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Urban Warfare (X) Science (X) Literature (X)

Records: 1 - 6 of 6 - Pages: 
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When the Sleeper Wakes

By: H. G. Wells

... and were the red guards driving all before them? At any time the flood of warfare might pour into this silent quarter of the city and seize upon him ... ...y to Graham. It was no tumultuous revolt had occurred that night, no equal warfare, but a splendidly organised coup d’etat. Ostrog’s grasp of details ... ...e franchises had been broadened until it included masses of ignorant men, “urban myriads,” who went in their featureless thousands to vote together. A... perfec- tion had been withheld; these inventions had never been used in warfare. The last great international struggle had occurred before the usur... unprovided with ammunition; never was wilder fir- ing in the history of warfare. It was a battle of amateurs, a hideous experimental warfare, armed... ... stages, to learn there when retreat was hopeless the ancient mysteries of warfare. And overhead save for a few sharpshooters upon the roof spaces and...

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Dombey and Son

By: Charles Dickens

...oints of interest about her. For this reason he smiled on her with so much urbanity, and asked her how she did, so often, in the course of her visits ... ...n his eye, emboldened 244 Dombey & Son and incited by Mr Carker’s smiling urbanity , that he felt him- self in as fair a condition to put the questio... ...hat Mrs Skewton, in spite of her ecstasies, and Mr Carker, in spite of his urban- ity, were both intent on watching Mr Dombey and Edith. With all thei... ...rawn from the presumptuous maniac up- stairs, who salutes him with so much urbanity, drops a curt- 447 Charles Dickens sey , and informs him that she... ...ut nothing could have made it more unhappy, than the wilful and determined warfare of such elements. His pride was set upon maintaining his magnificen... ... Blimber had previously called upon all the parents, 842 Dombey & Son and urbanely explained), the young gentlemen cheered; and Mr T ozer, on behalf ...

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The Country of the Blind and Other Stories

By: H. G. Wells

...I could see that we were being hemmed in; that the great net of that giant Warfare had us in its toils. Many times we had seen the lev- ies that had c... ... was enclosed on either side by a wall breast high. This gave a singularly urban quality to this secluded place, a quality that was greatly enhanced b... ...down that spade, and come off the grass!” The last order, grotesque in its urban familiarity, produced a gust of anger. “I’ll hurt you,” he said, sobb...

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Life of Johnson

By: James Boswell

...ine, begun and car- ried on by Mr. Edward Cave, under the name of Sylvanus Urban, had attracted the notice and esteem of Johnson, in an eminent degree... could never have reached the authour of The Rambler, the politeness and urbanity may be opposed to some of the stories which have been lately circu... ...ons, is truely edifying. No saint, however, in the course of his religious warfare, was more sensible of the un- happy failure of pious resolves, than...

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In the Fourth Year Anticipations of a World Peace

By: H. G. Wells

... them but either some such League or else great humiliation and disastrous warfare driving them down towards social dissolution; and for the United St... disproportion between the tortures and destructions inflicted by modern warfare and any possible advantages that may arise from it. Underlying both... ... These states were scarcely more than what we English might call sovereign urban districts. Fast communications were made by runners; even the policem... ...ions were made by runners; even the policeman with a bicycle of the modern urban district was beyond the scope of the Greek imagination. There were no...

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The 9/11 Commission Report Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

By: Thomas H. Kean

...l as of Bin Ladin’s smaller, adjacent camp. 152 Because this was not in an urban area, mis- siles launched against it would have less risk of causing ... ...sity with a degree in architectural engineering in 1990, Atta worked as an urban planner in Cairo for a couple of years. In the fall of 1991, he asked... ...haldan camp in Afghanistan, where he learned the fundamentals of guerrilla warfare. He and his younger brother had been recruited by Abu Hoshar into a... ...- agement Agency (FEMA) was called and asked to send at least five federal Urban Search and Rescue Teams (such teams are located throughout the United... ...n- structive efforts to direct assistance and coordinate action. Coalition warfare also requires coalition policies on what to do with enemy captives.... ...nment of radio spectrum for public safety purposes. Furthermore, high-risk urban areas such as New York City and Washington, D.C., should establish si... ...e of national intelligence systems (satellites in particular) in precision warfare. Since that war, the department has appropriately drawn these agenc... ... who considered it essential for waging terrorist operations and guerrilla warfare in the jihad against the Soviets. For more on the origins of the En... ...hat airport had also been open for more than five hours. Lexington-Fayette Urban County Airport Board, Blue Grass Airport response to Commission quest...

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Records: 1 - 6 of 6 - Pages: 

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