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Died and Moved In

By: Christine Jones

...g a blocked toilet. Little did she know that her grandchild had stuffed a toy into the bowl having caught in the S bend. Her last thoughts were of w... ...s the deal with the stack and pack job; this is a burial site not a multi story car park! Check the coffins, I bet they’re made in Taiwan.” If that ... ...arsehole standing in the corner with his crawling cronies. This guy, true story, had to have his teeth capped due to excess brushing. He irons his u... ...ed up behind the Chef. I’m guessing he’s going to tell me the blimps life story to soften the blow. “The stove was once in a restaurant Sis. Big Bob ... ... were here first; they’re nothing more than freeloaders! Steven tells the story of this poor, young man out on his first date. My brother highlights... ...ights the mood by adding violin music, plucked from thin air. Anyway, the story goes; Gary, this thing in my wardrobe, borrows his father’s best sui... ... balls, picture books, plastic bones, a mauled fluffy slipper, one mauled toy cat, a picture of a bible, a picture of an insurance man, a picture of... ...s opening a can of sacrificial lamb. Steven is still playing with his new toy and I throw the pack of six toilet rolls into the bathroom. We get mor...

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