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History of the Hawaiian Kingdom Vol. 3

By Ralph S. Kuykendall

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Book Id: WPLBN0002096809
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Reproduction Date: 5/10/2011

Title: History of the Hawaiian Kingdom Vol. 3  
Author: Ralph S. Kuykendall
Volume: 3
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, History of the Americas (Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, etc.), Hawaiian History
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: University of Hawai'I Press
Member Page: Hale Kuamoʻo Hawaiian Language Center


APA MLA Chicago

S. Kuykendal, B. R. (1967). History of the Hawaiian Kingdom Vol. 3. Retrieved from

This third volume of the definitive history of the Hawaiian Kingdom completes the project launched over forty years ago by the Historical Commission of the Territory of Hawaii and taken over in 1932 by the Department of History of the University of Hawaii. As originally planned by Professor Ralph Simpson Kuykendall, the first six chapters of this book were to be included in the second volume of the series, but it was decided that earlier publication of that volume was preferable. The present volume was to have included the history of the Republic of Hawaii until its annexation to the United States in 1898. Professor Kuykendall had to revise some of his early chapters because they had been written with that date in view. As more and more of the material became available from the archives of foreign countries, the very bulk of the data would have made it necessary to limit the present study to the reigns of Kalakaua and Liliuokalani, to the downfall of the monarchy, and to the Provisional Government which preceded the establishment of the Republic of Hawaii on July 4, 1894. Professor Kuykendall had been ill for several months before his death in May 1963. Nevertheless, for a time he continued to appear daily at his office, and it was then that he decided to carry his history only to the overthrow of the Queen and to summarize the period of the Provisional Government. At the same time he abandoned his plan to include a chapter on the social and cultural history of the monarchy. This is a great loss to Hawaiian historiography because no one is likely to be so well versed in all phases of life under the monarchy. Before he left for the Mainland in January 1963, Professor Kuykendall reviewed the first twenty chapters in whole or in part with an editor of the University Press. Therefore the chapters appear in almost exactly the form in which he left them. In the fragment of Chapter Twenty-One which he had completed, the only change made has been the addition of a number of names which could be more logically introduced there than later. Throughout the volume, most of the additions which Professor Kuykendall was considering were omitted if they added only corroborative detail. We wish to express our deep appreciation to Dr. Kuykendall's close friend and colleague, Dr. Charles H. Hunter of the Department of History, University of Hawaii, for completing the text, checking the proof, collecting and labeling the illustrations, and preparing the index. We are also greatly indebted to Aldyth V. Morris, former Managing Editor of the Press, for her advice concerning Dr. Kuykendall's preferences on many editorial matters.

In his history of the last years of the Hawaiian monarchy (1874–1893), Professor Kuykendall shows clearly the effects of the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 with the United States, tying Hawaii so closely to its nearest neighbor, economically, that annexation became inevitable. Immigration problems, from the labor supply for the plantations to the repeopling of the Kingdom, are given an impartial and well-balanced treatment. And in handling the account of the apparently inevitable decline and overthrow of the monarchy, as well as political questions generally, Professor Kuykendall leans over backward to be fair. When he feels the need to pronounce judgment his words are doubly damning because he so seldom does so. The present volume is based chiefly on manuscript sources from the State Archives of Hawaii, the British Public Records Office, the Archives of the United States, and files of contemporary newspapers and periodicals. Much of this data from outside the State was secured on microfilm but some of it had been copied in typescript over thirty years ago. Dr. Kuykendall's method was to collect as complete a bibliography as possible and then, as he wrote, to consult nearly all of the documents concerned anew. Fortunately we had often discussed both the materials and his conclusions for many of the controversial problems which were to arise in the final chapter. It goes without saying that we never covered them all. Thus, while it should be emphasized that the volume is Professor Kuykendall's throughout, with the sole exception of the last chapter, I can only hope that I have not done too much violence therein to the conclusions he would have reached. To be certain that full credit is given for all assistance offered in the preparation of this volume would be an impossibility for me. There were those who read part or all of the manuscript; there were others who furnished documents, pictures, and other data. To them I can only say, "We thank you. " For the librarians and the archivists and their staffs, at the Bishop Museum, at the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society library, at the State Archives, and elsewhere, there must be a special "Aloha. " But to Miss Janet Bell and Mrs. Mary Muraoka and the staff of the Hawaiian Room of the University Library, who watched and worried over Professor Kuykendall while they tried to help during those last months, should go an accolade for service beyond the call of duty.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Kalakaua Becomes King. 3 -- Chapter 2. Reciprocity: The Dream Comes True. 17 -- Try, Try Again. 17 -- Negotiation Of The Treaty. 22 -- Amendment, Ratification, And Legislation. 26 -- British Reaction To The Reciprocity Treaty. 40 -- Chapter 3. Reciprocity And The Hawaiian Economy: The Sugar Industry. 46 -- Sugar And Rice, But Mainly Sugar. 46 -- Problem Of Capital. 53 -- Claus Spreckels. 59 -- Acreage Devoted To Sugar. 62 -- Water. 62 -- Fertilizer. 70 -- Lahaina Cane. 71 -- The Sugar Factory. 72 -- Organization For Mutual Benefit. 74 -- Chapter 4. Reciprocity And The Hawaiian Economy: The Business Community. 19 -- Business Center Of The Kingdom. 79 -- Banks. 82 -- Chamber Of Commerce. 85 -- The Circulating Medium. 86 -- Growing Metropolis. 94 -- Railroads. 98 -- Interisland Transportation. 100 -- Transoceanic Transportation. 103 -- Harbor Improvements. 106 -- Diversified Industries. 107 -- Tourist Industry. 110 -- Waikiki. 112 -- The Volcano. 114 -- Chapter 5. Reciprocity And Hawaii's Population: Immigration From China, Europe, The Pacific Islands. 116 -- Promotion Of Immigration. 117 -- Chinese: I. 119 -- Portuguese. 122 -- Pacific Islanders. 126 -- Indians (Asiatic). 128 -- Norwegians And Germans. 133 -- Chinese: Ii. 135 -- Chapter 6. Reciprocity And Hawaii's Population: Immigration: Japanese Vs. Chinese. 142 -- The Gibson Regime And The Labor-Population Problem. 143 -- The Chinese Question. 145 -- Japanese Immigration. 153 -- Anti-Asiatic Movement. 172 -- Chapter 7. Politics And Legislation: 1874-1879. 186 -- Background. 186 -- Early Years. 191 -- Legislature Of 1878. 197 -- Chapter 8. The Moreno Episode. 205 -- Celso Moreno. 207 -- Moreno In And Out Of The Cabinet. 213 -- Repairing The Damage. 223 -- Chapter 9. King Around The World. 227 -- Kalakaua Circles The Globe. 228 -- While The King Was Away. 235 -- The United States And Hawaii. 237 -- Chapter 10. New Departures In Hawaiian Politics. 246 -- The Triumph Of Gibson. 252 -- "New Departure" In Action. 256 -- Election And Legislature Of 1884. 269 -- What Of The Future?. 276 -- Chapter 11. Election And Legislature Of 1886. 279 -- Election Of 1886. 280 -- Threshold Of Revolution. 287 -- Legislature Of 1886. 287 -- Chapter 12. Hawaii Seeks Leadership Of Pacific Islands. 305 -- Charles St. Julian. 305 -- The Western Powers In The Pacific. 308 -- Hawaii's Bid For Primacy. 311 -- Hawaii's Protest Of 1883. 314 -- Mission H.A.P. Carter. 317 -- The Samoan Venture. 322 -- Chapter 13. Two Jubilees. 340 -- Chapter 14. End Of The Gibson Regime. 344 -- The Storm Gathers. 344 -- The Hawaiian League. 347 -- The Honolulu Rifles. 350 -- Position Of Administration Deteriorates. 353 -- The Storm Breaks. 356 -- Constitution Of 1887. 366 -- Chapter 15. The Reciprocity Treaty Attacked, Defended, Renewed. 373 -- Fight Against The Treaty In The United States. 374 -- Renewal Of The Reciprocity Convention. 381 -- Great Britain And Pearl Harbor. 397 -- Chapter 16. Reform Cabinet Versus The King. 401 -- Reform And Patronage. 402 -- Election Of 1887. 406 -- Special Session Of 1887. 410 -- A Change In The Cabinet. 411 -- The Veto Question. 412 -- King Or Queen?. 415 -- Legislation And Administration. 418 -- Opposition To Reform Cabinet. 423 -- Insurrection Of July 30, 1889. 424 -- A New Understanding Between King And Cabinet. 430 -- Chapter 17. Division And Downfall Of The Reform Cabinet. 433 -- Movement For A New Treaty. 434 -- Anti-Chinese Movement. 447 -- Political Developments: Election Of 1890. 448 -- A Divided Cabinet. 455 -- Legislature And Cabinet. 459 -- Legislature And Constitution. 461 -- Some Other Legislative Acts. 465 -- Mckinley Tariff Act And Hawaiian Reciprocity. 466 -- Chapter 18. "The King Is Dead: Long Live The Queen!". 470 -- Chapter 19. A New Sovereign With Problems Old And New. 479 -- Economic Depression And Treaty Negotiations. 487 -- Pearl Harbor. 500 -- Annexation. 508 -- Election Of February 1892. 514 -- Chapter 20. Last Year Of The Kingdom. 523 -- Liberal Agitation And Conspiracy. 523 -- Annexation Club. 532 -- 1892 Legislature. 541 -- Struggle For Control Of The Cabinet. 548 -- Annexation A Factor In The Struggle. 560 -- United States Minister John L. Stevens. 566 -- Trend Of British Policy. 573 -- Windup Of Legislative Session. 574 -- Chapter 21. Revolution. 582 -- The Home Front. 605 -- The Annexation Treaty. 609 -- The Queen's Envoys. 616 -- Kaiulani. 618 -- Cleveland And Gresham. 620 -- The Blount Report. 623 -- Public Opinion. 631 -- Minister Willis And The Queen. 638 -- Congress Takes Over. 647 -- References. 651 -- Index. 748 --


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