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Algebra (X)

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Some Neutrosophic Algebraic Structures and Neutrosophic N-Algebraic Structures

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has seven chapters. Chapter one provides several basic notions to make this book self-contained. Chapter two introduces neutrosophic groups and neutrosophic N-groups and gives several examples. The third chapter deals with neutrosophic semigroups and neutrosophic N-semigroups, giving several interesting results. Chapter four introduces neutrosophic loops and neutrosophic N-loops. Chapter five just introduces the concept of neutrosophic groupoids and neutrosophic Ngroupoids. Sixth chapter innovatively gives mixed neutrosophic structures and their duals. The final chapter gives problems for the interested reader to solve. Our main motivation is to attract more researchers towards algebra and its various applications....

1.1 Groups, N-group and their basic Properties It is a well-known fact that groups are the only algebraic structures with a single binary operation that is mathematically so perfect that an introduction of a richer structure within it is impossible. Now we proceed on to define a group. DEFINITION 1.1.1: A non empty set of elements G is said to form a group if in G there is defined a binary operation, called the product and denoted by '•' such that ...

Preface 5 Chapter One INTRODUCTION 1.1 Groups, N-group and their basic Properties 7 1.2 Semigroups and N-semigroups 11 1.3 Loops and N-loops 12 1.4 Groupoids and N-groupoids 25 1.5 Mixed N-algebraic Structures 32 Chapter Two NEUTROSOPHIC GROUPS AND NEUTROSOPHIC N-GROUPS 2.1 Neutrosophic Groups and their Properties 40 2.2 Neutrosophic Bigroups and their Properties 52 2.3 Neutrosophic N-groups and their Properties 68 Chapter Three NEUTROSOPHIC SEMIGROUPS AND THEIR GENERALIZATIONS 3.1 Neutrosophic Semigroups 81 3.2 Neutrosophic Bisemigroups and their Properties 88 3.3 Neutrosophic N-Semigroup 98 Chapter Four NEUTROSOPHIC LOOPS AND THEIR GENERALIZATIONS 4.1 Neutrosophic loops and their Properties 113 4.2 Neutrosophic Biloops 133 4.3 Neutrosophic N-loop 152 Chapter five NEUTROSOPHIC GROUPOIDS AND THEIR GENERALIZATIONS 5.1 Neutrosophic Groupoids 171 5.2 Neutrosophic Bigroupoids and their generalizations 182 Chapter Six MIXED NEUTROSOPHIC STRUCTURES 187 Chapter Seven PROBLEMS 195 REFERENCE 201 INDEX 207 ABOUT THE AUTHORS 219 ...

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Scientia Magna : An International Journal : Volume 2, No. 1, 2006

By: Shaanxi Xi'an, editor

Scientia Magna is published annually in 200-300 pages per volume and 1,000 copies on topics such as mathematics, physics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and linguistics....

x1. Introduction The study of Smarandache loops was initiated by W.B. Vasantha Kandasamy in 2002. In her book [19], she defined a Smarandache loop (S-loop) as a loop with at least a subloop which forms a subgroup under the binary operation of the loop. For more on loops and their properties, readers should check [16], [3], [5], [8], [9] and [19]. In her book, she introduced over 75 Smarandache concepts on loops. In her ¯rst paper [20], she introduced Smarandache : left(right) alternative loops, Bol loops, Moufang loops, and Bruck loops. But in this paper, Smarandache : inverse property loops (IPL), weak inverse property loops (WIPL), G-loops, conjugacy closed loops (CC-loop), central loops, extra loops, A-loops, K-loops, Bruck loops, Kikkawa loops, Burn loops and homogeneous loops will be introduced and studied relative to the holomorphs of loops. Interestingly, Adeniran [1] and Robinson [17], Oyebo [15], Chiboka and Solarin [6], Bruck [2], Bruck and Paige [4], Robinson [18], Huthnance [11] and Adeniran [1] have respectively studied the holomorphs of Bol loops, central loops, conjugacy closed loops, inverse property loops, A-loops,...

T. Jayeo. la : An holomorphic study of the Smarandache concept in loops 1 Z. Xu : Some arithmetical properties of primitive numbers of power p 9 A. Muktibodh : Smarandache Quasigroups 13 M. Le : Two Classes of Smarandache Determinants 20 Y. Shao, X. Zhao and X. Pan : On a Subvariety of + S` 26 T. Kim, C. Adiga and J. Han : A note on q-nanlogue of Sandor's functions 30 Q. Yang : On the mean value of the F. Smarandache simple divisor function 35 Q. Tian : A discussion on a number theoretic function 38 X. Wang : On the mean value of the Smarandache ceil function 42 Y. Wang : Some identities involving the Smarandache ceil function 45 J. Yan, X. Ren and S. Ma : The Structure of principal lters on po-semigroups 50 Y. Lu : F. Smarandache additive k-th power complements 55 M. Le : The Smarandache reverse auto correlated sequences of natural numbers 58 M. Karama : Smarandache partitions 60 L. Mao : On Algebraic Multi-Group Spaces 64 F. Russo : The Smarandache P and S persistence of a prime 71 Y. Lu : On the solutions of an equation involving the Smarandache function 76 H. Ibstedt : A Random Distribution Experiment 80 L. Mao...

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Algebra În Exerciţii şi Probleme Pentru Liceu : Mulţimi, Operaţii Cu Mulţimi, Relaţii, Funcţii, Elemente de Combinatorică

By: Florentin Smarandache; Ion Goian

This paper contains exercises and problems of algebra and grouped chapters, the upper classes of secondary schools and coli culture media general. Its purpose is to prepare students from high schools mathematics categories and will be helpful in working independently. Also work can be used for extra school work because the reader will find in it important formulas, theorems, concepts, and basic definitions which are not always included in school textbooks....

Prezenta lucrare conţine exerciţii §i probleme de algebră, grupate pe capitole, pentru clasele superioare de licee §i §coli medii de cultură generală. Scopul ei este pregătirea matematică a elevilor din liceele de toate categoriile §i va fi utilă în lucrul de sine stătător. De asemenea, lucrarea poate fi folosită pentru lucrul extra§colar, deoarece cititorul va găsi în ea teoreme §i formule importante, noţiuni §i definiţii de bază care nu întotdeauna sunt incluse în manualele §colare....

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Smarandache Semigroups

By: W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

The main motivation and desire for writing this book, is the direct appreciation and attraction towards the Smarandache notions in general and Smarandache algebraic structures in particular. The Smarandache semigroups exhibit properties of both a group and a semigroup simultaneously. This book is a piece of work on Smarandache semigroups and assumes the reader to have a good background on group theory; we give some recollection about groups and some of its properties just for quick reference....

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N-Linear Algebra of Type 1 and Its Applications

By: Florentin Smarandache; W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy

This book has four chapters. The first chapter just introduces n-group which is essential for the definition of n-vector spaces and n-linear algebras of type I. Chapter two gives the notion of n-vector spaces and several related results which are analogues of the classical linear algebra theorems. In case of n-vector spaces we can define several types of linear transformations. The applications of these algebraic structures are given in Chapter 3. Chapter four gives some problem to make the subject easily understandable....

n-VECTOR SPACES OF TYPE I AND THEIR PROPERTIES In this chapter we introduce the notion of n-vector spaces and describe some of their important properties. Here we define the concept of n-vector spaces over a field which will be known as the type I n-vector spaces or n-vector spaces of type I. Several interesting properties about them are derived in this chapter. DEFINITION 2.1: A n-vector space or a n-linear space of type I (n 2)...


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Records: 21 - 25 of 25 - Pages: 

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