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The Zen of Times

By J, Frederick, Fontanilla

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Book Id: WPLBN0002828995
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.3 MB
Reproduction Date: 10/31/2013

Title: The Zen of Times  
Author: J, Frederick, Fontanilla
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Philosophy, Buddhism
Collections: Authors Community, Buddhism
Publication Date:
Member Page: fred jacob


APA MLA Chicago

Fontanilla Jacob, B. F. (2013). The Zen of Times. Retrieved from

Our struggles in this society constrict the flow of our natural thoughts that have led us far away from our divine principles in life as human beings. Our struggles are from within ourselves and in our mind, taunted by social deviations that involve the rules of life in our society today. Facing these struggles are just part of our daily burden to find contentment and self worth in order to be happily accepted in the society that we live on. It is a battle against our mind from within our consciousness to find “contentment” rather that pursue the fabricated joys of social living. This e-book will guide you on how to achieve weight loss without using any kind of supplement whether that be natural or synthetic, but, it does recommend the use of natural organic health supplements to help you in dealing with psychological downsides or mood swings which frequently occur when undergoing a diet program. Remember dear readers, it is all in the mind on how we perceive our understanding of the concept of fulfillment, happiness and contentedness from a simple point of view.

First and foremost, I would just like to clearly state that fat is not ugly, as most people would preferably perceive. I do want to state, that fat is unhealthy and can cause a multitude of health related problems that are proportionally related to your diet. High blood pressure, coronary ailments, diabetes and other weight related health problems can be clearly be blamed on our over indulgence with food. The problem of overeating unconsciously is partly to blame in society's rising struggle against obesity and it's related health problems. The other factor concerns our perception of the life that we live in society. Our eating habits are not controlled by our needs directly but by our minds as well. Coping with the psychological urgency to binge is a problem for most young adults going through the stages of socially induced anxieties and clinical depression. A stress related environment can be partially be credited to our eating problems and can cause all sorts of deviated psychological eating disorders ranging from anorexia to over eating.

We always question life and it's purpose and despite of all that we think we have achieved to understand the meaning and purpose of it, we still find it rather hard to contemplate the dynamics and struggle to find a singularity as to how to be content with the never ending chaos that we created in pursuing acceptable answers in why life goes the way it does. Ever since we learned to think and started to question things that concern our existence, we have looked for answers around and within our minds in why we live life with such turmoil despite advancement in improving our selves as human beings. Most important of all, why we behave so irrational when it comes to understanding our fellow human beings. With the dawning of the Age of Reason, human society has been brutalized with war and conflict within the foundation of it's culture. It seems that human beings are easily intimidated by its own kind despite coming from one gene pool. No matter how hard we try to understand ourselves in this society we still lack rationality and may have overlooked the simple meaning of “peace” despite devising ways to fully utilize our mental faculties in trying to achieve it. It is so ironic to think that in comparison to all the things we had done to improve the life around us, conflict of war and chaos follows us in the distant,waiting and lurking in the back of our minds just waiting to be released. Fear is one of the traits that control any living organism and it is fear and inadequacy within its environment that stimulates its need for self preservation. Living organisms are genetically inclined to survive and they automatically veer away from things that may be a threat for their existence. Humans have that same fear amongst themselves and it is this fear that triggers a paranoiac tendency to retaliate against one another regardless of any rational reason bearing any thought of to what it is. It may be rooted from the source of our ancestors...the apes. Apes have this uncanny habit of looking at each other and leaving a bad impression on their fellow apes that it often ends up in a fight. It is often called “The Bad Monkey Look”, and as the term suggests it, apparently is a predominant trait amongst the great apes including humans. As a specie, we are so egoistic and take pride in what we achieved and done for our own self improvement but that can not be a valid reason to justify such a negatively enforced trait. We hate competition even amongst ourselves that we end up plotting means to eradicate competition as to emerge as a dominant and controlling entity. Leaving it to the predominant specie to take all pertinent resources to ensure its survival. Despite of this undeniable truth in which we exist, there are still those who believe that this chaotic way of life is just an evolutionary stage in which our society is going through and that the final understanding of what our purpose in life is still in the process of being unlocked in the deepest recesses of our minds. It maybe just a question of acceptance and outlook of how we perceive life all around us and that the complications of this society that we exist upon based on the conveniences that we created to favor us.

Table of Contents
Chapter I Need or Want p4 Chapter II Natural Organic Health Supplements p6 Chapter III The Natural Way to Loose Fats p9 Chapter IV The G.M.O. (Genetically Modified Organisms) Syndrome p11 Chapter V Who We Really Are p13 Chapter VI The Zen of Life p15 Chapter VII Your Health is You're Only Wealth p17 Chapter VIII Things to Come p19 Chapter IX The Ugly Truth p22 Chapter X The Rise and Fall of Two Empires p24 Chapter XI Education: Society's Overrated Conception of Assurance and Security p26


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