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Empire and Wars

By: Sam Vaknin

... Wars and Empire 2nd EDITION Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Editing and Design: Lidija Rangelovsk... ... Wars and Empire 2nd EDITION Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. Editing and Design: Lidija Rangelovska ... ...from: Lidija Rangelovska – write to: palma@unet.com.mk Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": http://www.ce-revi... ...Lidija Rangelovska – write to: palma@unet.com.mk Visit the Author Archive of Dr. Sam Vaknin in "Central Europe Review": http://www.ce-review.org/... ...com http://samvak.tripod.com/after.html Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S I. The Author II. About "After... ...ly devalue most that which we have formerly idealized and idolized. To the liberal-minded, the United States of America reified the most noble, lof... ...scholars, peacemakers, non- government organizations - maintain a colonial state of mind. Backward natives come cheap, their lives dispensable, thei... ...t of social cooperation and culture. It is an organizing principle, a narrative, a philosophy, a value system, and a vade mecum. In this it resembl... ...Western culture is inextricably intertwined with Islamic knowledge, teachings, and philosophy. Christian fundamentalists have more in common with M...

The antecedents and aftermath of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the role of the United States in international affairs.

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