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In i870, the kingdom of hawaii faced a challenge: as a result of often poor surveying during the mahele process in the 1840s and 1850s, land records were chaotic. Uncertainty over boundaries and land ownership was a major hindrance to real estate sales, taxes, and the development of the kingdoms economy. Under the direction of the young William DeWitt Alexander, a new government agency was established to take charge of surveying and mapping operations in the country. The Hawaiian Government Survey (1870—1900) was an ambitious undertaking for the period. Although comparable agencies were well established in Europe by then, even the United States had not yet created an agency whose mandate was to map the entire country. Combining the best of a classical education, a pragmatic approach to problems, and a willingness to tackle rugged outdoor work in often miserable conditions, W. D. Alexander succeeded in shaping his small but dedicated staff into a mapping agency that achieved a remarkably high standard of proficiency. In doing so, Alexander made a decision that was both brave and wise, choosing not to emulate the work of European and ...
By the late 1860s, private land ownership had replaced the traditional Hawaiian land tenure system, with profound and far-reaching effects on Hawaiian society. In the traditional Hawaiian system land was not owned outright by anyone but was held in stewardship for all the people by the alii ai moku, the highest ranking member of society. The alii ai moku granted the use of specific pieces of land to high-ranking alii (often referred to as chiefs), who in turn assigned parcels to be used by lesser alii or to individual families. The makaainana, or common people, paid rent to those above them in the hierarchy by giving a portion of the produce from their gardens and other resources gathered from the land and the waters and by contributing labor to projects for the common good. Recipients of such benefits kept some and passed the rest up the social and political chain. The alii in turn were obligated to carry out the many functions associated with any form of government....
Baliwag, a not so small town in the Philippines that shared much to World History. The less known role it played on the lives of people from the stone age, Spanish conquest, The Spanish-American War, The Pilipino-American War, World War 2. This compilation eBook is dedicated To All The People, In some Ways Or The Other Whose Lives Have Been Connected To Our Town Baliwag. This History Compilation Book Is For You......
Table of Contents Volume 1 of 5 1. Preface page 6 2. Pre Historic Baliwag page 10 3. Understand Bulakan Know Baliwag page 27 4. Spanish Period page 45 5. The Founding Families of Baliwag page 50 6. Tsinoys page 129 7. Dr. Rizal’s Chinese Ancestors page 165 8. Año 1733 The Making of a Town page 170 9. Let us learn about the Agustinian Friars page 189 10. Añ0 1800 What Transpired page 219 11. Año 1850 The Natives Got Their Family Name page 226 12. The Short Lived First Asian Republic page 317 13. The Spanish-American War page 354 14. Philippine-American War page 356 Table of Contents Volume 2 of 5 1. Preface 447 2. The First Town Election in Asia 450 3. The New York Times Coverage of the War 456 4. The United States Indemnify Spain for $20 million 476 5. The Philippines an Integral part of the United States of America 508 6. Why we fight the Filipinos 524 7. Americas First Vietnam- The Philippine Insurrection 552 8. The Transport Ships 595 9. Collection Pictures from the War Front 663 10. Baliwag’s Unsung Hero 686 11. Bustos and San Rafael 688 12. Young’s Scouts in Baliwag 708 13. The American Period 74...
Recent airpower operations revealed a deficiency in the United States Air Force’s (USAF) ability to precisely attack mobile targets at standoff ranges with minimal collateral damage. Future airpower operations will be executed in politically sensitive strategic environments and thus will require the ability to precisely destroy mobile targets that may have been strategically placed by an adversary in areas with a high risk of collateral damage. Current air-to-ground guided weapon systems, including man-in-the-loop guidance weapon systems, have limited “collateral reduction” capabilities; and future autonomous precision standoff weapon systems may increase the risk and uncertainty associated with collateral damage due to technology limitations. The acquisition of a precision standoff man-in-the-loop weapon system through the modification of current weapon systems or the acquisition of a new weapon system may provide the USAF a critically needed air-to-ground capability against mobile targets in a high-risk collateral damage environment....
Many are referring to it as themost valuable book in America. This is the new book everyone's trying to get their copy of. Updated Edition, with foreword by Dr. Ron Paul it's A Must Have Book For All Investors Within these pages you will learn dozens of useful ideas including: The world's 3 safest currencies A one of a kind silver investment that could pay you 1,000% A simple way to organize all of your financial documents The secret paper currency used by the world's wealthiest people How to quickly open a foreign bank account online, no visit required Two of the most dangerous investments for the next 5 years The absolute best types of businesses to start The only five things you absolutely, positively must have to ensure you and your family can safely survive just a current crisis. This is The Updated Edition Foreword by Dr. Ron Paul that Features 238 Pages. That's 131 more pages than the first model. For a limited time America 2020 : The Survival Blueprint will be bundled with an additional 5 Exclusive PDF E-Books from Stansberry Research....
Stop… Before you read this book, I need to warn you. I’m about to make some arresting claims about the future of our country. I know this is a politically charged and emotional issue. My conclusions will not be easy for most readers to accept. Likewise, many of the things I am writing about will challenge people to re-examine what they believe about their country. Understand, I am only writing about the facts as I find them. And the facts about America tell a painful story about a country in a steep decline, beset by problems of its own making. I fear this publication will spark a tremendous amount of controversy. Many people will surely accuse me of deliberately writing inflammatory things to stir the pot and gain attention. That’s not my intention. I’ve gone to great lengths throughout my career to protect my privacy. I am speaking out because someone must. And I have the resources to do it. I am sharing these ideas with all who will listen because I know we have arrived at the moment of a long-brewing crisis. I am only drawing conclusions based on the situation as it stands. I am not saying these condit...
Part I The Three Great Corruptions That Are Destroying America The Corruption of Politics 1 The Corruption of Debt 7 The Corruption of Currency 13 The Mutiny on the Dollar 18 The Future of America 22 Part II The Three Assets You Do Not Have to Report to the U.S. Government How to Prepare for the Biggest Government Encroachment in U.S. History 25 Three Tips to Keep Your Wealth Out of the United States 28 Part III Secrets of the Silver Market Owning Silver Is the Best Decision You Can Make 33 A Silver Investment Created by the U.S. Government 37 Where to Get Your U.S. Coins 40 Safe Silver: A Far Better Business 41 Part IV The World’s Most Valuable Asset in a Time of Crisis How You Can Protect Yourself – and Even Profit – in the Face of a Crisis 45 One of the Best ‘Crisis Asset’ Companies in the World 49 Part V The Nine Most Important Things I’m Doing to Prepare for a Crisis in America An Interview with Porter Stansberry 53 Summary: Porter’s Nine Keys to Survive a Currency Crisis 70 Part VI How to Own the World’s Trophy Assets The Most Profitable and Stable Form of Leveraged Investing 72 How Priv...
Beginning with the traditional history of the great chief ‘Umi and ending with the death of Kamehameha III in 1854, this volume covers the rediscovery of the Hawaiian Islands by Captain James Cook, the consolidation of the Hawaiian Kingdom by Kamehameha I, the coming of the missionaries and the changes affecting the kingdom during the first half of the nineteenth century. Originally, this history was written by Kamakau in Hawaiian as a series of newspaper articles in the 1860s and 1870s. The English translation is primarily by Mary Kawena Pukui. It offers more than a record of past events. It presents a scholarly interpretation of those events by a Hawaiian historian writing for Hawaiians about their culture and disappearing customs. He lived at a time when access to first-hand information about the ancient culture was still available yet needed explanation because his Hawaiian audience was growing increasingly removed from its own cultural past. He wrote with a remarkable memory, a strong intellectual curiosity and a skill for turning a phrase. Samuel Manaiakalani Kamakau was born in 1815 on the island of O‘ahu and died in Honolu...
The first article, dated December 16, 1920, was entitled “A Tale of Kekuhaupi‘o, the Famous Warrior of the Era of Kamehameha the Great (Written for the readers of Ka Hoku o Hawaii).” The serial initially focuses on the story of Kekuhaupi‘o, an exceptionally strong and skillful Hawaiian warrior from Ke‘ei, South Kona. As with most noted warriors, he was a master in the ways of battle strategy and in understanding human nature in his enemies and allies alike. Kekuhaupi‘o advocated the importance of continued training to be always prepared for battle. He believed in heeding the omens of the gods of ancient Hawai‘i—spirits from whom victory or defeat was thought to spring. Kekuhaupi‘o was well versed in the many disciplines of Hawaiian warfare, particularly that of lua (a bone-breaking form of wrestling), and a master in the use of weaponry....
The Young Kekuhaupi‘o. 1 -- A New Teacher.. 3 -- The Ailolo Ceremony.. 6 -- Luring the Niuhi Shark.. 9 -- The Niuhi Shark: Methods of Capture.. 11 -- Battling the Niuhi Shark. 13 -- Ailolo Offering and a Lua Contest.. 15 -- Ikoi, the Tripping Club, and Delegate Kuhio. 18 -- Demonstrating Ikoi.. 20 -- The Ikoi Contest and Return Home.. 23 -- Birth of Kamehameha I.. 25 -- Kekuhaupi‘o Becomes an Instructor.. 28 -- Battle of Kalaeokailio, Kaupo.. 30 -- Kalani‘opu‘u Again Takes War to Maui. 33 -- Kalani‘opu‘u Disregards his Kahuna. 35 -- Kekuhaupi‘o’s Adventure with Kamehameha on Maui. 38 -- Disaster at Kakanilua, Maui. 41 -- Slaughter on Maui. 44 -- Kiwala‘o Sent to Sue for Peace. 47 -- On Board Captain Cook’s Ship and the Thundering Cannon. 51 -- First Encounters with Europeans. 55 -- Kamehameha Sails with Cook. 59 -- Training for Battle in Kohala. 62 -- Kekuhaupi‘o Rebukes Kamehameha and Prepares for War. 65 -- Fighting at Hakalau. 68 -- Kekuhaupi‘o Kills Kaihe and Kamehameha Recalled to Kohala. 71The Naha Stone. 75 -- Kamehameha Moves the Naha Stone. 79 -- Kalani‘opu‘u’s Bequests. 82 -- ‘Imakakoloa Sacrificed. 85 -- Kuka‘ilimoku Give...
Audiobook (Part 1) available - What would America look like in 2050, if the liberals ultimately prevail? Pushing discourse down to the same high-sounding, muddled thinking of the geniuses on 'the left;' through vapid, touchy-feely, non-erudite, irrational conclusions and illogical, logical sounding arguments. The book the publishing houses would never let see the light of day....
The year is 2020 when Professor Felix Schwartz, your typical, garden variety, liberal college professor, steps out in front of a Mack truck and the lights go out. Thirty years pass by, all the while Schwartz remains a walking vegetable and ward of the state. By 2050 the country has gone through some changes thanks to a dramatic shift in the makeup in the country's populace giving liberals (referred to as assclowns, moonbats, goofnads, or asshats) control over Washington. In that thirty years the country becomes the veritable paradise moonbats have long sought to create, but more resembling a third-world, banana republic where English is replaced by twenty-five variations of gang slang, no one gets beyond third grade, rioting and something resembling football with hockey sticks are the national pastimes. There is now a "Forever President," welfare moms have replaced small business, corn is the cornerstone of industry, and people drive around in either battery-powered, bubble cars, or Latino lowriders. While nonthinking, Schwartz is led around on a doggie leash, has become something called a 'pinball,' has names ranging from V...
Note from Author i Dedication 4 Part One Forward 1 Early Background 2 Current Times 8 A New Day 16 Great Escape 50 Rude Awakening 72 Taste of Metamorphosis 88 The Corn Field 126 Closing Remarks 150 Part Two Opening Dialog 153 NMASA Headquarters 156 Vocal “Reader” is Back 166 Trouble Spotted 175 White Trash Gertrude 185 Back in Waycross 196 Santa Clause FEMA 217 TheTVInterview 228 Glossary 233 Upcoming Books 242 About the Author 245...
In our present era, it is most disturbing for many Muslims and non- Muslims alike to witness the escalating rise in sectarian violence between the Shia and Sunni followers of Islam, particularly in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Some people, including Muslims, ask why the Shia and Sunni are violently murdering each other; is there something in the history of the Muslims that continues to spark such hatred and violence today; why does one sect accuse the other of heresy; and why is one sect of the Muslims considered as “mainstream,” while the other wing is branded unconventional and literally pacified? Unquestionably, seeded in the history of Islam is the answer - in particular, the political course that was taken following the death of the Prologue ii Holy Prophet and the way in which the early history of Islam was written. They say that history is bound to repeat itself and this is much more apparent today because the remnants and unconsciousness of Muslims in regards to their own history is affecting Muslims today. The account of the Muslims is not the classical historical case of not knowing th...
Understanding that the historical and political aspects covered throughout this book may be delicate for some; nonetheless, never is it meant to be as a means to jostle sectarian division - this is far from my intention. I have maintained judicious care in the manner of presenting this work, but it is my belief that in order for Islam and Muslims to go forward in harmony and solidarity, we have to have the courage to recognize the truth of our past and rationally discuss the matter in a dignified and scholarly fashion. When an injustice is done in the past against others, then it becomes incumbent upon the people of the present to acknowledge it and make amends. This needs to happen so that the Muslims can truly practice what Allah has intended for them - a religion of brotherhood, peace, and justice. Until the end of time, even the most sincere Muslims will disagree upon what they truly believe is the most correct path. However, while accepting that there will be disagreement, it is important to represent each school of thought accurately - as it represents itself, and as reliable and mutually agreed-upon historical...
Contents PROLOGUE ........................................................................................................................... I DEDICATION ..................................................................................................................... XI CHAPTER 1 SMASHING THE IDOLS OF TRIBALISM ............................................ 1 CHAPTER 2 QURAYSH GROUP ................................................................................... 5 Development of the Quraysh Group............................................................................................................... 5 Objective of the Quraysh Group ....................................................................................................................... 6 Emergence of the Quraysh Group .................................................................................................................... 7 Quraysh Group Appears on the Scene .........................................................................................................10 “Calamity of Thursday” ......................................................
This moderately sized novel opens before the reader, with an episode that took place when, after having driven over a hundred kilometers relating to the pleasure trip from Delhi to Kosani,a tourist resort situated in the Kumayun Hills a range of the Himalayas in the North of India, being undertaken by a group of very intimate three unwed oldies, all retired college teachers, when one of them is accosted by the owner of the roadside `Dhaba` (an indigenous restaurant) where they had halted for refreshment. It triggers one of them to recall his boyhood days. Again, at their destination, the other one is accosted by an ex-girlfriend of his, in the distant past. The `trio` who are given to such type of tours, happen to meet two other ladies, while staying in a very beautiful zone of Goa. Here, each of these women have had been connected with either of the two other Professors, who hasn’t yet met any such female pupil of his, during the various other tours, undertaken by them the `trio` till then. These chance meetings brings forth during the next few years, a bond of a purpose for a meaningful solidarity, eventually turning int...
Three chronic bachelors, on their way to Kosani (Kumayun Hills), have just completed their breakfast at a roadside modern `Dhaba` and the cashier for this solid group of three looks towards his companions, as if to seek their consent to signal the `boy` to bring the bill. So, in a broader sense, we used to be treating each other as `neighbour`, during those days. He is younger to me by a couple of years, but his physique and mannerism suggested his equaling me in age. Of course, he always remained conscious of my superiority, because at that point of time, I already had schooling for seven years, whereas he was thoroughly illiterate. …………………. Kundan happened to be the only `writer` available, had a brisk business almost for a fortnight. "I think that it was here that I actually began to earn for months at a run. One day, my earnings went to as high as Five Rupees and 14 Annas, I decided to place it before my mother, instead of handing it over to my father, as usual. …………. "Well, Khanna Ji, how long you had to work with this medico, before resuming your interrupted schooling?" This question was asked by Mr Nepali. "Of...
Female spouse of one’s brother is called `sister-in-law`; similarly the sister of one’s spouse is sister-in-law. Again, the wife of one’s brother-in-law is also called sister-in-law, subject however to the condition that the said brother-in-law is not the husband of one’s own sister. Thus, in Indian society, we find a vast variety of sister-in-law. However, one factor of commonality is often found in the cases where at both ends of this relationship, we have females. The say that this factor provides sauce to our family life, by swift maneuvers of their inimical or endearing postures towards each other. The author has picked up every variety of this relationship from the middle-class stratum of Indian society, while sketching his story for this fictional narration. However, in a given situation, we feel like addressing or being addressed as `MUY DEAR SISTER-IN-LAW`. To take the story forward, the author has tried his best to strew certain suchlike expressions coming forth sporadically, uttered by one or the other character, irrespective of his/her sex....
Perched in his wheelchair, at the moment on 30th June, 2007, this erstwhile lover of Maya Dua is expecting Vibha Ratra ..... Of course, this infirm oldie his first ever acquaintance with Vibha Ratra took place, when his family ... Our mother, though surprised to be getting acquainted by her son to Mrs Wilson as the bride's mother, chose to maintain silence about her knowledge of that lady's `swarthy` reputation in the residential vicinity, during their adolescence. Instead of consoling his father in a socially approved manner, the arrogant son had yelled out at the top of his voice, "Papa, you have had enough of her during the past 45 years. In case, you still need a woman's company, there is no dearth of this lot to provide warmth to your body. The following day, while exiting from the faculty meet, Vibha marked that Dr Rawat looked eager to join her, while she was proceeding towards the group of some junior teachers of her department, already waiting for their head of the department. Really, it's an agonizing account," Madhukar ejaculated following a long sigh. After a short while, he resumes, "You can bank upon, this humble fr...
The Book details on how to approach CMMI Implementation in an organization. It details out the various phases involved in CMMI Implementation and how to plan and execute them. It details on various aspects which we tend to overlook in CMMI Implementation. Who Should Read? • Organization looking forward to implement CMMI • Top Management person, trying to understand how to go about • SEPG, Program manager and Process Quality members • Anyone who is interested in understanding the Implementation of CMMI Why to Read? • To get complete End to End understanding on CMMI Implementation Lifecycle • Plan your budget, effort and resources for the program • Set your expectations clear on CMMI Implementation • Be aware of the different aspects in Implementation How it’s different: • Written from practitioners’ point of view • Communicates the reality in practical implementation Word of Caution: • The book contains only samples and typical examples and they are not comprehensive and to be verified and validated on a particular context for applicability ...
This CMMI Implementation Guide is a reference book for anyone interested in implementing CMMI in their organization. The purpose of this book is, to provide insight in to CMMI Implementation phases and best practices to be followed in this journey. Most of us agree, that CMMI is more a De facto model that IT Industry follows and other industries also has shown lot of interest in adopting this model. The day to day popularity and its adoption rate is on the surge for CMMI. In this scenario, this book will help the new organizations and implementers, on how to approach CMMI Implementation practically in their organization. This book is not a replacement to the Model or to the resources which CMMI Institute Publishes. This is only an additional resource which user can benefit from. CMMI Institute holds the complete authority and rights to CMMI model and all the components within the framework. This book is prepared based on the experience of a practitioner on implementing the model in various organizations. The Author has worked in multiple roles in CMMI Implementation and has global exposure in implementing the model. We reiterate ...
Contents Introduction to CMMI Initiating CMMI Implementation Planning CMMI Implementation Executing CMMI Implementation Appraising CMMI Implementation Sustaining CMMI Implementation CMMI High Maturity Implementation Miscellaneous References ...
It is the argument of this paper that the Canadian government has not yet achieved its goals of women’s equality, elimination of child poverty and optimal national productivity due to an oversight in social policy that neglects the unpaid caregiving sector. The care of the sick, elderly, handicapped, dying and the young has been historically a female role and as women have moved into paid labor, this role has been devalued creating barriers both to those who try to juggle career and family and to those who for a time prioritize the caregiving side, with serious financial and social penalties. Arguments are noted from sociology, health, economics and feminist theory to support the claim that recognition of the care sector is a vital step to achieving equality and ‘best interests’ goals. The present justification for one-sided support of the care sector, focusing only on paid care is analyzed for its lapses in logic, its negatives stereotyping of the unpaid role and its motivations which may undermine the goals it seeks to achieve....
Dome of Death is a slightly shocking and occasionally thought provoking romantic thriller about two young men who’d love to be as cool as James Bond in the face of extreme danger, but discover reality is not like fiction. When Max, the director of an Art Gallery in Queensland, falls to his death, Peter, the exhibiting artist who is also Max's ex-lover, unwillingly accepts the widow’s pleas to take over the job. After rescuing a strange young man from a raging sea, Peter’s suspicions about the accident and an investigation into what he thinks is an art swindle, puts him in great danger. He is raped and left for dead, but escapes, only to discover that he and his new friend Jon are wanted for murder. What follows is a hair-raising chase to clear their names. Murder, torture, cyclones, tidal surges, and snuff porn shows are but a few of the complications to be navigated in their search for justice, happiness and love....
Chapter One Exposing oneself in public is not for the faint-hearted. En masse and expertly illuminated the paintings gave viewers rather more insight into the private spaces of my mind than I’d bargained for. The fact that the gallery’s patrons were also baring their souls with every critical utterance and every painting bought was scant consolation – especially as no one was buying! After an hour of eavesdropping among the usual crush of wine-sipping social scramblers, I wished I hadn’t. Stepping back, I collided with an elderly, shapeless little woman loosely wrapped in a sari decorated with mirrors. ‘Young man!’ she demanded as though I’d been caught spraying graffiti, ‘Are you the artist?’ How to respond? People who call themselves artists remind me of Napoleon seizing the jewelled cap, crowning himself and living to rue the day. Such accolades are for others to bestow. If, as frequently happens, a painter’s efforts delight no one but himself, then the labour has been little but therapy. Only those whose works impose order on the chaos of existence and reinvigorate flagging spirits by giving the viewer a glimpse of a le...
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six ChapterSeven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty-one Chapter Twenty-Two Chapter Twenty-three Chapter Twenty-Four...
Having lost her mother, and virtually rendered `orphan`, in the absence of `father`, a little girl Named Bhoomika, by dint of sheer circumstances, happens to reach a virgin teacher. Here, the `blessed opportunity for education` awaits her, as she is inspired and guided by this benevolent lady towards higher education. Once, she was offered a part-time job of `a reader for a blind class-fellow` of hers at Khadi Degree College, Guwahati: and she gladly accepted it. Of course, some nascent opportunities came to her, even in Delhi, when she was staying in a Working Women’s Hostel, while doing some odd jobs to support self, economically. But the travails of life also came her way; and she coped up with every sort of situation, by way of `fine-tuning` the responses from her brain and heart, every time, with an objective to attaining a quality decision from within. Having once been requested by very senior colleague to stay with one spinster Professor, during her illness, she served the lady so dutifully that the Professor persistently requested her to live with her till the young girl is married off. Having attained some extraordinary ...
"In fact, I had never spoken to her even a single word, though she continued to send me signals for initiating a dialogue with her. I had to go to fetch my daily quota of water from the water-tap, provided at the back of her tenement, for all the four segments, in the vicinity. Almost every time, we had to place our buckets or utensils, in a queue, while waiting for our turn. Being shy of passing through the front lane, while approaching the water-tap, I preferred to walk along the back of the segment, in our front. God knows, how she could spot me from such a long distance that I had come out of my room, with buckets in my hands. Quite often, I marked her busy in looking towards me with furtive glances, while waiting for her turn, as she would deliberately waste her time, simply to ignore the fact of my arrival there and would thus make room for me to place my buckets before hers.” .......... It pains him to recall his last meeting with that `unfortunate girl`, who was destined to spend a spinster's life and breathe her last, while resting her head at Bihari's knee, who kept caressing her forehead, in the presence of her trusted ...
A new Anthology of 1400 Quotations from the complete works arranged by theme.
Commands Compassion, Empathy, Mercy and Forgiveness Compliments and their Opposites Conscience and Doubt Constancy, Trust and Faith Courage and Cowardice Crime, Punishment, Justice and the Law Death and Fate Dishonour, Dishonesty, Inconstancy and Betrayal Doctors, Illness, Medicine England and Elsewhere Freedom and Imprisonment Friendship Good Advice and Bad Good Wishes and their Opposites Happiness and Sadness, Humour and Gravity Honour and Honesty Kings and Kingship Journeys and Travel Language and the Arts Learning, Literature, Wit, Wisdom and Foolishness London Love and Jealousy, Hatred and Envy Lust, Desire, Passion, Sexuality Madness and Sanity Magic, Astrology, Superstition, and the Supernatural Men Music, Song and Dance Myths and Fables Nature , Trees, Flowers, Creatures Ownership, Money and Possession Prayers, Pleas, Curses, Threats and Promises Pride and Humility Rank and Status, Power, Order, Custom and Authority Service and Slavery Sleep, Waking, Dreams, Visions and Imagination Sons and Daughters Theatre, Drama and the Stage Time Truths, Truisms, Proverbs and Philosophy War and Co...
Up to 50% of our taxes & insurance premiums go to cover ‘lifestyle’ activities. Lifestyle is therefore the largest category of discretionary spending with the potential of reducing our costs by up to this same 50%. Lifestyle is also a far more accurate predicator of our future health care needs and social service requirements. This allows lifestyle to provide the best measure of planning & forecast over today’s ‘comparison shopping’ models. ROOPA highlights the number of savings and other advantages gained from this dual track of lifestyle and its corresponding social costs models. “The ‘social cost’ of obesity averages around $150 billion a year. This comes to about 10 cents per item (of junk food). Every soda pop, hamburger and candy bar will now have this 10 cent premium. The more soda you drink, the more you have already paid into your own health coverage for obesity. It’s the most affordable ‘pay as you go’ insurance plan. It cost a dime.”...
Contents RAGHU-NOMICS 4 1 ROOPA II 1 Health Care Reform Made Easy: Social Cost 1 Editors Copy 2 Prospectus 3 The 4 page ROOPA Pamphlet used for campaign run for Congress. 5 Raghu Giuffre for Congress 5 ROOPA: 5 50% of Taxes & Insurance Spent on Life Style 5 Excerpt: 5 Part I: 5 Part II: Solution: Pricing Social Costs 6 Insurance: Market Based Social Cost 6 Part III: $4 Trillion in Savings 7 Demo 2: Smoking Current Tobacco Policy: 7 ROOPA: Better Service for 50% Less 7 Captions 9 Virtue & Moral Posturing 9 Bi-partisan Policy 10 Tobacco 11 Tax Reform 11 Republican Tax Policy 11 Illicit Sex 12 Section I 20 ROOPA Theology 20 ROOPA Theology 21 Greater the Vice; Greater the Price 21 Economic Democracy 21 Premise 21 Net Result 22 Benefit 22 Advantage 22 End Result 22 Example 22 The Difference: Greater Cooperation 23 Public Policy Formula 23 True Free Market 24 Economic Democracy 25 Cost: $3.00 26 How to Start? 26 The ROOPA Coalition 27 Law Suits or ROOPA 27 Section II 28 Introduction 28 The ROOPA Journey 30 The Abyss of Political Activism & the Reforms Discovered 30 Section III 42 ROO...
This third volume of the definitive history of the Hawaiian Kingdom completes the project launched over forty years ago by the Historical Commission of the Territory of Hawaii and taken over in 1932 by the Department of History of the University of Hawaii. As originally planned by Professor Ralph Simpson Kuykendall, the first six chapters of this book were to be included in the second volume of the series, but it was decided that earlier publication of that volume was preferable. The present volume was to have included the history of the Republic of Hawaii until its annexation to the United States in 1898. Professor Kuykendall had to revise some of his early chapters because they had been written with that date in view. As more and more of the material became available from the archives of foreign countries, the very bulk of the data would have made it necessary to limit the present study to the reigns of Kalakaua and Liliuokalani, to the downfall of the monarchy, and to the Provisional Government which preceded the establishment of the Republic of Hawaii on July 4, 1894. Professor Kuykendall had been ill for several months bef...
In his history of the last years of the Hawaiian monarchy (1874–1893), Professor Kuykendall shows clearly the effects of the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 with the United States, tying Hawaii so closely to its nearest neighbor, economically, that annexation became inevitable. Immigration problems, from the labor supply for the plantations to the repeopling of the Kingdom, are given an impartial and well-balanced treatment. And in handling the account of the apparently inevitable decline and overthrow of the monarchy, as well as political questions generally, Professor Kuykendall leans over backward to be fair. When he feels the need to pronounce judgment his words are doubly damning because he so seldom does so. The present volume is based chiefly on manuscript sources from the State Archives of Hawaii, the British Public Records Office, the Archives of the United States, and files of contemporary newspapers and periodicals. Much of this data from outside the State was secured on microfilm but some of it had been copied in typescript over thirty years ago. Dr. Kuykendall's method was to collect as complete a bibliography as pos...
Chapter 1. Kalakaua Becomes King. 3 -- Chapter 2. Reciprocity: The Dream Comes True. 17 -- Try, Try Again. 17 -- Negotiation Of The Treaty. 22 -- Amendment, Ratification, And Legislation. 26 -- British Reaction To The Reciprocity Treaty. 40 -- Chapter 3. Reciprocity And The Hawaiian Economy: The Sugar Industry. 46 -- Sugar And Rice, But Mainly Sugar. 46 -- Problem Of Capital. 53 -- Claus Spreckels. 59 -- Acreage Devoted To Sugar. 62 -- Water. 62 -- Fertilizer. 70 -- Lahaina Cane. 71 -- The Sugar Factory. 72 -- Organization For Mutual Benefit. 74 -- Chapter 4. Reciprocity And The Hawaiian Economy: The Business Community. 19 -- Business Center Of The Kingdom. 79 -- Banks. 82 -- Chamber Of Commerce. 85 -- The Circulating Medium. 86 -- Growing Metropolis. 94 -- Railroads. 98 -- Interisland Transportation. 100 -- Transoceanic Transportation. 103 -- Harbor Improvements. 106 -- Diversified Industries. 107 -- Tourist Industry. 110 -- Waikiki. 112 -- The Volcano. 114 -- Chapter 5. Reciprocity And Hawaii's Population: Immigration From China, Europe, The Pacific Islands. 116 -- Promotion Of Immigration. 117 -- Chinese: I. 119 -- Portuguese. 12...