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Encyclopedia of Home Remedies for Better Life

By: Dr Izharul Hasan

...es and Home Remedies That Will Give You RELIEF From Your Symptoms NOW Proven In Clinical Trials! "Don't go anywhere, because this could be the mos... ...h you'll ever read!" Home remedies for over 300 diseases and disorders. Back in the old days, the pioneers were practical minded people. They knew ... ...ge 2 with what they had. They combined folk remedies from centuries earlier in other lands, with herbal formulas borrowed from the Indians. Since ... ...asan Page 10 problems herbs can treat. Discover what century’s old herb helps strengthen memory and improve your circulatio... ...ods such as beans (beans, beans, beans, beans), beer (black), bran, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carbonated drinks, cauliflower, onion and m... ... of the wealthy in the past. With modernization and social reforms in the past century our economic condition has greatly improved and there is less ... ...ganese in the form of pineapples, nuts, spinach, beans and whole wheat. 18. Brussels sprouts are also popular to prevent disease like cancer, osteo... ...sed herbs to protect and rejuvenate their skin, and until the end of the 19th century, for women, herbs were the most important part of the process ... ...kin care creams and you'll be surprised of the results. By the middle of the 20th century, the use of herbs was regarded as old fashioned, and we we...

...atural cures and home remedies, spending months sifting through hundreds of reports and studies, and putting my findings to the test on real people in my natural healing clinic... I can say that the majority of natural "cures" are completely bogus. But the ones that are effective seem to work like magic! And many of them can give you almost instant relief from your sy...

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