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The Soul Bearer

By: Jonathan Cross

... patiently", his grandfa­ ther would say, putting his arm around him gently, and telling him that hunting the silver fish would prepare him to become... ...name. Seattle. As they walked through the sacred forest his grandfather would tell him how the Great Spirit had woven a sacred web of life, and th... ...ke of his bloodline his tone turned serious. He would hold his wrist firmly and tell him that his bloodline had begun long before the forest was bor... ...t for an­ other five minutes. She shook her head. "I'm not sure, Richard. I can tell you it's only a partial. Probably from a shaman's breast plate.... ...before?" "Don't get testy. I've only looked at it for a few minutes. But I can tell you this, it's old, very old, and very mystical. Do you think y... ...- it was power - absolute power that motivated him. Mon­ ey, to Pierce, was like poker chips to be gambled with. Power, on the other hand, was a rare...

.... She believes it is a partial piece of a shaman's breatplate, a very spiritual man who believesd in a mystical star pathway to the spirit world. She tells Hawk legend has it he will be rewarded with a night vision and a meeting with the Soul Bearer. ...

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