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Youtreex : Mohabbat-O-Shafqat: Mohabbat-O-Shafqat

By Ali, Muhammad, Asif

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Book Id: WPLBN0100304221
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.1 MB
Reproduction Date: 8/27/2022

Title: Youtreex : Mohabbat-O-Shafqat: Mohabbat-O-Shafqat  
Author: Ali, Muhammad, Asif
Language: Hindi
Subject: Non Fiction, Education, Urdu-Hindi Language
Collections: Authors Community, Love
Publication Date:
Publisher: Notion Press
Member Page: Muhammad Asif Ali


APA MLA Chicago

Asif Ali, B. M. (2022). Youtreex : Mohabbat-O-Shafqat. Retrieved from

This book named Youtreex has been written by Indian poet Muhammad Asif Ali by threading his ghazals. It contains 18 of his famous poems (Ghazal, Nazm, Sher etc.). Poet Muhammad Asif Ali, who hails from Kashipur, Uttarakhand, had entered the world of Urdu literature at the age of just 15.

Author - Muhammad Asif Ali is a major Indian poet, author, and novelist from Kashipur, Uttarakhand who is also a web designer by profession. Asif is the CEO and founder of the Youtreex Foundation, a poetry platform in India. He is also the co-founder and digital marketing manager of Prizmweb Technologies. He entered the world of Urdu literature at the age of just 15. His first book (Youtreex) was published by Notion Press publisher on 27 August 2022. The government is always angry with him because of his poetry and ghazals, but he has managed to make a place in the hearts of the people.

गँवाई ज़िंदगी जाकर बचानी चाहिए थी बुढ़ापे के लिए मुझको जवानी चाहिए थी समंदर भी यहाँ तूफ़ान से डरता नहीं अब फ़ज़ाओं में सताने को रवानी चाहिए थी नज़ाकत से नज़ाकत को हरा सकते नहीं हैं दिखावट भी दिखावे से दिखानी चाहिए थी बचाना था अगर ख़ुद को ज़माने की जज़ा से ख़ला में ज़िंदगी तुझको बितानी चाहिए थी लगा दो आग हाकिम को जला डालो ज़बाँ से यही आवाज़ पहले ही उठानी चाहिए थी हुकूमत चार दिन की है, अना किस काम की फिर तुझे 'आसिफ़' सख़ावत भी दिखानी चाहिए थी

Table of Contents
1. गँवाई ज़िंदगी जाकर बचानी चाहिए थी 2. हिदायत के लिए मैं कुछ बताना चाहता हूँ सुन 3. हवाओं की तरह तुझको चलना होगा...


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