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Laws of Destiny Never Disappear : Culture of Thailand in the Postlocal World

By: Matti Sarmela

...echnology Local means of production - ideology of self-sufficiency - local division of production - mutual neighbourly assistance - natural occupation... ...ge - uniform education Mass industry production line technology - national division of production - occupational differentiation - industrial concept ... ...ow and education Transnational production structures - digital technology, space technology - automation, robotics, biotechnology Continental states -... ...d, none of the villagers were willing to move their fences and give up any space. In the end, I had to threaten them with the authorities and everyone... ...tion afforded the people of the time endless new opportunities. There was space to clear fields, create the plains village milieus; at that time, a l... ...k was constructed in the village in the early 1970s, and at the same time, division of land was verified for taxation purposes. In the large plains vi... ...bserved the laws and I told him the reason why his crop was destroyed. The 9th and 13th days are absolutely no good for sowing. The second month and t...

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