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Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism

By: Mary Mills Patrick

...RICUS AND GREEK SCEPTICISM A Thesis accepted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Bern Switzerland, November 1897 BY ... ... GREEK SCEPTICISM A Thesis accepted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Bern Switzerland, November 1897 BY MARY MILLS ... ...Empiricus and Greek Scepticism has been prepared to supply a need much felt in the English language by students of Greek philosophy. For while other ... ...red to supply a need much felt in the English language by students of Greek philosophy. For while other schools of Greek philosophy have been exhaus... ...ven by both Fabricius and Bekker. References to Diogenes Laertius and other ancient works have been carefully verified. The principal modern authors... ...e that he was not named Empiricus for that reason. There is one instance in ancient writings where Empiricus is known as a simple proper name. [1] ... ... relate to the customs of Libya, showing a minute knowledge in regard to the political and religious customs of this land that he displays in regard ... ...e immediate disciples of Timon, as given by Diogenes, were not men known in Greece or mentioned in Greek writings. c the well-known testimony of Aris... ...ce. This basis of action was itself a death-blow to all reform in social or political life. It was a selfish, negative way of seeking what was, after...

...The following treatise on Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism has been prepared to supply a need much felt in the English language by students of Greek philosophy. For while other schools of Greek philosophy have been exhaustively and critically discussed by English scholars, there are few sources of information available to the s...

...“Interest has revived in the works of Sextus Empiricus in recent times, especially, one may say, since the date of Herbart. There is much in the writings of Sextus that finds a parallel in the methods of modern philosophy. There is a common starti...

...The Ninth Trope.—The Tenth Trope.—The five Tropes of Agrippa.—The two Tropes.—The Tropes of Aenesidemus against Aetiology.. 31 -- Aenesidemus And The Philosophy Of Heraclitus-Statement of the problem.—The theory of Pappenheim.—The theory of Brochard.—Zeller's theory.—The theory of Ritter and Saisset.—The theory of Hirzel and Natorp.—Critical examination of the subject.. 63...

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