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Astro-Historical Promenade

By Kostov, Vladimir, Petrov, Ph.D.

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Book Id: WPLBN0003437444
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Reproduction Date: 8/10/2013

Title: Astro-Historical Promenade  
Author: Kostov, Vladimir, Petrov, Ph.D.
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Auxiliary Sciences of History, History
Collections: Authors Community, History
Publication Date:
Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing
Member Page: Vladimir Kostov


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Vladimir Petrov Kostov, B. P. (2013). Astro-Historical Promenade. Retrieved from

The vibrations of one's name are part of his/her personality and are very important in the case of a political figure. The same applies to names of towns and states. Repeated planetary influences (including the 60 years period of the Chinese horoscope and the 18.5 years revolution period of the Lunar Nodes whose definition is recalled) stimulate periodical repetition of historical events. In the books many examples of such repetitions are given. The resemblances between names of generals having participated in the World Wars and the ones between names of enclaves and cities that have been granted a special status are analyzed. In terms of astrology we consider the aspects (conjunctions, oppositions, trines, squares), the favourable period of 30 days that follows one's anniversary and the unfavourable one of 50 days that precedes it and their roles for the success or failure in the context of history. The examples are taken mainly from modern history. The book is addressed to people interested in history and/or astrology.

The book studies historical repetitions defined by the Chinese horoscope or the Lunar Nodes, resemblances between names (e. g. of general of the World Wars or of enclaves) and the importance of astrological aspects between historical dates.

During the First Battle of the Marne (1914) the danger was real that Paris could be captured by the German army. The situation demanded a good concordance on behalf of the combined Franco-British staff so that the attack should be repulsed and the front stabilized. The names of the commanders give us a key to at least part of the answer to the question why the allied forces succeeded to defend the French capital. Here's the list of their names: Joseph Joffre; Franchet d'Espèray; Michel Maunory; Ferdinand Foch; Joseph Gallieni; Ferdinand de Langle. Sir John French; The presence of two “Joseph” and two “Ferdinand” is to be noticed at once. It seems that destiny had chosen persons that are placed under the influence of the same vibrations to have to accomplish the same task at a crucial moment. However it should be said at once that the relationship between the two Josephs was the one of conflicts. Thus to be in good concordance (by the vibrations of ones' names) to serve the homeland does not mean necessarily to be in good relationship with one another. The first name “John” has a correlation of ¾ with “Joseph” and the first two letters are the same. Moreover, the last name “French” has a correlation of 100% with “Franchet” (and again the first two letters coincide). The meaning of “French” is one more hint up to what extent the British commander was well-integrated into the group of French high officers. One can think that the name of the British general expressed his destiny to be a commander on French soil. Now some words about “Franchet”. This first name contains the name of France, his homeland, and “Franchet d'Espèray” bears an allusion to “L'espoir de la France” (“The hope of France”) or “La France espère” (“France hopes”). We should mention also that the correlation between “France” and “Ferdinand” is 5/6 and the first letters are the same. We can notice also that the correlation between “Gallieni” and “Langle” is 100% and the one between “Foch” and “French” is 75% (plus same first letters). Finally, if we allow comparing first with last names, we should notice the correlation of ½ between “Joseph” and “Joffre” and between “John” and “Joffre” (plus coinciding first two letters). The one between “French” and “Ferdinand” is 4/6 and the first letters are again the same. The only one of the group that stands apart and has not been mentioned yet is Michel Maunory. His last name has a correlation of 4/5 with the name of the geographical object that has given the name of the battle: “Marne”. And the first two letters are the same. The names of the German commanders are not in such a good concordance with one another. The commanders were: Helmuth von Moltke; Alexander von Kluck; Karl von Bülow; Albrecht, Duke ofWürttenberg. The greatest resemblance is the one between “Alexander” and “Albrecht” (correlation of ½ and same first two letters). The one between “Moltke” and “Marne” is even smaller. We should observe also that von Bülow (born on April 24th 1846) and Gallieni (born on April 24th 1849) shared the same birthday and so did d'Espèray (born on May 25th 1856) and von Moltke (born on May 25th 1848).

Table of Contents
Preface Chapter 1. Correlation and resemblance of names Chapter 2. Astrological aspects Chapter 3. The Lunar Nodes Chapter 4. The Chinese horoscope Appendix 1. Beginnings and ends of the years of the Chinese horoscope Appendix 2. The Cyrillic alphabet


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