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... aesthetical ones. On the prozodic aspect, the haiku is a tristich with 17 syllables as a whole, distributed in three lines by the rule 575. Structu... ...Emil Eugen Pop another Romanian Nipponologist considers the haiku as "…syllables that give the measure of the step with which the haijin wanders ... ...nd even more, an echo of the silence consumed during the reading of the 17 syllables of the poem. The analysis of the poets' haiku, compared with the ... ...e poet performing haiku. The poet has written poems with the number of syllables distributed between 9 and 21. The number most commonly used was ... ...lables distributed between 9 and 21. The number most commonly used was 15 syllables (12 haiku) followed by 17 syllables (12 haiku) and 16 syllables (... ...llables (10 haiku), totaling 50% of the volume. From the 12 haiku with 17 syllables, only two have lines with a length of 5 and 7 syllables, not in t... ...dic structure, the poet observes only the rules of a tierce, the number of syllables being different among the haiku and the lines. It is worth me... ...of the published haiku 52 poems respectively or 64.2% have less than 17 syllables, a fact rarely met by the poets of haiku, who usually exceed this... ...ty is his norm. Therefore, he is allowed to compose haiku with nine and 21 syllables. The poet's inclination toward a type of poem much shorter th...