While many of these items are made publicly-accessible, they are not all public domain -- the vast majority of the images, and a number of the texts, including all of those from the World Library Foundation Membership Section, are copyrighted to the World Library Foundation, for example, and a number of other texts are still copyrighted to their original print publishers and made available here with permission. We have put thousands of hours of work -- and tens of thousands of dollars into the digital development of these intellectual properties, and we hope the results are useful to a broad audience. In the Public Access Section the works in those collections are those of numerous consortia. Because of contractual obligations with the consortia members who supply the eBooks, texts, and images, access to their mirrored holdings is restricted to their Usage Terms and Conditions (often found in the header of the file). We do not own these collections -- we merely license their use for our World Library Foundation users. By their use of these eBooks, texts and images, users agree to follow these Conditions of Use: These eBooks, texts and images may not be used for any commercial purpose without permission from the World Library Foundation or the respective consortia provider member. These eBooks, texts and images may not be re-published in print or electronic form without permission from the World Library Foundation. However, educators are welcome to print out items and hand them out to their students. Users are not permitted to download our eBooks, texts, and images in order to mount them on their own servers for public use or for use by a set of subscribers. Individuals and institutions can, of course, make a hyperlink to the files at World Library Foundation. It is not in our interest, or that of our users, to have uncontrolled subsets of our holdings available or stored elsewhere. We make corrections, add tags, add images, etc. on a continual basis, and we want the most current text to be the only one generally available to all users. We thank the many projects and individuals who have contributed texts to these collections. Credits and specific Usage Terms and Conditions are provided at the head of each text. Entire Agreement These Terms and Conditions of Use, and any other policies and/or guidelines referred to herein, constitute the entire agreement between you and World Library Foundation regarding this website, and supersede all other prior or concurrent oral or written letters, agreements, or understandings related to this website. Contact Us If you have any questions or comment, please Contact Us.
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