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Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Energy and Heat, Supplementary B

By Kemp, Anthony, James

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Book Id: WPLBN0004102323
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.8 MB
Reproduction Date: 2/7/2016

Title: Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Energy and Heat, Supplementary B  
Author: Kemp, Anthony, James
Volume: Supplementary B
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Science, Sub Molecular Bonding
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Pepperday Publications
Member Page: Anthony Kemp


APA MLA Chicago

James Kemp, B. A. (2016). Sub Molecular Interface Bonding : Energy and Heat, Supplementary B. Retrieved from

The original Books are a series of fully illustrated papers are about the subatomic world. Essentially about the energy found there and how this energy acts and reacts to form the very glue that holds the physical universe together. This is essentially an explanation of the mechanics of atomic formation, structure and linking. The papers have been split into Books primarily to keep the file sizes down to an acceptable level. This also apples to these supplementary papers. This is done to allow people with slow Internet access to easily download the files. It also means you can download just the parts you want to reference. There are seven Books in this primary series.

One of a series of supplementary papers written as detail expansions of the the main papers about Sub molecular Interface Bonding. These take one particular element arising out of those papers and expands it explaining further and looking in more detail the implication of what was said in the original Books

In this section we are going to look in more detail on how this energy is passes between the subatomic world and the three dimension world. We look at the affects this has on the atomic structures of large atoms and the way this changes atomic interactions. Heat is a tipping effect of an atomic structure when it reaches an upper absorption limit of energy storage, where it has to expel this energy or break down and be destroyed. Heat is effect of this energy being pushed out of the atomic body into nearby atomic structures with a lower energy quotient. So how does energy move around, in Book 2 we saw how the primary energy nodes took and gave energy to each other by dynamic contact. When we got to strings, rings and atoms we saw how these semi-stable elements bonded to form a closed stable units. These units however are still reliant on the exchange on external energy to maintain an internal balance and interaction with each other.

Table of Contents
Supplementary B - Energy And Heat In Section - Introduction - 1 Movement of Energy - 2 Energy Ring Vortex - 3 Transference of Energy to Atoms - 4 Energy Storage in Atoms - 5 Energy Altering Atoms Properties


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