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By: Florentin Smaradanche

...escu American Research Press Rehoboth 2002 3 This book can be ordered in microfilm format from: Bell and Howell Co. (University of Microf... ...marandache/ ISBN: 1-931233-53-5 Standard Address Number 297-5092 Printed in the United States of America 4 Foreword In the history of thought ... ...rica 4 Foreword In the history of thought and creation, the decisive events, the great and significant moments, the strongly affirmative stages... ... right way, and a state of spiritual alert desirous of being aware of the events. The signs of surprise increased when I extracted from the bottom of... ...elation with Eco’s novel “The island of the day before” (Milan, Bompierri 1994), he observes that pedantry together with authorial timorousness prej... ...hole literary experience of postmodernism, of which Gheorghe Grigurcu has established the particular spectrum: epical character of the lyrical disco... ...the cultural and playful appearance of postmodernism, expresses a kind of recurring in creation, indicating a beginning and an end. Postmodernism has... ...nt progress of the doubtfulness. After a bath in irony, immunity is 25 established: instead of exaltation, detachment is preferred, instead of the... ...tionism like a cult with a great proclaimed voluptuousness. In the year 1994, there was published, still in the United States, Saul Bellow’s book, ...

...In the history of thought and creation, the decisive events, the great and significant moments, the strongly affirmative stages - then the imposition of the optimizing novelties - have depended on the name and prestige of a...

...In aesthetics, the paradox means the apparent resolution of an enigmatic situation (the result of such a process is the satisfaction of a distention), the emotional moving force being the unforeseen, the unexpected (which g...

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