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Light of Egypt Volume II, The

By Burgoyne, Thomas H.

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Book Id: WPLBN0002949491
Format Type:
File Size: 176.89 MB
Reproduction Date: 2011

Title: Light of Egypt Volume II, The  
Author: Burgoyne, Thomas H.
Language: English
Subject: Non-fiction, Philosophy, Psychology
Collections: Audio Books Collection, Light of Egypt Volume II, The
Publication Date:
Publisher: LibriVox Audio Books


APA MLA Chicago

H. Burgoyn, B. T. (n.d.). Light of Egypt Volume II, The. Retrieved from

The Light of Egypt will be found to be an Occult library in itself, a textbook of esoteric knowledge, setting forth the wisdom Religion of life, as taught by the Adepts of Hermetic Philosophy. It will richly repay all who are seeking the higher life to carefully study this book, as it contains in a nutshell the wisdom of the ages regarding man and his destiny, here and hereafter. The London and American first edition, also the French edition, Vol. I, met with lively criticism from Blavatsky Theosophists, because it annihilates that agreeable delusion of Karma and Reincarnation from the minds of all lovers of truth for truth's sake. The Tablets of Aeth is a great and mighty work, as it contains the very quintessence of Occult and Hermetic philosophy, as revealed by spiritual law. Penetralia is a new revelation, and invaluable to Occult students, as it is the personal experience of a developed soul. (Summary taken from the Publishers Preface)

Electronic recorded live performance of a reading

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Science


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