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War on Porn : Prepare Your Mind for Battle: Prepare Your Mind for Battle

By Knight, Luke

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Book Id: WPLBN0003971995
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.4 MB
Reproduction Date: 1/8/15

Title: War on Porn : Prepare Your Mind for Battle: Prepare Your Mind for Battle  
Author: Knight, Luke
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Psychology, Pornography addiction
Collections: Authors Community, Psychology
Publication Date:
Publisher: Luke Knight
Member Page: Luke Knight


APA MLA Chicago

Knight, B. L. (n.d.). War on Porn : Prepare Your Mind for Battle. Retrieved from

You know you have a porn problem but you can't seem to find the motivation to deal with it. This book can help you move from contemplation to action. Over 300 questions to reflect on, bringing you face-to-face with the consequences of your porn viewing. This book is a a companion to Porn Escape: Confidently Walk Away from the Prison of Pornography, by the same author.

A motivational book with over 300 thought-provoking questions for reflection, assisting porn users to 'crystallize their discontent' and take action to overcome the practice.

The object is this book is to provide you with the motivation you need to completely eradicate every last vestige of pornography usage from your life. What you’re about to embark on is not an easy undertaking. Porn is not a game. Porn is an evil, lethal enemy to be battled relentlessly and ruthlessly until it’s completely exterminated. This is not a walk in the park: it’s WAR! In Porn Escape: Confidently Walk Free from the Prison of Pornography, I presented a practical program to help people break free from the porn habit. The book includes dozens of tips, based on the latest scientific research into willpower and self-control. I’m convinced that these methods work — if people will only use them. Yet, not everyone is ready to do that. As I’ll explain later in this book, some people need help to move beyond contemplation and begin taking action. The fact is, you’re not going to get anywhere in your fight against pornography unless your mind is resolutely made up to do so. You have got to be 100% committed. If you aren’t, you’ll fail and you’ll watch porn until you die. The relaxed mentality that got you into watching porn won’t get you out of it. You need to be relentless in your insistence that you will eradicate porn from your life and you will not be denied. You must be courageous, determined, unwavering, dauntless! But how do you achieve that state of mind? Whatever you do in life, you’re always going to be more successful if you accept the truth rather than fantasy. The first step to resolving any problem is to understand it. The only way to understand the problem is to set aside preconceptions and see things the way they actually are. Not the way you’d like them to be. Not the way you’ve been telling yourself that they are, perhaps for decades. Not the version you give your friends, your spouse or your boss. The truth. The way things really are. This is the truth that will set you free from porn. If you’re to free yourself from the grip of porn, you need strong motivation, the type of motivation you can only get through very deep introspection, connecting yourself with what is really important to you. You have to relinquish wishful thinking and start seeing things the way they really are, not the way you’d like them to be. Rather than burying your head in the sand, you need to reflect carefully so as to find out the truth about yourself, your life, your thought processes. No sensible, mature person would analyze this question and conclude that pornography viewing is advisable and beneficial. On the contrary, it is absurd to allow this pathetic compulsion to blight the remaining decades of your life, until you either lose your eyesight or die still addicted to porn. To borrow some language used by Bertrand Russell, I would say: “Whenever you begin to feel tempted to commit an act that your reason tells you is irrational, futile, self-centered, degrading, exploitative of others and an appalling waste of your time, examine the causes of your urge and convince yourself in detail of their absurdity.” As Russell himself said: “Do not be content with an alternation between moments of rationality and moments of irrationality. Look into the irrationality closely, with a determination not to respect it, and not to let it dominate you.” I will never cease being astonished at the extent to which porn victims have allowed their minds, their thinking processes, to become warped to the degree that they fail to recognize even the most basic and obvious realities about their condition. The only cure for this is rational, careful, objective thinking — something porn victims are typically very reluctant to do. Anyone who carefully considers this question will conclude that there is only one rational choice: Discontinue porn viewing immediately before it does any more damage. For you to become thoroughly convinced of this, you need to spend some time carefully considering your relationship with porn. Is it what you want it to be? Should you continue viewing it? Are you ready to stop? What are you willing to do to be able to stop? How badly do you want it? By the end of this book, my hope is that you will have come to appreciate just how humiliating, how soul-destroying, it was to have to do the things you were doing. How it made you a slave. How it confiscated your free time and your money. How it debased you, made you feel that you were inferior and that you’d never be good enough. My goal is that by the end of this book, you’ll be absolutely determined that you are not willing to put up with that garbage ever again!


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