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The Vatican Conspiracy

By: Jonathan Cross

...anti, fresh salads, black olives, large plates of spaghetti, and the sound of opera music wafting over the tops of loud Sicilian voices. As Antonio ... ... "Is he at the compound?" "No, you will find him at Enrico's, listening to opera. Always Caruso." "You mean the card room?" "Card room, ha! He... ...here will be nothing to connect me, or my candidate, to your money laundering operation?" "Understand, nephew, that most of the money has already b... ...A perfectionist," she repeated, barely able to say the word through her thick German accent. Joey McCully's father had been a Master Sergeant durin... .... But, the stories that Joey loved hearing the most was how the GIs liberated Germany. Joey's memories of tanks and jeeps with American flags whippi... ...gs whipping in the wind as they rumbled over the cobble-stoned streets in his German village were as clear as if they were yesterday. At the time,... ...aid, but the way he said it. He spoke like a CEO of anyone of the Fortune 5OO companies explaining their marketing plan. Gallucci continued, "The... ...g oil. Soule’ was a genius at it. All of the Arab countries and many U.S. oil companies had hired him, and paid him handsomely for his successes. He...

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