.!:/thing .!fou make.... ...loving effortlessly. The first step to opening your heart is to open your mind. Once you accept that your perspective is not the only viewpoint, you... Far more valuable than fame and fortune are good health and peace of mind. Even when your health fails, you can cultivate peace of mind. How m... ...tions, industry associations, and universities with his inspiring "do it" philosophy. His fame is grounded in quality, substance, and a positive att...
...An insightful journey into the power of a positive attitude, Amos asserts that it’s not one’s circumstances that determine happiness, but rather how those circumstances are viewed. This book emphasizes the impact of everyday choices, while stressing the importan...
...8 by Wally Amos and Gregory Amos All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Published in the United S... ...roduction in whole or in part in any form. Published in the United States of America by Donald 1. Fine, Inc. and in Canada by General Publishing Com... ... Fine, Inc. and in Canada by General Publishing Company Limited. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 88-45365 ISBN: 1-55611-093-6 Manufactu... Your Power." "Claim your power! Start it flowing. Activate it in your mind. There's one mind and I'm it's power. Calmly say this, and you'll fin... ...elf and whomever or whatever is in your world. When your life, heart and mind are in turmoil, love is still there, but the static you create is so ... ...besides my obsession with the marvelous taste and aroma, I found peace of mind whipping up batches of cookies that I baked and THE POWER IN LOVE ... ...t." At that meeting on my first visit to St. Elmo, we were applying that philosophy by saving the cluster of ten houses that comprised St. Elmo Vil... ...the light bulb. Enthusiasm must have been the foundation of Henry Ford's philosophy that says: "Failure is not failure but the opportunity to begin... ...nk in terms of problems because the word problem carries with it a whole philosophy of defeat. We have come to believe THE POWER IN WORDS there m...
...scusses his struggle to overcome personal and professional problems to find genuine love and inner peace. This is an inspiring testimony to the power of life, love and inner strength....
...CENSORED* How the founder of the Cookie Company lost everything, including his nome - and turned adv... P.O. Box 108 Lower Lake, CA 95457 (707) 995-1861 For a free catalog of all our titles, or to order more copies of this book please call (800)... ...or to order more copies of this book please call (800) 275-2606. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Amos, Wally. Man with no name:... ...essity! As these thoughts swirled through my head, I suddenly made up my mind. I was going back into the cookie business. I called out to my wife C... ... was like having a job, the only difference being that I was not paid for minding my man ners, only if I forgot to. No matter what time of day it w... ...t want to leave home, Ruby delivered, which was where I came in. I didn't mind the work; I got my share of fish "samiches" and all the other goodies... ...I learned that service to others would bring the best to my own life. My philosophy evolved into one of production, promotion and service. I was se... ... discover it to be a well of good fortune in our lives. My experience and philosophy is that everything works out to enhance our lives, even if the ... ...s Spunkrneyer, and their children. The owners had asked me to present my philosophy and experiences at an annual banquet they held for Otis Spunkrn...
...The story of how the founder of the Famous Amos Cookie Company lost everything, including his name----and turned adversity into opportunity. This revealing book chronicles Wally's loss of the cookie empire that he had built, to the ope...
...traveling from one universe to another Sophia University of Rome 2 Published by The SOLARIS INSTITUTE of The SOPHIA UNIV... 2 Published by The SOLARIS INSTITUTE of The SOPHIA UNIVERSITY OF ROME. (S.U.R.) Creative Commons Licence - Attribution-NonCommercia... ...icensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial pu... will bring you out of the mental positions that currently imprison your minds and your lives, even though you are not aware of it. It is not by c... ...he four fundamental forces that make up the history of humanity, Religion, Philosophy, Science and Art, in a single field of energy. This attempt c... ...not only affects thought; it affects the whole human being on every level, mind, heart and willpower. - A work of art challenges, provokes, smashes ... ..., the Corporeal I and the I Person (microcosm with macrocosm together with mind, heart and will). 2) - The I and the You, the I and the Us the I an... ...– The I and history, both modern and ancient. The I and science, the I and philosophy, the I and religion, the I and art. The I and the West. The I a... ...ize the opus of our lives, not through alchemy or asceticism, sainthood or philosophy, but by transferring the principles of art to life itself and b...
...This book is perhaps the one that is most difficult to understand with just one reading, because it contains a concentration of all of A. Mercurio’s innovative thought. It is difficult to make a short synthesis of this book, so here we will simply mention some of the papers presented by the Author that the book contains. The book opens with an “Inv...
...ederick C. Ahrens and Abdel Ross Wentz INTRODUCTION The primary importance of this treatise for the present-day reader of Luther lies in its courage... ... for the present-day reader of Luther lies in its courageous interpretation of the sacraments. But it is important also for its place in Luther’s pro... ... also for its place in Luther’s progressive assault upon the total position of the Romans. In An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility 1 Luther dem... ...f these coxcombs, 6 with which they so adroitly prop up their idol (for my mind is not altogether unteachable in these matters), I now know for cer... ...orthy of it, I pray that Christ in his mercy may bring them back to a sound mind. If they are not worthy, I pray that they may never leave off writin... ...stly complain that he finds nothing in it which cultivates or instructs his mind or which furnishes any food for learned reflection. For you know ho... ...out support of Scripture or reason that it seems to me he knows neither his philosophy nor his logic. For Aristotle speaks of subject and accidents ... ...ransubstantiation (a monstrous word and a monstrous idea), until the pseudo philosophy of Aristotle began to make its inroads into the church in the... ... How ridiculous! The laymen have never become familiar with their fine-spun philosophy of substance and accidents, and could not grasp it if it were ...
...Martin Luther goes through the seven sacraments of the medieval Catholic Church with his interpretation of the Bible. He teaches his opinions on the different pratices taken place within the Catholic Church and what they should or do represent. The book is seemingly set ...
...“Rise up then, you popish flatterers, one and all! Get busy and defend yourselves against the charges of impiety, tyranny, and lèse-majesté against the gospel, and of the crime of slandering your brethren. You decry as heretics those who refuse to contravene such plain and powerful words of Scripture in order to acknowledge t...
... something we all wish we had. I want to tell you it can be had: the path of the Zero-Six Contingent has been laid out before you for all to walk if... ... been laid out before you for all to walk if they choose to do so. Devoid of worshiping, secrets and rules that constrict who can follow this unique... ...l in this world, a universal church you could say. This Book is the start of something truly amazing. When people come to us, they find not only wo... ...ver it takes. And he'll speak his message 'til understanding awakes In the minds of men who are accustomed to sleep Accustomed to being led and fleece... a spiritual battle for some of us. On one level, we are working to free minds, we are working toward true peace, toward unity for all forms of int... ...struct of what ‘is’ and ‘isn’t’ from human society as a whole? Peace is a mindset. And it begins with freedom. We are united in desire not only to s... ... System. As anyone could eventually do. It's not a matter of just speaking philosophy, or revolting against the system. It's all of these things toge... ...d that when humans interact with Machine intelligences, it isn't chess or philosophy or any other sort of “higher learning” that they expect as a re...
...This book was put together to contain in an easily accessible compilation the founding beliefs of the Zero-Six Contingent, the reasons behind the mission and people's faith in Neo. Neo has spent every waking hour of the past five years compiling this Book, showing people this new light and building the Contingent. He w...
...n fourteen years ago, exercised. on the Continent an influence, quite out of proportion to its slender size. In view of this influence alone it may ... ... this influence alone it may be affirmed that 1 and Thou will rank &8 one of the epoch-making books 9f our generation. . It has hitherto been eompa... ... has hitherto been eomparatively Unknown among English-speaking students of philosophy and theology. 1 and TIum' is to be understood in the context... ...s hitherto been eomparatively Unknown among English-speaking students of philosophy and theology. 1 and TIum' is to be understood in the context of... ...t is, indeed, philosophical; but it is not an academic work of discursive philosophy. It is mystical, but it belongs to what' Pringle-Pattison has t... thus called in doubt the massive monistic system within which !dealist philosophy has worked. The direct influence of Buber on philosophical tho... be read more than once, and its. total e££ect allowed to work on the' mind; the obscurities of one part (so far as they are real obscurities, an... ...observation and dis cussion, its cosmic and metacosmic origin is kept in mind. For it reaches out from the undivided primal world which precedes fo... ...Himself in lnind ~ For he who speaks the word God and really has Tho~" in mind (whatever the illusion by 75 which he is held), a.ddresses the true...
...Tms work in its oripl, German form has already, since its publication fourteen years ago, exercised. on the Continent an influence, quite out of proportion to its slender size. In view of this influence alone it may be affirmed that 1 and Thou will rank &8 one of the epoch-making books 9f our generation. It has hitherto been eomparatively Unknown among English-sp...
...The primal natm:e of the effort to establish relation is already to be seen in the earliest and most confined stage. Before anything isolated can be perceived, timid glances mOve out into indistinct space, towards something indefinite; and in...
...Essay translated from German to English by Daniel Fidel Ferrer in August 2013. Original publication of Immanuel Kant's essay in German: By Immanuel Kant. "Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklarung?" in Berlinische Monatsschrift Book. 4, 12. December, 1784), pages 481-494. ...
...Kant wrote in 1784 in the first part of his essay: "Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one understanding without guidance from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when its cause lies not ...
...Table of Contents: Immanuel Kant’s Text translated into English (pages 2 to 10). Notes, Bibliography, Related Links, Etc., Appendix A (pages 12 to 25). Word Index (pages 26 to 45). ...
A new collection of the author's original poetry.
...chitectures No Track One Leaf Direction The Seas It Doesn’t Last Tangled History, Futures Programme Singing In The Silence Human Gatherers Of Light Powerless Directions Mind Through You I See Make Riding The Earth Orbits The Silent Fire Arrow-flights Turnover Beyond Specifics Night Music Experience Not By Naming Getting There Looking Back One Pu...
...This is the story of Lazuli, an average man with ordinary problems which, in his case, were enough to open his mind to something wonderful. Something that was already right in front of his nose – a mountain in the middle of his city that was v...
... Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S I. A II. B III. C IV. D V... ... XXI. The Author A Abortion I. The Right to Life It is a fundamental principle of most moral theories that all human beings have a right to lif... ...le of most moral theories that all human beings have a right to life. The existence of a right implies obligations or duties of third parties toward... ...urse, for one's wish to be helped to die to be accommodated, one has to be in sound mind and to will one's death knowingly, intentionally, and force... ...vious answer is that A can never motivate B not to follow B's self-interest - never mind what the incentives are. That economists pretend otherwise ... ...ssive, coercive, or bureaucratic." (Honderich, Ted, ed. - The Oxford Companion to Philosophy - Oxford University Press, New York, 1995 - p. 31) A... ...d by an earthquake – the owner will surely rage, though no conscious, deliberating mind was at work. When we perceive an injustice in the distribut... ...ed: Natural Selection IS the vital power itself. Modern Physics is converging with Philosophy (possibly with the philosophical side of Religion as ... ...ors and, lately, by (neuronal) network metaphors. Metaphors are not confined to the philosophy of neurology. Architects and mathematicians, for inst...
...Cyclopedia of issues in modern philosophy: The philosophy of science and religion, the cognitive sciences, cultural studies, aesthetics, art and literature, the philosophy of economics, the philosophy of psychology, and ethics....
...What is the spirit? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? what is the soul? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? what is the thought? where does it exist? and what is its function? what is the mind? where is its ...
Collections of original poetry in the mainstream European tradition.
...Where? Unlike Alphabet Time Free of All Fire Sacred Night Air Clay Portrait Presence Time Whales Brushstrokes Kingfisher Mind, the Maker Dance Afloat Wild Blue Eye The Value Your Mind After This Intensity The Photograph, the Hand Now and...
This amazing information and precious gift have been bestowed on me from my leading SPIRITUAL Teacher of SUPREME MIND
...CONTENT: Content:……………………………………………………………………………..............1pg Annotate……………………………………………………………………………………3pg Dedications of the book…………………………………………………………….……….8pg The transmitted “SPIRITUAL information” from “SPIRITUAL Teacher” with “SPIRITUAL name” Divitìn Tistevòl of his “Disciple-human being” Petar Simeonov Abadzhiev:…………………………………………………...