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Yellow on the Outside, Shame on the inside : Asian Culture Revealed

By: Chi, Anson

... reveals the truths about Asian culture, which will shock you to the marrow of your bones and open a hidden world of long-guarded — secrets. ABOUT ... ...rld of long-guarded — secrets. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anson Chi, born and raised in New York City, is an author, politician, model, activist environmenta... ... social, political and retired — — engineer. He currently lives in a myriad of places, including Los Angeles and San Diego. Yellow on the Outside, ... ...larification so that there's no confusion in regards to the ethnicities and racial heritages mentioned in this novel. Moreover, the philosophy of thi... ... king it's still not the top. How many kings have fallen throughout — — the history of human civilization? Last I checked, kings and queens of our cu... ...ers, domineering and controlling, and their actions pervasive throughout the history of Korean culture. Korean men have furious tempers. If you don't... ...atus, as in the nation of “ your citizenship. Perhaps you mean ethnicity or racial heritage, I correct her, with luminous ” clarity. She looks at me... ...nd them. We're in a room full of minorities. I hope this isn't intentional segregation by the restaurant. I find it interesting that minorities all ... ...re. I'd like to point out that slavery use to be the norm but that changed. Segregation use to be the norm but that changed. In fact, Barack Hussein...

...Why do Asians really get straight A's? Why do Asians really become doctors and lawyers? Why do Asians really play the piano? Many people believe that the reason has to do with the pressure to perform and the pressure to conform, however, it goes much deeper than that—much, much deeper! This didactic novel reveals the truths about Asian c...

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