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Chicago Manual of Style

By: University of Chicago

...ORCE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS TO WHICH ARE APPENDED SPECIMENS OF TYPES IN USE CHICAGO THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS I COPYUGEIT I@ ... ...antism, Evangelical Lutheran, Catholic (Papist, Ultramontane), Re- formed, Greek Orthodox, Methodism, Anabaptist, Seventh- Day Adventists, the Esta... ... McKinley, president of the United States; B. L. Gildersleeve, professor of Greek (see 42); Ferdinand W. Peck, commis- sioner-general to the Paris E... ... meaning otherwise would be ambiguous: the Fathers, the early Fathers, the Greek Fathers, [Pilgrim Fathers], the Reformers (but: the church reforme... ...i &t nithde Aarhundrede; Geschiedenis &r Nederlandsche Taal. 38. Titles of ancient manuscripts (singular, MS; plural, MSS) : Codex Bezae, Vatican ... ...talics 23 Books of the Bible, both canonical and apocryphal, and titles of ancient manuscripts, should be set in roman type (see 27 and 38). 53. T... ...th century; Fifth Dynasty; Fifty-fourth Congress, Second Session; Fifteenth Infantry I. N. G.; Sixth Con- gressional District, Second Ward; Fifth Av... ...utwlsal Antiquities, p. 199. 1 G. L. Hendrickson "Origin and Meaning of the Ancient Characters of Style," Am. Jour. Phil. XXV (~gog), pp. 25c-75. 3... ...ced- ing such part or chapter on a separate page in the body of the book. TYPESETTING MACHINES- 274. The linotype-named Mergenthaler after its inv...

...s, beginning in 1891 when the University of Chicago Press first opened its doors. At that time, the Press had its own composing room with experienced typesetters who were required to set complex scientific material as well as work in such then-exotic fonts as Hebrew and Ethiopic. Professors brought their handwritten manuscripts directly to the compositors, who did their be...

...Technical Terms Appendix Hints to Authors and Editors Hints to Proofreaders Hints to Copyholders Proofreader’s Marks Index Specimens of Types in Use...

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