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Le Morte Darthur

By Malory, Thomas, Sir

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Book Id: WPLBN0000676594
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.2 MB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Le Morte Darthur  
Author: Malory, Thomas, Sir
Language: English
Subject: Fiction, Literature, Literature & drama
Collections: Classic Literature Collection, Penn State University's Electronic Classics Series Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: Penn State University's Electronic Classics


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Malory, B. T. (n.d.). Le Morte Darthur. Retrieved from

Excerpt: Chapter 1. How Merlin was assotted and doted on one of the ladies of the lake, and how he was shut in a rock under a stone and there died. So after these quests of Sir Gawaine, Sir Tor, and King Pellinore, it fell so that Merlin fell in a dotage on the damosel that King Pellinore brought to court, and she was one of the damosels of the lake, that hight Nimue. But Merlin would let her have no rest, but always he would be with her. And ever she made Merlin good cheer till she had learned of him all manner thing that she desired; and he was assotted upon her, that he might not be from her.


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