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Aus Com

By: Christine Jones

...s changed the subject. He took the opportunity to explain the old railway systems; much of his knowledge came from books. Monorail made electric tra... ...as the only objective. Teams left for the different sectors of the tunnel systems with only a mental image of an intruder. Though fully trained, mem... ...ea. Though lighting was more abundant, neglect and vermin had much of the systems inoperative. Slabs of concrete made up the walls and thin walkways,... ... issue not 80 Techtronic." Shaun sighed worried. Aware of Alex's unique programming, it crossed his mind that she may be suffering. "Is she in any... ... bodies. The true twelve-part encrypted code was assimilated into Alex's programming. A small backup unit ensured all system data and programs woul... ...program to deal with the current situation, as it was beyond her present programming. Brendan entered, informing the two that David was resting. Al... ...inuing down to the next flight, Alex cursed the team in several different languages for failing to carry out her orders and blow up the building. He...

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