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Information Technology Tales

By: Brad Bradford

...nology revolution got underway, those experiences set me looking into the hidden history of information technologies that preceded the present Age o... ... pi‘s 3.141592, but it must have been enormously difficult. Zero’s power hidden for millennia Nothing in decades of episodic research into past I... ...ory-tower tendency in recent times to chop studies of printing into small curriculum pieces. For example, she cites allocations of:  The hist... ...ishmen drew courage from Tyndale‘s flight and took delivery of his Bibles hidden in bales of cotton and sacks of flour. The king‘s men would buy up e... ...ct was huge and lasted almost a century, but its inventor‘s name remained hidden behind the shadows of history. Ottmar Mergenthaler, nevertheles... ...he set up its School of Library Economy—the world‘s first library science curriculum. Then, despite vigorous opposition, he enrolled women as stude... ...positions (stationarius) around the walls of St. Paul‘s Cathedral. Lying hidden are tales of ―palace intrigue‖ as well as political machinations, po... ...es in 1970, enough to get the Universe of Illinois to let him set his own curriculum, and he graduated in just two years with a straight-A average a...

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