• Himalaya Putra
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The Mind Book : Dhamma Giri to the Himalayas - A Vipassana Journey...

By: Himalaya Putra

A crisply written, one-of-a-kind book on the deeper working and nature of the human mind - the hidden depths holding the key to suffering and the way out of suffering. This is an intricate book on Vipassana meditation, the millennia-old ancient universal practice to knowing the reality of this 'I' , this changing mind-matter phenomenon. In a world ridden with increasing conflicts and confusion, Vipassana practice enables the clarity of mind and the wisdom needed for inn...

From The Prologue: The Law of Cause and Effect turns our thoughts, words, and actions into seeds of inescapable fruits - sweet or bitter. The Law of Cause and Effect rules the cosmos. Nothing can stop the consequences of what we think, say and do. So the wise take care to avoid harmful negative thoughts. Easier said than done, given the deep-rooted habit patterns of the mind. Vipassana enables the training to get rid of negative thoughts from the root-level of the min...

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The Mind Book: Dhamma Giri to the Himalayas: A Vipassana Journey

By: Himalaya Putra

A crisply written, one-of-a-kind book on the deeper working and nature of the human mind - the hidden depths holding the key to suffering and the way out of suffering. This is an in-depth book on Vipassana meditation, the millennia-old ancient universal practice to knowing the reality of this 'I' , this changing mind-matter phenomenon. The content makes the Mind Book a must-read for those wishing and willing to work hard for a better quality of life, a happier and more ...

From Author's Note: More people worldwide are practicing Vipassana, the tough, challenging and happy inner adventure into knowing the world within (Mind Age, Chapter 6). We gain life-changing insights, subtler realities of what is this mind-matter phenomenon ā€˜Iā€™. Vipassana clears the mind. We need clarity in life ā€“ to achieving quality and success, to deal better with problems and people. If you like rational, self-dependent hard work to making life better ā€“ at work,...

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