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Political Theories (X) Sophia University of Rome (X) Philosophy (X)

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The Ulysseans

By: Antonio Mercurio

...ther. Here is another example. Let’s take it from politics. In a while a political campaign will begin. Imagine what the life of a politician is li... ... fruit of hypotheses and of research that confirms these hypotheses, or of theories built upon constant observations. 67 We must use this same app... ... fruit of hypotheses and of research that confirms these hypotheses, or of theories built upon constant observations. What does this mean? When E... ...s, of research to confirm hypotheses or of constant observations on which theories are developed. The first scientist who worked in this manner ... ...finite patience; he observed and observed and he then started building his theories on what he had observed. Many of his theories were very important... ...l to millions of miserable people who didn’t have one. He fought for their political, as well as their human, dignity. Gandhi was very political b... rich and powerful. - Truth that unifies and does not create religious, political, relationship or family warfare. - Truth that unifies instead ... ...geared towards obtaining and developing the freedom of others, both on the political and the spiritual levels. His freedom was always connected to ... ...ll as correct or convincing. Often when scientists must choose between two theories, they will choose the one that contains beauty, and leave out th...

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Theory of the Person

By: Antonio Mercurio

...his is my conclusion: according to the various theologies and metaphysical theories, in the beginning there was Nothingness on one side and God on th... ...oice”. This phrase refers to those who entrust themselves to those who have political power, placing all their aspirations and dreams in them. What d...

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