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Distance Education in Canada (X) Drama and Literature (X)

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Abraded Emotionality

By: Manohar Asija that took place when, after having driven over a hundred kilometers relating to the pleasure trip from Delhi to Kosani,a tourist resort situated in the Kumayun Hills a range of the Himalayas in the North of India, being undertaken by a group of very intimate three unwed oldies, all retired college teachers, when one of them is accosted by the owner of the roadside `Dh...

...d the cashier for this solid group of three looks towards his companions, as if to seek their consent to signal the `boy` to bring the bill. So, in a broader sense, we used to be treating each other as `neighbour`, during those days. He is younger to me by a couple of years, but his physique and mannerism suggested his equaling me in age. Of course, he always remained...

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Report on Orphaned Works

By: Marybeth Peters cannot be located. I am pleased to present our "Report on Orphan Works" in response to your request. The response from the public to this study was... ...t the use of orphan works. As you know, the roundtable discussions we held in Washington, D.C. and California were well-attended, and the participants... ...gton, D.C. and California were well-attended, and the participants engaged in thoughtful and productive discussion of the many complex issues involved... ...nters also proposed that the use of orphan works be limited to non-profit educational or cultural institutions. Once a work has been designated as a... ...also encountered these problems during its study on Copyright and Digital Distance Education in 1999, in which the Office reported that when attempt... ...ountered these problems during its study on Copyright and Digital Distance Education in 1999, in which the Office reported that when attempting to li... ...ion in 1999, in which the Office reported that when attempting to license educational materials, “it can be time-consuming, difficult or even imposs... ...y anyone) 16 See U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE, REPORT ON COPYRIGHT AND DIGITAL DISTANCE EDUCATION 41- 43 (1999). Page 16 UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFIC... ...erve them). 4 See Register of Copyrights, Report on Copyright and Digital Distance Education 41–43 (1999). address, telephone number, telefax number...

...m used to describe the situation where the owner of a copyrighted work cannot be identified and located by someone who wishes to make use of the work in a manner that requires permission of the copyright owner. Even where the user has made a reasonably diligent effort to find the owner, if the owner is not found, the user faces uncertainty – she cannot determine whether or...

...Many commenters were in favor of determining whether a search was reasonable on an “ad hoc” or case-by-case basis, whereby each search is evaluated according to its circumstances. This approach was offered as having the advantage of flexibility t...

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Report on Orphaned Works

By: Marybeth Peters cannot be located. I am pleased to present our "Report on Orphan Works" in response to your request. The response from the public to this study was... ...t the use of orphan works. As you know, the roundtable discussions we held in Washington, D.C. and California were well-attended, and the participants... ...gton, D.C. and California were well-attended, and the participants engaged in thoughtful and productive discussion of the many complex issues involved... ...nters also proposed that the use of orphan works be limited to non-profit educational or cultural institutions. Once a work has been designated as a... ...also encountered these problems during its study on Copyright and Digital Distance Education in 1999, in which the Office reported that when attempt... ...ountered these problems during its study on Copyright and Digital Distance Education in 1999, in which the Office reported that when attempting to li... ...ion in 1999, in which the Office reported that when attempting to license educational materials, “it can be time-consuming, difficult or even imposs... ...y anyone) 16 See U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE, REPORT ON COPYRIGHT AND DIGITAL DISTANCE EDUCATION 41- 43 (1999). Page 16 UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFIC... ...erve them). 4 See Register of Copyrights, Report on Copyright and Digital Distance Education 41–43 (1999). address, telephone number, telefax number...

...m used to describe the situation where the owner of a copyrighted work cannot be identified and located by someone who wishes to make use of the work in a manner that requires permission of the copyright owner. Even where the user has made a reasonably diligent effort to find the owner, if the owner is not found, the user faces uncertainty – she cannot determine whether or...

... and copyright owner of the work if such attribution is possible and as is reasonably appropriate under the circumstances. The idea is that the user, in the course of using a work for which he has not received explicit permission, should make it as clear as possible to the public that the work is the product of another author, and that the copyright in the work is owned by...

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Secret of the Sands

By: Aren, Rai and E., Tavius

...y Robinson: No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission, e... ...hatsoever without the written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address ... ...entrance. Several battle-hardened soldiers pounded on the door, trying to force their way in. Inside the temple, breathless and frightened, two youn... ...s, but Traeus will not even consider it. He keeps saying that Amoni needs to focus on his education, that it is too soon to in- Secret of the Sands ... ...ctarius continue?” yyyyy The tour continued amid such ongoing tension. Alaj kept his distance from Traeus and asked no questions during the rem... Mitch shook his head at her. As they headed over to the lab, they could see at a distance there were lights on. “Let’s hope that’s them,” A... ...ath in mind for about twenty minutes, when she thought she heard some rustling off in the distance. She fol- lowed the sound to the one of the outer ... ...riends since college. They are busy busi- ness professionals residing in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Their common interests in ancient Egypt and archae...

...For 12,000 years a dark and deadly secret has been hidden deep below the Great Sphinx of Giza. In present day Egypt, a frightening, yet awe-inspiring story unravels as archaeologists race against time to decipher an ancient truth? A deep probing mystery riddled with prophecy and danger, Secret of the Sands uses Egypt a...

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Corpus of a Siam Mosquito

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...that she was the god he prayed to before all the others. She put strength in his shoulders and knees, and set in his heart the daring of a mosquito, ... ...1 They, with their driver, went down Ramkhamhaeng Road singularly in the scope of their thoughts but conditioned into repudiating their alone... ...ier one the way dogs on the Bangkok sidewalks were walked on. It was early in the relationship of the two passengers and this nascent association cont...'s name. The taxi driver was near-sighted so to him, as most things at a distance, the reality of it all was begotten as a blur. The back-seate... ...e it." He left the taxi and sat down meditating on the river flowing at a distance. Soon the anger dissolved and his memories were imprisoned. ... ... his elder brothers, Suthep. For a second or two as he saw this cook at a distance, he couldn't remember the name of Suthep-he who had been so innocu... ...ramming created by the influence of his peers who think that her money and education have made her as valuable as white ivory -the type often used in ... and varnished it onto a piece of wood? Then his aunt let him dabble in education and gain the full thirst on the new taste buds. Neurological resp... ...d of it. Strangely, Bible school for him had been the initial stage of his education at the temple school. He wished that he had that plaque to keep f...

This book is about an individual in dire poverty who makes his way in Bangkok from a sidewalk restaurant worker to a famous prostitute painter

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The Curse of Kali

By: Audrey Blankenhagen

... THE CURSE OF KALI Historical Drama set in India By Audrey Blankenhagen ... ... E.M. Forster, 1924 This book is a work of fiction. Places, events, and situations in this story are purely fictional. Any resemblan... ...02 by Audrey Blankenhagen. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means... ...flection of his hidden wish for a son. Doctor Forsythe had not, however, neglected his daughter’s education and by the time she was fifteen, Helen c... ... said Lady Agnes. Audrey Blankenhagen 38 Agnes pointed to another pyre where a woman sat some distance away from the preparations for cremation,... and followed the course of the River Ganges into the foothills of the Himalayas. There in the distance, the stupendous backdrop of the world’s hi... ..., was in the glaciers of the mighty Himalayas, their snow-capped peaks rising majestically in the distance. ‘You will love this valley, Helen,’ call... this aspect of Hinduism. In the West, we have class distinction, but a man can lift himself by education and wealth, even buying vast estates and... ...e our French blood by marriage to François. François asked me to wait for him. He would return to Canada and make his fortune and when I was eightee...

...THE CURSE OF KALI is a historical fiction set in 19th century India by Audrey Blankenhagen. The exotic beauty of India, her British rulers living in splendid isolation; the opulence and intrigue of a Muslim Royal Court; the machinations of a sinister cult of Kali; the ho...

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The Suffering of Being Kafka

By: Sam Vaknin

...elovska All rights reserved. This book, or any part thereof, may not be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission from: Lidija R... ... Lidija Rangelovska – write to: or to Short Fiction in English and Hebrew http:... ...Abuse Our Love Alivid Moi Aussi Cutting to Existence A Hundred Children The Old Gods Wander In the Concentration Camp Called Home The Miracle of the ... ...I must catch the city-bound bus. I have to change at the Central Station and travel a short distance, just a few more minutes, to jail. The prison w... ...w the wording of the courtroom oath tomorrow morning" – Eli lunges at Pierre, a breathing distance from his startled face. I couldn't help admiring... ...out its peeling side. A titian cloud of falling leaves engulfed it all. The sea roared at a distance as if from memory. I knocked, my father opened.... ...961 in Qiryat-Yam, Israel. Served in the Israeli Defence Force (1979-1982) in training and education units. Education Graduated a few semesters in... ...any of Israel's Blue-Chip firms, mainly on issues related to the capital markets in Israel, Canada, the UK and the USA. Consultant to foreign RND v... ...dor and developer. Raised funds through a series of private placements locally in the USA, Canada and London. 1993 to 1996 Publisher and Editor of...

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Report on Orphan Works

By: Library of Congress cannot be located. I am pleased to present our "Report on Orphan Works" in response to your request. The response from the public to this study was... ...t the use of orphan works. As you know, the roundtable discussions we held in Washington, D.C. and California were well-attended, and the participants... ...gton, D.C. and California were well-attended, and the participants engaged in thoughtful and productive discussion of the many complex issues involved... ...nters also proposed that the use of orphan works be limited to non-profit educational or cultural institutions. Once a work has been designated as a... ...also encountered these problems during its study on Copyright and Digital Distance Education in 1999, in which the Office reported that when attempt... ...ountered these problems during its study on Copyright and Digital Distance Education in 1999, in which the Office reported that when attempting to li... ...ion in 1999, in which the Office reported that when attempting to license educational materials, “it can be time-consuming, difficult or even imposs... ...y anyone) 16 See U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE, REPORT ON COPYRIGHT AND DIGITAL DISTANCE EDUCATION 41- 43 (1999). Page 16 UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFIC... ...erve them). 4 See Register of Copyrights, Report on Copyright and Digital Distance Education 41–43 (1999). address, telephone number, telefax number...

...used to describe the situation where the owner of a copyrighted work cannot be identified and located by someone who wishes to make use of the work in a manner that requires permission of the copyright owner. Even where the user has made a reasonably diligent effort to find the owner, if the owner is not found, the user faces uncertainty – she cannot determine whether...

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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

... Book One: Sang Huin "It is probable, then, that if a man should arrive in our city, so clever as to be able to assume any character and imi... ... sacred, admirable, and charming personage, but we shall tell him that in our state there is no one like him, and that our law excludes suc... ... of the virtuous man." Plato (Republic) Chapter One At Toksugum Palace in Chongno of Seoul Sang Huin (known by his friends in the states as Shaw... ... blackness were it not for the speckling of stars, the moon, and a fire at a distance. He walked over to the fire. He saw four whores seated around a... ..., feel and sound, and the three figures that enjoyed the water with him at a distance. It had been disconnection that had brought him here to the moko... ...en minutes early--who would mark the time especially when he traveled such a distance to give them these lessons. He told them that the session had en..." "My job here means that I have to live here alone." "You have a college education from America. You shouldn't be wasting yourself working at a c... ...ersity. She had not had a steady boyfriend since early in her undergraduate education when she decided that men were special creatures who were uniqu... thinking how ignorant he was of the earliest essays and arguments about education. Even centuries ago intellectuals believed that education shoul...

...This work is about a Korean American teaching in his homeland, feeling lost in Korean culture and that his own life is an outlier to this conservative society. As he lives there, making his living as an English teacher, he writes of Gabriele, a single parent in Ithaca N...

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