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Les réalités de la 'réalité' - Première partie: l'intériorité comme point de départ : Pourquoi la réalité pique-t-elle encore notre curiosité? Pourquoi avons-nous encore le sentiment d’être perdus 200.000 plus tard? Quel est l’avenir de la réalité?: Pourquoi la réalité pique-t-elle encore notre curiosité? Pourquoi avons-nous encore le sentiment d’être perdus 200.000 plus tard? Quel est l’avenir de la réalité?

By: Fritz Dufour
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Fritz Dufour's Philosophical Essay on the Works of Louise-Victorine Ackermann : My life, First poems, Philosophical poems (1877) - Translated from French and with a philosophical essay by Fritz Dufour (2017)

By: Fritz Dufour, Linguist, MBA, DESS

... regarding the first four questions and you’re more interested in the last two. Let me start by saying there is no simple and clear-cut answer to any of these questions. But, before I get to the above-mentioned questions, I’d like to take the opportunity to say what this essay is, meaning what kind or what form of essay is it, in addition to being philosophical in terms of...

...TABLE OF CONTENTS Presentation of Louise-Victorine Ackermann……………….………………………………………..........3 About the translation…………………………………………………………………………...………...3 A- Works of Louise-Victorine Ackermann I- My life…………………………………...…………………...

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Humans on Mars, and Beyond

By: Ph.D. HB Paksoy there, once again, will bring their own institutions with them. In this case, we may even surmise, more than one system, given the proliferation of space technology among nations of diverse backgrounds. That also means there will be more than one culture, as well as Governance method. Does that herald a clash of cultures and Governance modes? At that point, it b...

...It can be argued that the primary use of history is to learn the lessons from the experiences of the past human polities. The familiar timeline that is usually attached to historical study is necessary in order to know the flow of events in the proper sequence....

...Humanities on Mars Tengri on Mars Governance on Mars Imperialism on Mars Antarctica Treaty Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies...

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Secrets of Solomon : Wisdom & Success

By: Daniel de Oliveira

...«Secrets of Solomon» is a book easy to read, full of quotations from ancient and contemporary sages: Publilius Syrus, Seneca, Marquês de Maricá, John C. Maxwell, Steven K. Scott, T. Harv Eker, among others. The book was inspired by Pr...

...What is the secret of one of the most powerful men who ever lived? Solomon, son of King David, was the third king of Israel and lived during the tenth century BC. He became famous because of his great wisdom and wealth, higher than any oth...

...Wisdom Introduction Riches of Solomon Secret 1 - The obstacle of wealth Secret 2 - The foundation for success Secret 3 - The cause of failure Secret 4 - The key to glory Secret 5 - The origin of ruin Secret 6 - Way to abundance Secret 7 - The tr...

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Unreality of Time, The

By: John McTaggart

...John McTaggart (1866-1925) John McTaggart was a British metaphysician and philosophical idealist. In this famous article for the periodical Mind, he introduced the notion of the A, B and C series, which was to become a leading theory in explaining the nature of time....


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The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty: Volume II

By: Juan Josafat Ben Ezra

...VII THIS EDITION PUBLISHED BY J G TILLIN ENGLAND © MM THE COMING OF MESSIAH IN GLORY AND MAJESTY. PART II. (CONTINUED) PHENOME... ...s which we now proceed to examine, viz. the Christian church, and the captivity of Babylon, do not deserve so much the name of Phenomena, as of Anti... ...ena, as of Antiphenomena, or veils, clouds, and impediments, to the observation of the true Phenomena. They are those two great and ancient fortress... ...ile to their own misery; and if haply there should enter into you any elation of mind, any vain glory, or security, know, brethren, that you do not b... ... he did upon the natural branches thereof: “thou standest by faith, be not high minded but fear, for if God spared not the natural branches, take he... ...rchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor? Or who hath first... ...r portion not less in size reigneth idolatry, in another heresy, and in another philosophy, and in another barbarism, &c. And in this same sense, it...

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The Realities of 'Reality' - Part I: It All Starts from Within : Why does reality still pique our curiosity? Why have we yet to find ourselves 200,000 years later? What is the fate of reality?: Why does reality still pique our curiosity? Why have we yet to find ourselves 200,000 years later? What is the fate of reality?

By: Fritz Dufour

...This book is the first of a series that considers the many aspects of reality. I call it ‘It all starts from within’ because reality starts with each of us individually and independently. It starts from our inner self before evolving into what I wo...

... and I was writing about reality, where would I begin? What would be the basis that I would use for my arguments? Would I still be able to talk about philosophy, psychology, art, mathematics, chemistry, physics and quantum mechanics? Would I be able to talk about the brain and the mind the same way I do today? Would I be able to speculate about life and death? Would these ...

... write this series…………………………………………………………4 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..5 Chapter I. Perception and our senses in the interpretation of reality……………………..9 1. About perception…………………………………………………………………………..10 2. The visible five senses…………………………………………………………………….11 3. The invisible five senses…………………………………………………………………..21 Chapter II. Ro...

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Klimers Primers, Mind Map of the Book The Great Conversation : A 2,500 Year Old Coversation Between Authors in the Western Literary Tradition

By: Timoleon Wash

...The Great Conversation refers to the texts of the Western Tradition produced over the last 2,500 years between authors such as Plato and Adams, Homer and Marx; hundreds of authors, hundreds of books, collected and published as the Great Books of the Western World by E...

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Meditations on First Philosophy

By: René Descartes

...After several years working on a treatise putting forth his mechanistic philosophy and physics, Descartes shelved the project when his contemporary, Galileo, was charged with heresy. That work, The World, was only published after Descartes’ death. It seems that Descartes must have had this, in pa...


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Ethics, The

By: Benedict de Spinoza

...ered his magnum opus. In The Ethics, Spinoza attempts to demonstrate a fully cohesive philosophical system that strives to provide a coherent picture of reality and to comprehend the meaning of an ethical life. Following a logical step-by-step format, it defines in turn the nature of God, the mind, human bondage to the emotions, and the power of understanding -- moving fro...


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Critique of Pure Reason, The

By: Immanuel Kant

...The Critique of Pure Reason, first published in 1781 with a second edition in 1787, has been called the most influential and important philosophical text of the modern age. Kant saw the Critique of Pure Reason as an attempt to bridge the ...


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The Power in You

By: Wally Amos

...8 by Wally Amos and Gregory Amos All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Published in the United S... ...roduction in whole or in part in any form. Published in the United States of America by Donald 1. Fine, Inc. and in Canada by General Publishing Com... ... Fine, Inc. and in Canada by General Publishing Company Limited. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 88-45365 ISBN: 1-55611-093-6 Manufactu... Your Power." "Claim your power! Start it flowing. Activate it in your mind. There's one mind and I'm it's power. Calmly say this, and you'll fin... ...elf and whomever or whatever is in your world. When your life, heart and mind are in turmoil, love is still there, but the static you create is so ... ...besides my obsession with the marvelous taste and aroma, I found peace of mind whipping up batches of cookies that I baked and THE POWER IN LOVE ... ...t." At that meeting on my first visit to St. Elmo, we were applying that philosophy by saving the cluster of ten houses that comprised St. Elmo Vil... ...the light bulb. Enthusiasm must have been the foundation of Henry Ford's philosophy that says: "Failure is not failure but the opportunity to begin... ...nk in terms of problems because the word problem carries with it a whole philosophy of defeat. We have come to believe THE POWER IN WORDS there m...

...scusses his struggle to overcome personal and professional problems to find genuine love and inner peace. This is an inspiring testimony to the power of life, love and inner strength....

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Man with No Name

By: Wally Amos

...CENSORED* How the founder of the Cookie Company lost everything, including his nome - and turned adv... P.O. Box 108 Lower Lake, CA 95457 (707) 995-1861 For a free catalog of all our titles, or to order more copies of this book please call (800)... ...or to order more copies of this book please call (800) 275-2606. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Amos, Wally. Man with no name:... ...essity! As these thoughts swirled through my head, I suddenly made up my mind. I was going back into the cookie business. I called out to my wife C... ... was like having a job, the only difference being that I was not paid for minding my man­ ners, only if I forgot to. No matter what time of day it w... ...t want to leave home, Ruby delivered, which was where I came in. I didn't mind the work; I got my share of fish "samiches" and all the other goodies... ...I learned that service to others would bring the best to my own life. My philosophy evolved into one of production, promotion and service. I was se... ... discover it to be a well of good fortune in our lives. My experience and philosophy is that everything works out to enhance our lives, even if the ... ...s Spunkrneyer, and their children. The owners had asked me to present my philosophy and experiences at an annual banquet they held for Otis Spunkrn...

...The story of how the founder of the Famous Amos Cookie Company lost everything, including his name----and turned adversity into opportunity. This revealing book chronicles Wally's loss of the cookie empire that he had built, to the ope...

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The Ulysseans

By: Antonio Mercurio

...traveling from one universe to another Sophia University of Rome 2 Published by The SOLARIS INSTITUTE of The SOPHIA UNIV... 2 Published by The SOLARIS INSTITUTE of The SOPHIA UNIVERSITY OF ROME. (S.U.R.) Creative Commons Licence - Attribution-NonCommercia... ...icensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial pu... will bring you out of the mental positions that currently imprison your minds and your lives, even though you are not aware of it. It is not by c... ...he four fundamental forces that make up the history of humanity, Religion, Philosophy, Science and Art, in a single field of energy. This attempt c... ...not only affects thought; it affects the whole human being on every level, mind, heart and willpower. - A work of art challenges, provokes, smashes ... ..., the Corporeal I and the I Person (microcosm with macrocosm together with mind, heart and will). 2) - The I and the You, the I and the Us the I an... ...– The I and history, both modern and ancient. The I and science, the I and philosophy, the I and religion, the I and art. The I and the West. The I a... ...ize the opus of our lives, not through alchemy or asceticism, sainthood or philosophy, but by transferring the principles of art to life itself and b...

...This book is perhaps the one that is most difficult to understand with just one reading, because it contains a concentration of all of A. Mercurio’s innovative thought. It is difficult to make a short synthesis of this book, so here we will simply mention some of the papers presented by the Author that the book contains. The book opens with an “Inv...

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The Sources of Spring Water in the World : A dialogue between Sir John G. Bennett and Scholar M. Amin Sheikho

By: Mohammad Amin Sheikho; A. K. John Alias Al-Dayrani, Performer

...What is the spirit? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? what is the soul? where is the center of its existence? and what is its function? what is the thought? where does it exist? and what is its function? what is the mind? where is its ...

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Words from Cold Mountain

By: Han-Shan; Kline, Tony, translator

...Han-shan, the Master of Cold Mountain, and his friend Shi-te, lived in the late-eighth to early-ninth century AD, in the sacred T’ien-t’ai Mountains of Chekiang Province, south of the bay of Hangchow. The two laughing friends, holding hands, come...

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Deep Fields

By: Kline, Tony

Collections of original poetry in the mainstream European tradition.

...Deep Fields Out of the Dark Digging in Into the Fiery Darkness Passing Listening to Transience Seeing, Not Capturing The Meeting Pool Out Here After Long Concentration Beautiful, Shifting Light The Midnight Eye Sounds and Branches...

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Above Life's Turmoil

By: James Allen

...The turmoil of the world we cannot avoid, but the disturbances of mind we can overcome. The duties and difficulties of life claim our attention, but we can rise above all anxiety concerning them. Surrounded by noise, we can yet have a qu...

Advice, Philosophy

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Speculations and Physics

By: Sam Vaknin, Ph. D.

... Created by: LIDIJA RANGELOVSKA REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA C O N T E N T S PH YSI CS I. Time Asymmetry Re... ... PH YSI CS I. Time Asymmetry Re-Visited II. Negentropic Agents and the Increase of Entropy III. The Complexity of Simplicity IV. Bestowed Exist... ...tropy III. The Complexity of Simplicity IV. Bestowed Existence V. The Decoherence of Measurement VI. The Quantum of Continuity VII. Quantum Mecha... ...d: Natural Selection IS the vital power itself. Modern Physics is converging with Philosophy (possibly with the philosophical side of Religion as ... ...cs somehow relates to or is derived from a-priori structures embedded in the human mind. 2. It provides high information density, akin to stenogr... ...orms and structures: some of these are in the material world, others merely in the mind of the mathematician. 4. Mathematics is a flexible, "op... ...knowledge and necessary truths (either objective and "out there", or mental, in the mind) and because it is aesthetic (like the mind of the Creator,... ...ent view of the scientific endeavor competes with a more modest, semantic school of philosophy of science. Many theories - especially ones with bre... ...dvantage, to tackle questions that once were the exclusive preserve of religion or philosophy. The scientific method is ill-built to cope with such...

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Sappho's Journal

By: Paul Alexander Bartlett

...poet Sappho back to life in a finely crafted novel that reveals her sense of beauty, her loves, her reflections, her inner world. Based on a carefu... ...ty, her loves, her reflections, her inner world. Based on a careful study of ancient Greece and Sappho’s surviving fragments of poetry, Bartlett re... ...ving fragments of poetry, Bartlett recreates Sappho in a lyrical account of the life, passion, fears, and faith of this remarkable woman whose inti... ... xiii PREFACE Steven James Bartlett Senior Research Professor of Philosophy, Oregon State University and Visiting Scholar in Psychology & ... ...iest ones, and read several passages. But I could not continue; I felt my mind wrapped in fog; my hands became icy. I shut my eyes and said to mysel... and suggested we stroll in private. Obviously, he had something on his mind! He began by offering me an exquisite scarab, saying he had purchased... ...c as an amphora; little by little I must mold its lines on the wheel of my mind. It is the structure, containing the song. It must be graceful, stron...

...In Sappho’s Journal, the author brings the famous Greek poet Sappho back to life in a finely crafted novel that reveals her sense of beauty, her loves, her reflections, her inner world. Based on a careful study of ancient Greece and Sappho’s surviving fragments of poetry, Bartlett recreates Sappho in a lyrical account of the life, passion, fears, a...

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