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Narcissistic and Psychopathic Leaders

By: Sam Vaknin

... be treated by, or associate with, other special or unique, or high-status people (or institutions); • Requires excessive admiration, adulation, att... ... (magical thinking). Rages when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted by people he or she considers inferior to him or her and unworthy. Prevalen... ...ne after a while. Living in the same country or apartment, meeting the same people, doing essentially the same things (though with changing content... ...g, kaleidoscopic life. I feel entitled to force life itself, or, at least, people around me – to yield to my wishes and needs, supreme among them t... ... the truth. This is where the narcissist differs from others (from "normal" people). His very self is a piece of fiction concocted to fend off hurt ... ...ich Alexander the Great is an integral part. Not to be outdone, Macedonian television is now awash with a lengthy ad depicting the precocious leade... ...periodicals, and in the economic programs on various channels of Macedonian Television. Chief Lecturer in courses in Macedonia organised by the Agen...

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