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WTF! This is a Liberal Utopia!

By: Frank B. Thompson, III

Audiobook (Part 1) available - fbthompson3.com What would America look like in 2050, if the liberals ultimately prevail? Pushing discourse down to the same high-sounding, muddled thinking of the geniuses on 'the left;' through vapid, touchy-feely, non-erudite, irrational conclusions and illogical, logical sounding arguments. The book the publishing houses would never let see the light of day....

The year is 2020 when Professor Felix Schwartz, your typical, garden variety, liberal college professor, steps out in front of a Mack truck and the lights go out. Thirty years pass by, all the while Schwartz remains a walking vegetable and ward of the state. By 2050 the country has gone through some changes thanks to a dramatic shift in the makeup in the country's populace giving liberals (referred to as assclowns, moonbats, goofnads, or asshats) control over Washington. In that thirty years the country becomes the veritable paradise moonbats have long sought to create, but more resembling a third-world, banana republic where English is replaced by twenty-five variations of gang slang, no one gets beyond third grade, rioting and something resembling football with hockey sticks are the national pastimes. There is now a "Forever President," welfare moms have replaced small business, corn is the cornerstone of industry, and people drive around in either battery-powered, bubble cars, or Latino lowriders. While nonthinking, Schwartz is led around on a doggie leash, has become something called a 'pinball,' has names ranging from V...

Note from Author i Dedication 4 Part One Forward 1 Early Background 2 Current Times 8 A New Day 16 Great Escape 50 Rude Awakening 72 Taste of Metamorphosis 88 The Corn Field 126 Closing Remarks 150 Part Two Opening Dialog 153 NMASA Headquarters 156 Vocal “Reader” is Back 166 Trouble Spotted 175 White Trash Gertrude 185 Back in Waycross 196 Santa Clause FEMA 217 TheTVInterview 228 Glossary 233 Upcoming Books 242 About the Author 245...

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