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Yoga, Science of the Self

By Moore, Marcia

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Book Id: WPLBN0100303433
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 01/01/1967

Title: Yoga, Science of the Self  
Author: Moore, Marcia
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Education, Yoga
Collections: Authors Community, Education
Publication Date:
Publisher: Arcane Publications
Member Page: Danny Hall


APA MLA Chicago

Moore, B. M., & Douglas, M. (1967). Yoga, Science of the Self. Retrieved from

An in-depth book on the ways Yoga can transform and improve your life and health. The book also explores the spiritual implications yoga creates on a personal level. Providing a summary of the philosophy and practice of Yoga.

This exciting book sums up the Ancient Wisdom of the philosophy and practice of yoga.

"Yoga is gaining popularity because so many people are now capable of understanding its basic concepts and are ready to learn its age-old techniques. In a deeper sense this growing demand for enlightenment is possible because the earth as a whole has reached a point in its evolution where a planetary yoga of synthesis is occurring." - p8

Table of Contents
FOREWORD-SHEPARD GINANDES, M.D. ix PART ONE - THE ANCIENT WISDOM 1. Yoga, A Way of Life 1 2. Hatha Yoga, The Discipline of the Body 17 3. Raja Yoga, The Art of Meditation 53 PART TWO-YOGA TODAY 1. Yoga and Psychic Development 85 2. Yoga and Psychoanalysis 109 3. Yoga and Philosophy 133 PART THREE -ESOTERIC YOGA 1. The Magic of the Mind 159 2. The Mystery of the Etheric Body 195 3. The Mastery of Death 229 CONCLUSION -THE WAY AHEAD 259 GLOSSARY 273 BIBLIOGRAPHY 281 INDEX 289


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