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I and Thou

By: Martin Bube

...n fourteen years ago, exercised. on the Continent an influence, quite out of proportion to its slender size. In view of this influence alone it may ... ... this influence alone it may be affirmed that 1 and Thou will rank &8 one of the epoch-making books 9f our generation. . It has hitherto been eompa... ... has hitherto been eomparatively Unknown among English-speaking students of philosophy and theology. 1 and TIum' is to be understood in the context... ...s hitherto been eomparatively Unknown among English-speaking students of philosophy and theology. 1 and TIum' is to be understood in the context of... ...t is, indeed, philosophical; but it is not an academic work of discursive philosophy. It is mystical, but it belongs to what' Pringle-Pattison has t... ...as thus called in doubt the massive monistic system within which !dealist philosophy has worked. The direct influence of Buber on philosophical tho... ...st be read more than once, and its. total e££ect allowed to work on the' mind; the obscurities of one part (so far as they are real obscurities, an... ...observation and dis­ cussion, its cosmic and metacosmic origin is kept in mind. For it reaches out from the undivided primal world which precedes fo... ...Himself in lnind ~ For he who speaks the word God and really has Tho~" in mind (whatever the illusion by 75 which he is held), a.ddresses the true...

...Tms work in its oripl, German form has already, since its publication fourteen years ago, exercised. on the Continent an influence, quite out of proportion to its slender size. In view of this influence alone it may be affirmed that 1 and Thou will rank &8 one of the epoch-making books 9f our generation. It has hitherto been eomparatively Unknown among English-sp...

...The primal natm:e of the effort to establish relation is already to be seen in the earliest and most confined stage. Before anything isolated can be perceived, timid glances mOve out into indistinct space, towards something indefinite; and in...

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