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The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty: Volume II

By: Juan Josafat Ben Ezra

... THE COMING OF MESSIAH IN GLORY AND MAJESTY BY JUAN JOSAFAT BEN-EZRA, A CONVERTED JEW TRANSLATED FROM THE SPAN... ... THE COMING OF MESSIAH IN GLORY AND MAJESTY BY JUAN JOSAFAT BEN-EZRA, A CONVERTED JEW TRANSLATED FROM THE SPANISH, ... ... THE COMING OF MESSIAH IN GLORY AND MAJESTY BY JUAN JOSAFAT BEN-EZRA, A CONVERTED JEW TRANSLATED FROM THE SPANISH, WITH A P... ... THE COMING OF MESSIAH IN GLORY AND MAJESTY BY JUAN JOSAFAT BEN-EZRA, A CONVERTED JEW TRANSLATED FROM THE SPANISH, WITH A PRELI... ...VII THIS EDITION PUBLISHED BY J G TILLIN ENGLAND © MM THE COMING OF MESSIAH IN GLORY AND MAJESTY. PART II. (CONTINUED) PHENOME... ...s which we now proceed to examine, viz. the Christian church, and the captivity of Babylon, do not deserve so much the name of Phenomena, as of Anti... ...ile to their own misery; and if haply there should enter into you any elation of mind, any vain glory, or security, know, brethren, that you do not b... ... he did upon the natural branches thereof: “thou standest by faith, be not high minded but fear, for if God spared not the natural branches, take he... ...r portion not less in size reigneth idolatry, in another heresy, and in another philosophy, and in another barbarism, &c. And in this same sense, it...

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